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My not at all fun news


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Dearest Rosie~



You are a special person who has always stood out in the hive. Your wit and gentle directness have brought much wisdom and joy to our group. I only wish I had your cleverness, so that I could say something that would give you comfort right now. Please know that you and your daughter are foremost in the hearts and minds of those who care so much for you. May the memories of your precious boy and the love of your sweet girl see you through this tragedy.


Warmly, Dina :grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:




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A close family friend lost her ex-husband and oldest daughter (almost 8) in a fire nearly 30 years ago. My girl has her name as a middle name. This brought so many memories back. Cherish the stories and photos. Whenever I get together with my friend or her younger daughter (who was also in the fire, but got out), we have a few stories that always come up and we are able to have a laugh. It took a long time to get there. 

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I haven't been on in a while as my kids are back in PS during the school year and homeschooled in the summer.  When I heard what happened I had to get on and reach out to you, Rosie.  I am so terribly sorry for your loss.  My thoughts, prayers, and all my love go out to your family during this time.  

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I'm so sorry. I wish I could think of something more profound to say, but there are really no words for things like this.


Albeto hit it on the head with "Oh shit" really, lol.



No, the fire wasn't in our house. It was the caravan nearby, which was pretty much empty of everything but the irreplaceable.

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Such a tragic loss! Such a precious life! Rosie, my heart goes out to you and your daughter as you learn to live without this precious boy whose fingerprints are all around you. May sweet memories bring you comfort.



Fingerprints is right! I'm still finding apple cores, half eaten tins of beans, biscuit crumbs and he flattened the car battery.

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I rechecked the thread hoping it had been a mistake. I'm sure it's all too real for you.


Tried to PM you, but your box is full.  I know in the States, an unexpected death can be a financial strain on a family.  If you have a Paypal account, I know there are many who would love to help in a small way with those expenses or any expenses related to the fire.  It's a small gesture, and the donations may be small, but they would be made with love.


You're all very kind, but no, there are no financial troubles involved.

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Oh Rosie.  I'm just seeing this now.  I almost threw up. :crying:  Not the most romantic sentiment, but the hurt in my heart for you is most certainly real.  I'm utterly devastated for you and your family.  My deepest condolences to you, dear mama.  :grouphug:

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I just picked an apple core out of ds's bed last night! I'm usually content with the existence of simple coincidences, but I don't feel like being that way this time.


I'm so incredibly sorry, Rosie.  This isn't right and it isn't fair and my heart is breaking for you. :grouphug:

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Dear Rosie~


The breadth and depth of this incomprehensible tragedy underscores what a vibrant and wonderful part of this board you have been for so many years now.  Thousands of families are grieving with (and for) you and yours.  Please know how much you are loved and cherished by so many.  Marek's memory will never be forgotten and may you find some comfort in the memories that will live on in your heart forever.  Hold tight to that sweet little girl of yours.  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  :grouphug:  from each and every one of us on this board.




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Rosie I am so very sorry. I saw something posted yesterday, and watched the news report in tears. I knew it was a homeschooler but never thought it would be someone we all know from the forums.  I wish there were some words I could say. :grouphug:   :grouphug:   :grouphug:


( FYI - Caravan is an Travel Trailer. I had to look it up. )

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 I knew it was a homeschooler but never thought it would be someone we all know from the forums.  


WHAT? Was that in one of the "news" reports? 


I tell you another thing I'm glad about, and that's that my front gate is a kilometre from my house and I didn't find out about the "news" reporters until they'd all gone.

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WHAT? Was that in one of the "news" reports? 


I tell you another thing I'm glad about, and that's that my front gate is a kilometre from my house and I didn't find out about the "news" reporters until they'd all gone.


:grouphug: :grouphug: :grouphug:

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