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School Stabbing at High School in PA


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Oh no! That's the high school I went to. This is incredibly upsetting.


We (teachers in PA at my school) were just talking about this... (not our school, but same state). Unfortunately, this sort of thing can happen anywhere, anytime in today's age.  It's sad.


Prayers and good thoughts go out to the students and staff involved.

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Prayers for the wounded.

Is pulling the fire alarm and exiting the bldg the new protocol for weapons other than guns? We haven't had a knife fight in several years, but back then the older students were telling the younger ones to turn around and go outside or to guidance if they saw anything that was rougher than they wanted to be a part of, or a crowd gathering in a hallway. We have a lot more security now.

I'm not sure if it's protocol, but pulling the fire alarm seems like a smart decision in this situation.

Scary, I'm glad it wasn't guns.
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This school district is in my backyard...  literally.  If you walk off my property that's the school district you enter.  Their high school is closer to us than our own.


So sad...  many area churches are open- hosting extra meetings for the teens and community.

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Prayers for the wounded. 




Is pulling the fire alarm and exiting the bldg the new protocol for weapons other than guns? We haven't had a knife fight in several years, but back then the older students were telling the younger ones to turn around and go outside or to guidance if they saw anything that was rougher than they wanted to be a part of, or a crowd gathering in a hallway.  We have a lot more security now.


Not sure about pulling the fire alarm, but yes, leaving the building if possible is (our district anyway) recommended if an intruder is inside the building. This was based on recommendations from a professional consulting firm hired by our district, so our policy was changed. It is a very scary reality now. Our district (in which I work and have children in) has true lockdown situations a few times a year. Fortunately they have all turned out fine and not 'big deal' situations, but I am very glad they are taken seriously until they know what they are dealing with. 

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I don't think our school has a plan for a mass stabbing.  With guns we're to go into the room, lock doors (after teachers make sure everyone is out of the hallway), turn off lights, and hang out in an area as far away from windows and doors as possible.


I suspect if truly in an incident, thinking "on the spot" would take over.  In this case it was before school started, so many students were milling around rather than in rooms.  Going to rooms would be far more difficult.


I don't think there is any way to be prepared for every possible situation nor do I think every possible situation has the same "best" solution.

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