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Is this common? First year only schools?

Indian summer

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I recently heard of a university that only offers first year studies. Presumably, students transfer to other schools after that year. I had never heard of such a thing before now and I'm just wondering of this is a common thing. What would be the point, do you think, in attending such a school?

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I've seen universities which have honors programs that have a set curriculum, and then the students transfer out after their Freshman year into various schools (within the university) that may support their intended major, but not an actual school devoted just to Freshman.

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Is it intended to be the first year of college rather than a "13th year" of high school? Many prep schools offer a "13th year" for students who need more time between high school and college, who have high potential but a lackluster transcript, or who attended a public high school that didn't offer strong academic preparation.


My dad's roommate at Harvard was from rural Maine and did a "13th year" at Exeter to prep him for the academic rigors of an Ivy League school.


One of my cousins was a "late bloomer" and after graduating high school, he did a gap year with CityYear (it's like Americorps but local to Boston) and then a "13th year" at a prep school. He was able to get into a much better college at 19 after the gap year and prep school year than he would've had he applied as a 17 y.o. high school senior.

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Nope never heard of it.  I could imagine a brand new college only offering classes for the freshmen level the first year; freshman and sophomore the next; freshmen, sophomore, junior the next and so on. 


Or a college designed for one particular course of study offering years in rotation for a current class of students.



But just for general studies.....hmmm, nope not heard of it.

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Never heard of that here either.


I am familiar with some Christian college programs that are designed for 1-2 years of biblical studies before transferring to another college. Word of Life Bible Institute is a 2-year school and The Master's College has a 1-year all-Bible-courses Master's Institute as an option instead of a 4-year liberal arts degree.

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One of my daughter's friends attended a one year program at a religious college in Canada.  She had a phenomenal year, learned a lot, and grew a lot. However, none of the credits from her program were accepted at the state university she then attended.  (I'm fairly certain she knew that would be the case.)




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