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I'm really tired of finding ________ on the floor of my house!

Miss Peregrine

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Legos (the cat tosses them on the floor, not my dc)


Socks & shoes (which my ds seems to leave randomly dispersed in various rooms of the house, never in sets anywhere, always just one sock or one shoe with no mate in sight...)


Cat fur (it's shedding time)

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Paper! I wish I had a way to lock up every sheet of paper and pair of scissors in the house, dd7 leaves huge messes and I end up being the one to clean it up because no punishment I have thought of yet can get her to do it herself. I can't wait until I can afford to buy another locking cabinet, my house will be so much cleaner!

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Oh man, Kleenex. My overly emotional 11 year old does not understand how to efficiently use a Kleenex nor how to dispose of it properly.

Oh boy. I remember this phase at our house too. It's amazing how quickly an 11yo can use up an entire box of Kleenex.

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Crushed up Froot Loops

Crushed up crackers


Sticky, unidentifiable substances

Ds9's clothing (he's back to thinking that clothes are optional)

Ds4's clothing (because anything his big brothers do is super cool)




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Clean, folded clothes they couldn't bother to put away, and they fell off the bed.

Cat hair (because it's shedding season)

cat puke/hairballs (because it's shedding season)

the mail that the kids throw on some surface and the cats knock on to the floor.


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jumpers (sweaters). I am so sick of them, mostly it is DH , he has dirty boots, it is too much bother to take them off, so he opens the door and neatly puts his jumper on the floor right by the door. Unfortunately  the kids now do the same thing, except they throw them in random places all over the floor.


 I am so sick of picking them up. I have now taken to picking them up and flinging them into the offending person's bedroom. I am very tempted to just dump all the clean laundry all over the kitchen floor and go away for a few days........ when I do it you all will be able to hear my hysterical laughter... I will be the lady who went crazy over jumpers on the kitchen floor................

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Cat gifties (aka clumps of shed fur).


Shredded Dixie cups.  I have to take the blame there -- Dixie cups are my Shih Tzu's current favorite toy.  And he doesn't get them out of the dispenser by himself. ;)


(Hmmm . . . these pet-related complaints must mean I've got DH and the boys well trained. :laugh: )

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Wrappers. Or, specifically, parts of wrappers. DD will rip the corner off a packet of something to open it, throw away the packet once she's done, but leave the corner. Grrr....


It's probably a good thing she's very concerned about Rainforest habitat destruction-that's led to buying a lot fewer pre-wrapped snack items.



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Dog, cat, and the stupid rug fluff tumbleweeds


Honestly, pretty much everything. The rest of the house has I-can't-see-it-once-it-hits-the-floor-blindness. "Please pick up the green colored pencil by your left foot. No, your other left foot. It's 3 inches away! How can you not see the *green* colored pencil on the brown floor?!?!"


Or if I ask one to pick up everything that's not supposed to be on the floor around the couch so I can vacuum, the child will pick up two things. What about the book? The dog toy? The block? Oh, they're not YOURS? Well, this dog fur isn't mine either, but I still have to vacuum it!!!

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Dog, cat, and the stupid rug fluff tumbleweeds


Honestly, pretty much everything. The rest of the house has I-can't-see-it-once-it-hits-the-floor-blindness. "Please pick up the green colored pencil by your left foot. No, your other left foot. It's 3 inches away! How can you not see the *green* colored pencil on the brown floor?!?!"



My DD does that-she'll drop her pencil during math, go to her drawer and pull out another one, repeat. By the end of the problem set it's "Mommy, I need more pencils!". No you don't. Do you think those yellow things just grow in the carpet? Honestly.



Yet I can promise you that she'll have no trouble seeing an Easter egg from across the backyard, even when it's green and hidden in tall grass (DH used Easter as an excuse not to mow this weekend ;) ).

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Pokemon cards


snotty/bloody tissues


dirty socks


peanut butter cracker wrappers


greens that were dropped while taking them to feed to the bunnies


broken balloon pieces


hockey pucks


chewed-up pencils


dog hair


empty food bowls


paper scraps


old bandaids



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This is totally gross but Maggots.


I keep a fairly clean house, do the dishes daily and make an effort to carry the trash often {like every other day, sometimes daily when it's hot}. I scoop the litter box daily, I make sure no food is left out unsealed. Yet without fail I wake up to maggots in my dining room or kitchen floors a couple of times a month from spring to fall. I don't understand where they are coming from. I'm blaming the lack of a/c & my dd leaving the doors open a lot. Either that or my house seems to be the local fly breeding grounds!

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Paper airplanes. The 365 paper airplanes a year calendar seemed like a great idea at the time. Now, not so much.

This! We have some high ledges in our house that get vacuumed about once a year because I have to climb a tall ladder to get there; and there's always a bazillion paper aiplanes up there. Once, I even found a sock. :)

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Socks and shoes (DH)


Underwear, shorts, and shirts (DS)


Rainbow loom bands (DD but they're mostly confined to her room)


Pee (on tile thankfully, Little Dog)


Shredded napkins, paper towels, wrappers (Big Dog) of course this wouldn't be an issue if they were in the trash where they belonged.

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