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Ray's arithmetic

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The Manual of Methods is a must read. Also Grube's method. 


And Charles McMurry's Special Methods in Arithmetic.



If you are looking for modern complementary books to read, try:

How to Tutor

Guide to American Christian Education

Simply Charlotte Mason Mathematics

Train Up a Child (Amish educational practices)


There is a mom at the Ambleside Online forum who has been using Ray's for years as her main, or maybe only, math curriculum.



I have the dollarhomeschool editions as well as some of the Mott Media hardcopies


There is a yahoo group and a facebook page for this curriculum. The Yahoo group is very quiet. I cannot use Facebook, so am not sure how active that group is.

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I've been using it for the past couple years and I really like it. It's very solid and I love how in the beginning the work is oral. I agree with Hunter about the manual of methods being a great help. Cusinaire rods are so great to go along with it and the videos at educationunboxed.com are an amazing help as well.

We also use other things but they're mostly for fun and games and the purpose is to cultivate a sense of wonder about math rather than to take us through a curriculum.

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I've been using it for the past couple years and I really like it. It's very solid and I love how in the beginning the work is oral. I agree with Hunter about the manual of methods being a great help. Cusinaire rods are so great to go along with it and the videos at educationunboxed.com are an amazing help as well.

We also use other things but they're mostly for fun and games and the purpose is to cultivate a sense of wonder about math rather than to take us through a curriculum.


How far through the series to you intend to go?

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How far through the series to you intend to go?

For now the plan is to go all the way through Practical Arithmetic. I have the book for Higher Arithmetic but I'm not sure I'll use it. We'll see. Practical should take us into middle school ages I think and then I'll probably start thinking about algebra and geometry, etc. Of course all this could change. Things don't always work out the way we plan, but for now, that's where I see us headed.

I forgot to mention above that Ruth Beechick's Parent-Teacher guide is also helpful. She gives some good examples of how to work through it and what a person's week might look like with various plans.
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 I've got some reading to do!!  

I believe it is a complete and probably above average curriculum, I was just stating what I read. I would read the Manual of Methods before you decide how to use it. It paints a different picture and time frame than Ruth's guide.

I thought it was complete and had seen other people talking about combining it with other curriculum so your comment made me question whether it was complete or not.  I've never understood combining 2 curriculums.  I'll most likely use Ray's and just do extra fun things like games, measuring while cooking, etc.  But the extra is just everyday life for us.  thanks for the Manual of Methods suggestion 


The Manual of Methods is a must read. Also Grube's method. 


And Charles McMurry's Special Methods in Arithmetic.



If you are looking for modern complementary books to read, try:

How to Tutor

Guide to American Christian Education

Simply Charlotte Mason Mathematics

Train Up a Child (Amish educational practices)


There is a mom at the Ambleside Online forum who has been using Ray's for years as her main, or maybe only, math curriculum.



I have the dollarhomeschool editions as well as some of the Mott Media hardcopies


There is a yahoo group and a facebook page for this curriculum. The Yahoo group is very quiet. I cannot use Facebook, so am not sure how active that group is.


I'm drooling right now!!!  Thank you for all the links! I really appreciate the time you took to post!  Add this to my quickly growing pile of research  :hurray:  Research is my favorite hobby

I've been using it for the past couple years and I really like it. It's very solid and I love how in the beginning the work is oral. I agree with Hunter about the manual of methods being a great help. Cusinaire rods are so great to go along with it and the videos at educationunboxed.com are an amazing help as well.

We also use other things but they're mostly for fun and games and the purpose is to cultivate a sense of wonder about math rather than to take us through a curriculum.

What other things do you use?  Just curious because I like keeping my eye open at thrift stores for great math games and books.  Some recent hits were Rush Hour for $1, a bunch of Greg Tang books for $2, Qwirkle for $5.  We are a board game kind of family and math ones are my favorite!

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Our favorite game is math war with all its variations. All you need is a deck of cards. We also like Ken Ken puzzles and tangrams. We just bought this game to practice skip counting and we all love it! Very fun. We like to make up word problems for each other and there are no limits for how crazy the problems can be. Family Math is a good resource too. 


You might want to check out this thread:



Lots of great ideas there. 

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