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Picking and switching Doctors- Should I feel guilty?


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So, I went to this dr (gen dr who specializes in hormones etc) in March. She ordered the thyroid and hormone tests. I have a follow-up with her at the end of June, the soonest they could get me in when I had my original appt. Well, I called to get the results of my bloodwork from her clinic and then went to see a dr at the local clinic to go over my results(as there was some alarming results and I wanted to follow-up sooner rather than later), he made me a referral to an endo and scheduled me a thyroid ultrasound (as my tests indicate Hashimoto's and he thought I had some enlargement). 


I cancelled the appt with the original endo as the reviews were very unfavorable and have since made an appt with another endo, but can't get in until Aug. I had thought I would go ahead and keep the appt with the original dr and then see if I wanted to go to the endo as well. However, I'm waffling on whether or not I want to see her again. I was really not impressed with her, I had to push her a bit to the thyroid and hormone testing. I don't feel terribly confident in her ability to treat me (and after extensive searching I've yet to find another rec- except the rec of the person who referred me originally) and personality wise I just didn't like her (or her receptionist- the nurse was nice although a bit clueless). 


So, now I'm considering scheduling another appt with another dr (who I've found extensive positive reviews and recs in numerous places). Is it horrible for me to wait for the hormone test to come through and have them sent to another dr? I already paid for the tests. I'm just thinking that it seems that I will likely be under the care of whichever dr I choose for the forseeable future as this is not an issue that goes away so I really want someone I like and have confidence in treating me.  Also, I'm really tired of feeling crappy and ready to get this resolved so I want someone good now and I'm rather tired of waiting to find someone and don't want to waste time. This is all out of pocket as well and I'm not inclined to spend money just for the heck of it. 



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"I was really not impressed with her, I had to push her a bit to the thyroid and hormone testing. I don't feel terribly confident in her ability to treat me (and after extensive searching I've yet to find another rec- except the rec of the person who referred me originally) and personality wise I just didn't like her (or her receptionist- the nurse was nice although a bit clueless). "



There's your answer. Cancel the appointment.


ETA - with no guilt!

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No.  DH is a doctor.  Patients come to him from other physicians all the time, and I'm sure some go to other physicians from him.  It's the norm.  Both you and the doctor want it to be a good fit.  If it isn't, keep looking.  

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Argh, so I just called the one dr and there is a 1 YEAR wait!


FWIW -- this is typical of the superstars.


We have one that we finally got into after after submitting a portfolio with very specific reports and letters, and the names of two doctors who had been involved in treatment (one a specialist, one a primary) as references.  Only 1/4 of those who call are invited to submit a portfolio, and only 10% of those are taken on as patients.  And then it is 8-10 months for an appointment.


Worth it though.  So very worth it.

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I wouldn't feel one bit bad about if if I were you. I want to go to doctors that I feel confident about. I will forgo a good bedside manner for someone who is an excellent diagnostician, but it sounds like this doc doesn't fit the bill. As far as the test results go, can you just get a copy and give it to the new doctor yourself?

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Don't feel guilty.  I no longer have patience with practitioners who are not going to be much help.  Last spring, my primary doc referred me to an endocrinologist because she hoped the latter would be able to shed light on some test results that did not fit the rest of my health profile.  After waiting for an apt and many $$$ later, she was not helpful at all.  She just gave me the usual spiel and didn't take into account several other factors in my medical history.  She wanted to see me in 3 months and run tests again.  I cancelled the follow-up appt.  I'm in the process of deciding if I should schedule an appt. with my primary doc or just keep looking for a Functional Medicine practitioner.

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Here's the rub, go ahead and see this lady in June or wait a year and do no treatment at all? This is why I had decided to go ahead and see her in the first place. I do think she can help me some. I don't have confidence in her taking care of everything and I don't want to deal with her but perhaps she will get me started. I was just really hoping to find someone great and get started sooner rather than later. I'm so tired of waiting and waiting......

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*sigh* I am such a geek. My first thought was no, you shouldn't feel guilty! Ten, Eleven, Nine...it's okay to like different doctors, and to even change your mind on who is "your" doctor. :001_cool: I think this comes from living 24/7 with a teen dd who relates EVERYTHING to one fandom or another. She really brings out my inner geek. :o  :001_rolleyes:


Either way, medical doctor or The Doctor, I don't think you should feel guilty one bit for switching. And based on your last post, if seeing her would help right now, don't feel bad about settling for her and planning to switch as soon as your preference opens up.

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No advice other than to say, don't feel guilty no matter what you do.  And to complain that I hate the way our medical system works.


Medical care is indeed very personal.  And when you're not doing well, the last thing people need to do is pick apart your choices when you're being reasonably intelligent about it.  How many hundreds of times people recommend X or Y to us and it frankly wasn't appreciated.  Either we had tried X or Y was absolutely out of the question.


Go with your gut, and don't give up.  Once an ER nurse told us that, and it is so very true.


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Don't feel guilty.  I no longer have patience with practitioners who are not going to be much help.  Last spring, my primary doc referred me to an endocrinologist because she hoped the latter would be able to shed light on some test results that did not fit the rest of my health profile.  After waiting for an apt and many $$$ later, she was not helpful at all.  She just gave me the usual spiel and didn't take into account several other factors in my medical history.  She wanted to see me in 3 months and run tests again.  I cancelled the follow-up appt.  I'm in the process of deciding if I should schedule an appt. with my primary doc or just keep looking for a Functional Medicine practitioner.


I hear you, that is why I cancelled with the first endo. Reviews said he just looks at traditional lab values, which means that he would be no help to me at all. I'm torn now if I want to go ahead with an endo or do a functional medicine dr or such. I really want someone who is going to look at the whole picture and listen to my symptoms and not just TSH, someone that will look at treatment before my body entirely kills off my thyroid. I need someone that looks at everything together and can help me heal the damage that has been done. 

*sigh* I am such a geek. My first thought was no, you shouldn't feel guilty! Ten, Eleven, Nine...it's okay to like different doctors, and to even change your mind on who is "your" doctor. :001_cool: I think this comes from living 24/7 with a teen dd who relates EVERYTHING to one fandom or another. She really brings out my inner geek. :o  :001_rolleyes:


Either way, medical doctor or The Doctor, I don't think you should feel guilty one bit for switching. And based on your last post, if seeing her would help right now, don't feel bad about settling for her and planning to switch as soon as your preference opens up.



Go ahead and see her if the alternative is to wait a year.  Be assertive.  If you feel like she isn't addressing things aggressively enough tell her so.  What do you have to lose? 


Assertive I have no problem with, it is the doing so without being a jerk :) I'm already out of patience in this area and I kind of loathe the thought of having a dr that I have to worry about making sure she does what but I guess it is a start anyway, which would be great.

Medical care is indeed very personal.  And when you're not doing well, the last thing people need to do is pick apart your choices when you're being reasonably intelligent about it.  How many hundreds of times people recommend X or Y to us and it frankly wasn't appreciated.  Either we had tried X or Y was absolutely out of the question.


Go with your gut, and don't give up.  Once an ER nurse told us that, and it is so very true.

Yep, I'm already getting all kind of suggestions from people that are trying to be helpful but don't know anything.

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If you are interested in hearing more info from alternative practitioners about Thyroid issues, you could register free for these sessions.  They started last week and continue until May 17th, I think.  Each day's sessions are available for 48 hours.  I am not familiar with all of the speakers but have heard a few of them speak before about gluten issues.


Link: www.thethyroidsessions.com


If you do register and listen to the sessions, let me know what you think.



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Thanks, I've already been listening to some of the sessions and am familiar with a lot of the speakers. On the more natural side I've been mostly paleo for 9 yrs now, strictly gluten free for almost 6. I've found I just feel better when I am (despite how it annoys me) well receiving my test results back kind of confirmed that for me. Right now I'm following the AIP. I'm taking selenium as it has been shown in studies to help with hashi's, I'm hoping that along with diet helps reduce my anti-body levels. I'm also supplementing iron+c, d3, b12 and probiotics. I'm really low on iron (ferritin of 17- that was at the end of my cycle when I was feeling pretty good!), despite the fact that I eat a lot of red meat and cook with cast iron. One of the things I'm wanting done is a full profile on my vitamin and mineral status to see what else I might be low on. I've read that it is common for those with hashi's to be low on stomach acid, leading to low absorption rates or it could be damage from gluten exposure, either way I need to know what is causing the low absorption and fix it and my levels. I'm going to be testing out hcl to see if that is needed. I need someone good to help me untangle it all and find out the causes and effects. Low iron causes difficulty with using the available thyroid, as does low cholesterol (mine is very low) but what causes that? Often there are adrenal issues as well and I have some indicators that might be an issue. I believe I'm having some cross-reactions with food due to the Celiac's and I'm considering testing so I know, right now I'm just avoiding all the cross-reactors with the AIP diet so I'm at least avoiding inflammation but long term I'd like to know for sure what other foods are an issue and a test would be easier than trial and error.

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I see we may be subscribing to similar newsletters. :-)  I hope you find the right person who can help you sort out your health issues.  I know how frustrating it can be when things don't make sense.


Do you have any favorite AIP cookbooks or do you just search the internet for recipes.  With my vision issues, I hate staring at a screen so I'm trying to decide if I should preorder Sarah Ballantyne's Paleo Approach cookbook.




Thanks, I've already been listening to some of the sessions and am familiar with a lot of the speakers. On the more natural side I've been mostly paleo for 9 yrs now, strictly gluten free for almost 6. I've found I just feel better when I am (despite how it annoys me) well receiving my test results back kind of confirmed that for me. Right now I'm following the AIP. I'm taking selenium as it has been shown in studies to help with hashi's, I'm hoping that along with diet helps reduce my anti-body levels. I'm also supplementing iron+c, d3, b12 and probiotics. I'm really low on iron (ferritin of 17- that was at the end of my cycle when I was feeling pretty good!), despite the fact that I eat a lot of red meat and cook with cast iron. One of the things I'm wanting done is a full profile on my vitamin and mineral status to see what else I might be low on. I've read that it is common for those with hashi's to be low on stomach acid, leading to low absorption rates or it could be damage from gluten exposure, either way I need to know what is causing the low absorption and fix it and my levels. I'm going to be testing out hcl to see if that is needed. I need someone good to help me untangle it all and find out the causes and effects. Low iron causes difficulty with using the available thyroid, as does low cholesterol (mine is very low) but what causes that? Often there are adrenal issues as well and I have some indicators that might be an issue. I believe I'm having some cross-reactions with food due to the Celiac's and I'm considering testing so I know, right now I'm just avoiding all the cross-reactors with the AIP diet so I'm at least avoiding inflammation but long term I'd like to know for sure what other foods are an issue and a test would be easier than trial and error.


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I've just been googling but have been eyeing a few different cookbooks. I'm considering when I want to start trailing. I believe it likely that I need to stay away from dairy strictly (as I know it doesn't work for me). I'm suspicious that eggs aren't good. I'd like to have spices back really bad. 

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*sigh* I am such a geek. My first thought was no, you shouldn't feel guilty! Ten, Eleven, Nine...it's okay to like different doctors, and to even change your mind on who is "your" doctor. :001_cool: I think this comes from living 24/7 with a teen dd who relates EVERYTHING to one fandom or another. She really brings out my inner geek. :o :001_rolleyes:


Either way, medical doctor or The Doctor, I don't think you should feel guilty one bit for switching. And based on your last post, if seeing her would help right now, don't feel bad about settling for her and planning to switch as soon as your preference opens up.

I initially thought of Dr Who, too!


And I agree with everyone else here -- no guilt. You can also see someone to get you started and then switch when you can get in somewhere else. Ask for and keep full copies of your files. That info will be helpful to the next dr, and if you communicate some of the concerning details to the new dr's nurse she might be able to help you get in sooner.

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*sigh* I am such a geek. My first thought was no, you shouldn't feel guilty! Ten, Eleven, Nine...it's okay to like different doctors, and to even change your mind on who is "your" doctor. :001_cool: I think this comes from living 24/7 with a teen dd who relates EVERYTHING to one fandom or another. She really brings out my inner geek. :o  :001_rolleyes:


Either way, medical doctor or The Doctor, I don't think you should feel guilty one bit for switching. And based on your last post, if seeing her would help right now, don't feel bad about settling for her and planning to switch as soon as your preference opens up.


LOL!!  In our house it is ok to switch between 10 and 11 but unforgivable to give up either 10 or 11 for 9!!!!  This stems from our teen dd who also relates everything to either Dr. Who, Sherlock, Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter fandoms!  Is this a new teen girl phenomenon??

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Well, I've found another Dr and today I'm going to see if I can get an appt any sooner probably not as any good dr is busy but I'm praying! I'm so ready for some answers and treatment and tired of waiting! So, if you pray or want to send good wishes my way I'd be thrilled and thankful!

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:grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:

I haven't read all the replies, but here is what I would do.

Get the soonest appointment with a decent doctor, then get the far off appointment with the best doctor for next year (then you should be able to get regular appointments with him after that)

Best wishes.

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I wouldn't want a GP that was that booked, but you seem pretty patient when it comes to appointments, so go ahead and get on the books for next year..  Cancel the appt with the GP you already have, go to the endo instead.  With your issues the Endo will take care of your immediate thyroid tests and doses.  I would prefer that an endo is making the adjustments/diagnosis over a GP anyways.   While at the Endo you may ask him/her, if he/she knows a GP that has a sub specialty in endo that he/she would recommend.  

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Well, I've found another Dr and today I'm going to see if I can get an appt any sooner probably not as any good dr is busy but I'm praying! I'm so ready for some answers and treatment and tired of waiting! So, if you pray or want to send good wishes my way I'd be thrilled and thankful!


I hope this one works out, but if not then see the other one in June AND keep the appointment for a year out with the other doc. It is fine for you to get started with the mediocre doc while you wait for the other doc to be able to see you.

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Well, prayers answered they had a cancellation for 7am tomorrow! I'm so excited I almost started crying. I don't know how I'm working the logistics with the kids and dh as it is 2.5 hrs away in the city which I don't usually drive in but we will work it out! I still have the appt with the endo in August that I plan on keeping and will still go to that depending on how well he handles it all but at least we can start addressing things now!

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The new dr was another I found, not the one year wait guy and actually I think that he was a better fit for me. The appt went great and I am very pleased with him. I'll be cancelling my other appts, which I'm so not looking forward to doing but I'm thrilled to find someone that I'm confident in and am glad to only have 1 dr!


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