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Sometimes I feel like a ticking time bomb! You?


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My kids have been very difficult for the last 2 days and they are driving me nuts.


My 3 yr old is constantly being mean to someone or to our puppy. Our puppy has had ill manners yesterday and today as well. My other 2 kids are of acting up in other ways.


Sometimes I feel like I'm going to go nutso!


My kids are generally awesome, and I don't remember the last time I felt this way, but I hope it doesn't continue!

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When this happens, I find myself escaping to take a shower.  Some days I take three. (Yes, I know I'm bad for the environment.)  I have this lovely soap that a friend made me and I take it out…just so I can feel a little special.  It helps. Plus, it smells heavenly.


I also find that just stepping outside on the porch can do wonders.  Fresh air helps me big time.


We are a no-TV house in general, but when the kids are really driving me insane, I'll put a movie on Netflix, make them popcorn…and then have a blissful 1-1/2 hours to myself.  That helps loads too.


Of course, I have to realize this before things get too far.  After four kids, I'm slowly getting better at self care. :)

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When this happens, I find myself escaping to take a shower. Some days I take three. (Yes, I know I'm bad for the environment.) I have this lovely soap that a friend made me and I take it out…just so I can feel a little special. It helps. Plus, it smells heavenly.


I also find that just stepping outside on the porch can do wonders. Fresh air helps me big time.


We are a no-TV house in general, but when the kids are really driving me insane, I'll put a movie on Netflix, make them popcorn…and then have a blissful 1-1/2 hours to myself. That helps loads too.


Of course, I have to realize this before things get too far. After four kids, I'm slowly getting better at self care. :)

This. Well, not the showering part, but the same general idea. For me, it's time by myself after lunch. If dh is around, then the kids are to take all questions, concerns, problems, or needs to him. If he's not home, then Netflix is a very good friend. Mostly, though, getting the kids outside seems to be the key. Sometimes taking them and the dog for a walk is precisely what we all need.


We had a stretch of some really nice weather that made homeschooling such a wonderful joy. When it got cold again the kids were grouchy, the golden was annoying, and I felt like running down the road screaming. In desperation I sent the kids outside and it was instant relief.


Hang in there!

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