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What personality type are you?


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These tests never work for me.  I'm strongly introverted but I'm always right on the edge of the other three. Being an expat has also messed with my personality.


My results change with my mood when taking these kind of quiz.  Being an expat had make me more neutral.

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IN/STJ here.  Normally I come up strongly as INTJ but in the past year it's popped up as ISTJ a few times with a 1% margin.  I think it has to do with me taking on Deacon duties at church and being more aware of people's feelings. :001_rolleyes:


There is NO question that I deserve that "I", though. 89% intovert!  And I guess I'm quite judgy, too.

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I'm an ISFJ, and that's been true every time I've taken this test - except for the very first time when I was in college, and I tested as an INFJ. I think what happened was that I answered as the person I'd like to be instead of the person I actually am. I have serious INFJ envy :).


I'm married to an ISTJ, and all my FEELINGS sometimes drive him up the wall. He doesn't understand why I just can't think rationally about everything, and I don't understand why he doesn't feel the way I do :).


My kids are still too young for me to be able to accurately answer many of the questions for them, but I can say for sure that my son is a polar extrovert. His sister leans in that direction, but not as strongly as he does. Since I'm a polar introvert and DH is more introverted than extroverted, we can't figure out how it happened. It's like two negatives made a positive.

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There is no such thing as being too extroverted!  HAHA!  :laugh:


I am an ENFJ as well.


I have been a teacher and a counselor in the PS system.  


ENFJs love new challenges and the thrill they get from helping other people. Consequently, many ENFJs are found in “altruistic†careers, e.g., social or religious work, teaching, or counseling. However, it should also be noted that ENFJs need constant approval from other people in order to feel satisfied and happy. If this is not forthcoming, the ENFJ may burn out very quickly and move to another career path or project.


This is my ENFJ daughter exactly! She wants to save the world, invent new ways to teach math, and cares much more about people than money. And yes, I spend a lot of time listening to & affirming her each week! So different from my INTP son...


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INTJ here. Married to ESFP. I spend my life saying, "That doesn't make SENSE! You didn't think it THROUGH! Who's the adult here? What do you think is going to HAPPEN if you just wing it?????"


The most entertaining thing is my world is observing my INTJ (21yods) and ESFP (17yodd) when they're working on a problem or project together or even just trying to have a simple conversation. I mean I can hear that they're both speaking English, but one of them might as well be speaking whale.


That said, dh and I are almost opposites (INFJ/ESTJ) and I remember reading that while that doesn't often work well in friendships (and I'm assuming sibling relationships), it can work very well in a marital relationship.

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I was only 12% on each of the N and F sections.  I think of myself as more T and J, but I also have quite a lot of empathy and don't always think answers are clear cut, I think that is why the score was swayed to N and F, but I can go either way, depending on the situation.




INTJ... Heavy on the T and the J.

Introverted by nature but I can play the extrovert at work when I need to.


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I am an INFP married to an INTJ.


Me too!  It's an interesting mix at times...!


I'm always distracted and he's always correct. Well, at least in HIS mind he is... :laugh:


I'd write more but I'm being distracted by all the forum posts.

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I'm INFJ married to ESTJ. The first couple years were bumpy, but since then we make a great team and couldn't be more in love. :-) (We've had the assessment done professionally 3 times for different settings.)




We are, too! Except I am the ESTJ, and he is the INFJ! We laughed our way through the tests and the descriptions on several websites last night, since it's all so true! We work well together :)

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Me too.  I usually only remember when my oldest (an ENFJ) yells at me that I am no fun.  Inside I'm thinking "What?  I'm no fun?  Are you kidding, did you see that awesomely organized bookshelf we just did  in under 30 min!"  Then I realize that my fun is probably not all that awesome for an 11 year old. :)


I have learned to jump, dance and booty shake for the sake of fun.  I feel ridiculous every second but the kids love it.


I'm another INTJ. Are you saying that the kids didn't have as much fun today doing the seasonal clothing decluttering/swap/organizing this afternoon as I did? Horrors!  :)


I think dh is an ESTJ but I'm not sure he's every taken the test. 


I would put money on my oldest being the same as me, he's like a mini-me as far as personality goes. My middle son is probably whichever type was the "life of the party. 

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I'm an INFJ, married to a ENTP/ENFP~the Inventor and Champion (really he's the best mix of the two with the empathy of the F and the STEM interests of the T). 


My oldest two were hard to type when they were young. The oldest wouldn't talk to anyone, but turned out to be extremely Extroverted. He just needed to control the conversation. The next was obsessed with tactile stimulation and talking to strangers, but turns out to be an IN. 




ENTJ~the Mastermind  

INTP~Dreamy Professor

ESTP ~the Promoter Artisan

and its hard to tell with the youngest. 


I find it interesting how many of my children have reproduced types in my family of origin. Change an extrovert to an introvert and you'd have both my brothers and my father's types in my sons. I work very hard not to connect things my children do to their uncles (or grandfather), but it amazes me on a weekly basis. 

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I'm an ISFJ through and through. :)


Editing to add: I'm married to an INTJ. I drove him nuts in our earlier years. I probably still drive him nuts sometimes. Although I do have to say he makes me crazy, too. I mean, there is no reason to research a stupid bbq for 6 months. Just pick one already! :lol:


21yo ds: INTP

17yo dd: INFJ

8 yo  ds: Looks like an ESTP

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It's been a rough week and I need a little fluff.  So tell me, based on Myers-Briggs personality test, what personality type are you?  (here is the test http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/jtypes2.asp )


I am an INTJ, the most rare for a woman.  It makes me a horrible parent most of the time but completely effective with any other task you give me (or rather I take over  because I perceive your inadequacies lol). :)


Ummmm, also INTJ, why does that make me a horrible parent? (Just kidding)  I need to research this more........


Okay, now I get it. I would say that it's fairly correct, especially taking into account the percentages.  The first and last were high %44 but the middle two were 1% and twelve %.  I'm a lot more empathetic then I let on (don't tell my sisters or children, they'll take advantage).

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It's been a rough week and I need a little fluff.  So tell me, based on Myers-Briggs personality test, what personality type are you?  (here is the test http://www.humanmetrics.com/cgi-win/jtypes2.asp )


I am an INTJ, the most rare for a woman.  It makes me a horrible parent most of the time but completely effective with any other task you give me (or rather I take over  because I perceive your inadequacies lol). :)


Your comment made me chuckle out loud as I read it. I was thinking that sounds 'just like me!' Sure enough, I took the test and I'm an INTJ, too!

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I'm an ESFP. I think this sums me up very well especially, "Several of my ESFP friends jump from thought to thought in mid-sentence, touching here or there in a manner that's almost incoherent to the listener..."  It drives my dh nuts :laugh:

DH is an ESFP to my INTJ. Don't know how we are still married. Opposites attract?


Well, it may be possible, but he didn't... :glare:

I imagine my dh is an INTJ.  I also wonder how we are still married.




Apparently the only so far in this thread!


And this description is pretty dead on, except I have learned to reign in my rambling and babbling as I've gotten older. I only do it now when I'm nervous.

"Where's the party?" ESFPs love people, excitement, telling stories and having fun. The spontaneous, impulsive nature of this type is almost always entertaining. And ESFPs love to entertain -- on stage, at work, and/or at home. Social gatherings are an energy boost to these "people" people.

SPs sometimes think and talk in more of a spider-web approach. Several of my ESFP friends jump from thought to thought in mid-sentence, touching here or there in a manner that's almost incoherent to the listener, but will eventually cover the waterfront by skipping on impulse from one piece of information to another. It's really quite fascinating.

New! ESFPs are attracted to new ideas, new fashions, new gadgets, new ______. Perhaps it's the newness of life that attracts ESFPs to elementary education, especially to preschool and kindergarten.

ESFPs love to talk to people about people. Some of the most colorful storytellers are ESFPs. Their down-to-earth, often homespun wit reflects a mischievous benevolence.

Almost every ESFP loves to talk. Some can be identified by the twenty minute conversation required to ask or answer a simple factual question.


I'll join you in the ESFP party! :party:



INTJ here. Married to ESFP. I spend my life saying, "That doesn't make SENSE! You didn't think it THROUGH! Who's the adult here? What do you think is going to HAPPEN if you just wing it?????"

You sound like my dh.  His nickname is "The Dream Killer". I've stopped bringing my brilliant ideas to him. 



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INTJ here. Married to ESFP. I spend my life saying, "That doesn't make SENSE! You didn't think it THROUGH! Who's the adult here? What do you think is going to HAPPEN if you just wing it?????"


Oh my goodness, ME TOO!!!! And his favorite line: "Relax, everything will work out." Yes, yes it will! Because *I* will do all the work to make SURE it all works out!

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I've never noticed my percentages when I've taken the test before.  I took it again just to see what they are.


Introvert(78%)  iNtuitive(50%)  Thinking(50%)  Judging(67%)
  • You have strong preference of Introversion over Extraversion (78%)
  • You have moderate preference of Intuition over Sensing (50%)
  • You have moderate preference of Thinking over Feeling (50%)
  • You have distinctive preference of Judging over Perceiving (67%)


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To answer the question asked a long time back in this thread, as an ISFJ just a bit over the N/S line, I have all of the INFJ inner turmoil with none of the "seeing the big picture/visionary" capabilities of an INFJ. That would be why I'm envious.

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INTJ too. You'll find that more of use are on the Internet than in most social places.


As for parenting, I read a book that did the types and how they parent, and it said INTJs rock at fostering independence in children, and at dispassionately doing the things that make the most sense and yield the most benefit for the kids. As long as I remember to be playful and to say warm things (which I have to do as a conscious thing) I think I rock as a parent.


You've just got to rock your own strengths sister!




Will you please post the title of the book??

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I took the full MBTI in college with a trained administrator as part of a leadership seminar. I got INFP on that test, which is by far the most thorough Myers-Briggs test I've ever taken. One thing I remember her saying is that your answers on the test should reflect your preferences when you're at home or going about your everyday life, not how you have to be for work, school, or other commitments. Scheduling, keeping track of deadlines, and staying organized are all functions of my job. When I'm at home or on vacation, though, I prefer to go with the flow and make only loose, flexible plans—not be dictated by a strict schedule like I am at work.

This was really helpful. I retook the test with that mindset and scored in the firmly in INTP, (instead of INTJ). Which makes way more sense because I am so not organized, and am terrible at details. That description strongly fits me, especially as I frequently space out while thinking and ignore the world around me.


My dh is ISTJ, and extremely J. So my spacy-ness drives him nuts at times.


My girls are a bit too young for the tests, but I am pretty sure my oldest is ISJ, and my youngest is NTP. The jury is still out on the T/F for my oldest, she is pretty sensitive, but she is surrounded by T's. I am pretty sure my youngest is a verbal introvert like me. She will talk your ear off if she knows you, but she definitely needs her alone time.

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Ns are drawn to classical, I think. We did a poll a few years ago, I am not sure if that thread is still around, actually it was two threads, one for the 8 introvert types and one for the 8 extrovert types. There were far fewer replies on on extrovert poll.

Here is the introvert poll:http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/192646-so-mb-personality-poll-for-introverts/?fromsearch=1


And extrovert:http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/192645-so-mb-personality-poll-for-extroverts/?fromsearch=1

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Just found this quote about ESFP: Almost every ESFP loves to talk. Some can be identified by the twenty minute conversation required to ask or answer a simple factual question. Dh was just honored with an award to the ability to "make a short story, long".

Ha, ha, so true! My dad is an ESFP and I hate talking to him on the phone. I'm an ENTJ who loves to talk, but I'll call trying to ask one simple thing and he'll turn it into a 30-min monologue! If we're face to face he eventually picks up on my body language or I can physically leave if necessary. What's funny is that he gets frustrated with my mom and sister because they give too much detail for him but I've learned the problem is really that they just need to speak 2-3 times faster and he'd be fine with it.

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INTJ here. Married to ESFP. I spend my life saying, "That doesn't make SENSE! You didn't think it THROUGH! Who's the adult here? What do you think is going to HAPPEN if you just wing it?????"

That's pretty funny you married a guy exactly opposite. My DH is INTJ and my dad is ESFP. My dad drives my husband crazy sometimes because they just come at things so differently. My dad drove me crazy sometimes as an ENTJ but at least we shared the E! I remember thinking (and sometimes saying) those same things to my dad or hearing my mom say them! My son is too young to type for sure yet but he seems to fit the profile of ESFP pretty well so far.

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