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Would you buy a house of the same model


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but in a different location?


We've been looking at houses for more than two years now, and a place has come on the market in a neighborhood that has a lot of positives. There would be a lot less driving than we do now, and we'd only be a couple of minutes from the best library in the county.


But it's the same house, the same *model* that we have now (with some slight differences.) I suppose I've said in the past that "if we could pull this house up and move it..." There's nothing wrong with how the house works for us, but its location isn't ideal anymore, with the kids getting older and more involved in stuff.


I'm not sure how I feel about that. Ideally, we wouldn't move to a neighborhood at all, but that requires DH's commuting time to be too high. This seems like a reasonable compromise.


Plus, I wouldn't have to count how many steps to the bathroom in the dark--I already know that.


But...it's the same house.


What do you think?

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Seems like the best of both worlds to me! I hate moving, and I'll be moving this summer into a house that is much smaller and very different in almost every way. I have no idea where the furniture will go, what will or won't fit, what I'll need to get rid of and what I'll need to buy new, etc. If I could get a house exactly like the one I'm in now, I would jump at it! Everything could just be moved from where it is now to the exact same spot in the new house. I would LOVE that!

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You like your house, but this other one's location is better.  Realtors always say the three most important things in real estate are location, location, location.  Yup, I would definitely buy a house the same as mine but in a better, more convenient location.

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Thanks again. I'm probably working through a change in priorities. When we first started looking, we were more or less looking for the house we'd die in :) Now, the kids are so much more involved in activities, and I see the next 15 years or so being like this and then some. This other neighborhood is close to a community college campus (for the future,) a mall, a grocery store I could walk or bike to, a Target, even Cub Scouts.

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It would feel weird, but I would do it if that house's layout worked for you.


The first house we bought was by Pulte, and they just started some neighborhoods here which have the same model.  I joked with DH that at least we'd know where we'd want to put the furniture.


But…we've added a few more kids, and realistically, we'd want something different.  

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The advantage is that all of your furniture already fits. You already have the right number and size of curtains. Moving in would be so much easier and cheaper than usual. You have the right number of rugs, trash cans, shower curtains, etc. Your patio furniture will work perfectly. If you like your current plan I can't think of a downside.

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I think I would do it, if I loved my house or if it were the best option. Our house has some layout issues, but they aren't terrible, KWIM? 


Interestingly enough, my aunt, who live in Illinois, and my best friend, who lives in South Carolina, have the exact same house plan. 



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The advantage is that all of your furniture already fits. You already have the right number and size of curtains. Moving in would be so much easier and cheaper than usual. You have the right number of rugs, trash cans, shower curtains, etc. Your patio furniture will work perfectly. If you like your current plan I can't think of a downside.


See, I think of this as a downside--same old stuff in the same old places, even though not spending more on new stuff is good.


While I don't *love* my house, it functions well and is spacious enough. I suppose those are the important things. For so long, we've looked at houses and said "well, where would we do *this* or *this*?" We know the house layout works (this other one has an extra room, so it's a bit bigger.)


I'm seeing a lot of upside, and the only downside is lack of "different," and that's not enough, is it?


We'll be going to see the house this week.


Thanks, everyone!


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If you like the house and the location is good, why not?


there is a woman in my local homeschool group who goes custom, and did that twice.  she built her dream house - then moved to another state.   when she moved back, she had another 'dream house' built, with the tweaks of things she always wished she'd have done when she built it the first time.  she said it was really easy when she moved in because she already knew where everything went.

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See, I think of this as a downside--same old stuff in the same old places, even though not spending more on new stuff is good.



Well, if there's money in the budget for a few new things, go for it! 


If there's not money in the budget, then you shouldn't buy new things even if the old things don't 'fit' properly. 


Plus, stuff doesn't have to go in the same old places. I've been in this house for 18 years, and my stuff moves around quite a bit  :lol:

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