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vegan nutrition help

La Texican

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I've been a vegitarian before, but not when I was responsible for cooking every meal for a family. I just picked the meat out of my food. I would even go to McDonalds and order a big mac without any patty in it. My husband has high cholesterol, and my son is complaining that meat comes from animals and doesn't want to eat it. My husband doesn't like a lot of bread or pasta or tofu and I don't like eating beans every meal. We already buy a lot of fresh produce and eat a variety of fruits and vegatables. I already use vanilla almond or rice milk in my coffee, and the kids keep drinking my milk and say it tastes better than theirs.


I think I need a good vegan bread recipe for sandwiches, and vegan tortillas. Are the corn ones vegan? What do I do about breakfast besides oatmeal every day? The rest of my family doesn't like a lot of soup. That's why I've been putting this off, without a lot of pastas, soups, bread, and beans I'm kind of at a loss for what to cook three times a day. Also, my husband is tex-mex and he doesn't like a lot of other ethnic foods. A lot of vegitarians I know eat a lot of Indian recipes, but my husband doesn't like curry (or coconut, or olives).


eta: It would be easier to quit buying meat and be vegitarian, but since one's got cholesterol and the other's got ethical issues I think I'm trying to figure out a vegan diet.

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Easy peasy and yummy vegan bread recipe.  Slice as you wish.  http://www.food.com/recipe/the-easiest-simplest-vegan-bread-ever-155430


Many commercial corn tortillas are vegan, but they are so simple to make yourself, too!  Just google vegan corn tortillas.  If you want even more varierty in your breads, you may want to make arepas.  They only take like 4 ingredients and are delicious.  My husband has even experimented with adding different seasonings to change up the flavor.


We eat a lot of fresh fruit for breakfast.  We sometimes have yogurt with our fruit (non-dairy!). We also have fruit smoothies (variety of fruits/berries, almond milk) with a handful of leafy greens thrown in for breakfast some mornings.  As a weekend (and not healthy) treat, we will occasionally have pancakes. 


So many Indian recipes DON'T have curry (or coconut)!!!  I have a cookbook of Indian recipes and many do not have curry in them.


And don't forget stir-fries!  You can create an endless variety of vegetable combinations and they can be very hearty to boot!


I honestly go to more "trouble" for dinner than breakfast and lunch and for that, on a good week, I try to plan out my meals for dinner.  Not being a natural or intuitive cook, I generally get the recipes from a book.


Tex-mex style food is one of the easiest to veganize. 


My favorite veggie burger recipe to date http://engine2diet.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/NY-Times-Veggie-Burgers.pdf has a little kick and is SO satisfying.


Some of my favorite recipes come from http://www.amazon.com/Appetite-Reduction-Filling-Low-Fat-Recipes/dp/1600940498 and http://www.amazon.com/The-Engine-Diet-Firefighters-Save-Your-Life/dp/0446506699.


Finally, for a host of recipes that are delicious and primarily whole foods based (and vegand of course!), go to http://ohsheglows.com/


Good luck and don't get discouraged.  As with any type of recipes, it can be trial and error to find the family favorites.

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You don't have to cook three time a day. You only need to cook dinner.


Breakfasts: oatmeal, cereal, bagels, vegan yogurt with fruit or granola, tofu scramble, pancakes/waffles (cooked in bulk ahead of time and frozen), vegan sausage with biscuits, vegan omelets (Isa Moskowitz has a great recipe).


Lunch: sandwiches, vegan mac-n-cheese (I found a good recipe online), baked potatoes, nachos, vegan grilled cheese (my kids like it with tomatoes, avocados, and artichoke hearts; we like Daiya "cheese"), veggie dogs, rice pudding, and, of course, leftovers


Dinner: Lentils and rice (can be prepared a zillion ways), black bean burgers, burritos/tacos/tostadas/quesadillas, stir fry, beans and cornbread, spaghetti with marinara sauce, chickpeas with veggies, lasagna, homemade pierogies, "beef"-a-roni, fried cabbage with vegan kielbasa, english muffin pizzas ...


I highly suggest the book Isa Does It. It's a very accessible vegan cookbook with easy-to-make meals that don't rquire lots of speciality ingredients. Also, just about any recipe you currently make can be veganized. Start by googling "vegan [whatever] recipe." After a few months you will be able to look at any recipe and veganize it yourself. Additionally, eating vegan doesn't mean a huge change in what you eat. We eat as normally/boringly as most people; we just find substitutes for the non-vegan ingredients. We eat the same types of meals as everyone else. I am by no means a gourmet vegan chef! And lastly ... your family may have to branch out a bit. They may have to eat soup a few times a month. Your husband may have to develop a tolerance for Indian food. My rule was always "every week I will make something that someone in our family wants; it's not fair for one or two people to dictate what everyone else eats." If one person refuses to eat what is being served, they are on their own for finding a substitute.


Oh, and I gave up making our own bread and tortillas. We go through too much of them for it to be time-effective for me.

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Check out www.happyherbivore.com. She's got tons of great info on a plant based diet. Her book Everyday Happy Herbivore was on sale at Amazon for kindle this month for $2.99. Not sure if it still is, but it has lots of recipes. 

I don't consider myself vegan, but we eat mostly plant based for health reasons. Here are some things we like:


Breakfast: oatmeal, cereal w/ almond or soy milk, smoothies, breakfast tacos, hashbrowns and veggie scrambles, pb&j, bagel with hummus and sliced tomato


Lunch: wraps with hummus and lots of veggies, mock tuna salad (recipe on hh.com), brown rice pasta w/ chopped up veggies and asian sesame dressing, various quesadillas or burritos, salads


Dinner: most asian or mexican foods are easily veganized. spaghetti, chili, stir fry, salads, bean burgers, mushroom barley "risotto", potatoes with toppings, there are lots of good fake "meat" products out there too if you want to try those.  

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Lots of coconut, avocado, and grilled or roasted veggies (brush with olive oil, salt, pepper etc). . :)  Nut butters. Popcorn with Brewer's Yeast topping (tastes cheesy!)


Dinner for breakfast- burritos, tortillas, leftover noodles or rice, veggie stir fries, (frozen) veggie burgers etc


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If you're eating well - a variety of fruits and veggies, whole grains, beans, etc, you would only need a b-12 supplement. If you want to see how you're doing with nutrients, this site is awesome: www.cronometer.com


I haven't eaten much today (going to remedy that soon) but I just put in what I've eaten. Smoothie, made with soy milk, banana and strawberries and 6 pieces of vegetarian sushi and it popped up all of the nutrients I've eaten so far and considering that I'm only at 526 calories for the day, I'm making a good dent with all the various goals. Protein, calcium, fiber, etc. 

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There's a vegan social group here! I just posted a Vegan Never Say Cheese Dip on it. I use beans and lentils instead of meat for the filling in tacos and burritos. The lentils are particularly good, just cook them and when they are tender, add some taco seasoning. My blog has some recipes you might like. Welcome to vegan land!  

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