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Itching at night for no apparent reason….


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Anybody know what in the world could be causing this? I already barely sleep, but lately have been itching in random places when I am trying to get to sleep. My nose will itch, then my leg, my ear, my head, my side, my back, etc. Just little itches that one scratch takes care of. I don't have any rash or bumps or dry skin. It is just like when I was taking oxycodone after my surgery a couple years ago and it would cause that itching. But I'm not taking anything now. Any ideas? Maybe I'm just finally going crazy from lack of sleep?

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Are you in meno or perimeno? It's common to have itching.


I've had it--here's a link.


I try to super-hydrate--a gallon of water a day has been helping (haven't yet gotten to a full gallon, but I'm drinking much more than I used to).


I also have severely cut sugar/simple carbs (all carbs, really) and am slowly adding them back in.

I find artificial sweetners, esp aspartame, seem to cause several symptoms, including itching. I say seem to, because I'm not sure.


It does sound like your nerves in your skin are acting up. Stress can be an issue--and lack of sleep doesn't help.


No Dr. here, but it seems to me that sleep is quite restorative--maybe your skin nerves are over-reactive because they aren't "resting" enough.


Hope that doesn't sound whack-a-doodle!

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I itch at night too.  It isn't bedbugs. It can be in ANY bed.  DH doesn't itch at all.  I can be on vacation and as long as it is night, I start itching.  I think it is peri-menopause.  Although I will say that when I went off of wheat 100% it got much better.

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Are you in meno or perimeno? It's common to have itching.


I've had it--here's a link.


I try to super-hydrate--a gallon of water a day has been helping (haven't yet gotten to a full gallon, but I'm drinking much more than I used to).


I also have severely cut sugar/simple carbs (all carbs, really) and am slowly adding them back in.

I find artificial sweetners, esp aspartame, seem to cause several symptoms, including itching. I say seem to, because I'm not sure.


It does sound like your nerves in your skin are acting up. Stress can be an issue--and lack of sleep doesn't help.


No Dr. here, but it seems to me that sleep is quite restorative--maybe your skin nerves are over-reactive because they aren't "resting" enough.


Hope that doesn't sound whack-a-doodle!

I thought it might have something to do with menopause, as I had my uterus and ovaries out due to ovarian cancer 2 years ago. But it is only at night. And only recently. 


No bed bugs. Or else they don't like dh. :-)


I wonder if you aren't right about the lack of sleep itself having something to do with it. 

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Not wanting to scare you, but I think liver problems can cause night time itching. That being said, I often itch at night and I think it's just dry skin and I'm more aware of the itching because I'm not distracted by other stuff. Hope you figure it out!

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I second the stress. Try taking a calcium/magnesium supplement. Together they act like a muscle relaxer, and it helps relieve tension/stress, helps you relax so you can fall asleep faster. Works for me when I get itching or twitching.

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Thanks for all the replies and ideas. I am positive it isn't detergent or any kind of bugs, rash, allergies, etc. It isn't a horrible itch or anything, like some were talking about. It is just that I will be lying there, and maybe my nose will get a little itch. I rub it or scratch it just a bit and it is fine. Next perhaps a spot on my leg will get a little itch. I rub or scratch it and it is gone. Wash, rinse, repeat, only with different spots here and there on my body. Like I mentioned, the only thing I can compare it with is the little itchy thing that would happen when I took a narcotic at bedtime. But I'm not taking anything now. I already do take quite a bit of magnesium. It doesn't really seem to do a thing for me in the relaxation/sleep department. 


The liver thing is interesting, but I don't think it is that kind of itching. And my liver was fine last doctor visit. No sugar problems that I know of, but that hasn't been checked in forever. No other symptoms of that though. 


I am thinking it is probably related to the menopause thing, like a pp said. Just another lovely addition to the hot flashes and night sweats.  :001_rolleyes:

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