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Good science magazine?


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I would like ds11 to start reading more "current event" non-fiction.  I plan to get National Geographic because he loves geography, but I also want science.  I've tried Science News, and I just think the writing is poor.  Topic-wise though the content is of a desirable variety and selection.  I don't want all nature articles.  Is there anything more appealing out there and yet age appropriate?


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Check the Clarus Publishing group. We've found a lot of their titles to be a good fit. Scientific American is sometimes hit or miss, but generally liked around here. DD gets National Geographic as well, and it does have some science content, but a lot of it is on the natural science side.


Another option is to see if you have journal access through your library system or a university library system and turn him loose there. We have access to quite a few through the TN electronic library, and if there's a subject he's particularly interested in, you can often join the professional association as a student and get access fairly cheaply to their journals (usually electronic only is the cheapest). Some fields have open-access journals as well. The American Chemical Society has a nice magazine for high school students that's fairly cheap (I bought DD a subscription when a high school chem co-op was getting it-they weren't willing to let DD join the co-op, but they were willing to let me order the magazine).



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Cool!  ChemMatters...pretty inexpensive.  There are some free articles we will check out first but it looks interesting.  Also, you can get the last 30 years for $40 on DVD!  I would go that route except I think kids are more likely to pick it up and read it if it's a print magazine rather than me assigning it all the time. 




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Ds likes Popular Science, Smithsonian, and Smithsonian's Air and Space.  He's gotten Discover in the past, which he also likes.  I think there are others hanging around our house, but those are the magazines I've seen on the counter most recently.

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I will be a voice of dissent on the Scientific American front -- I find the quality has declined over the past ten-ish years.  American Scientist is first-rate, though. 


The Carus publishing titles will be most age-appropriate.  Their Odyssey seems just right.  We also subscribe to Scholastic News weekly (runs during the school year -- you can buy a single subscription, you just have to call them up.  Very inexpensive.  Request the grade ahead of your child's "grade" by age -- ie for A. who is 8-9 this year and 3rd, we ordered 4th grade.  You could try two years ahead if you like).  This includes some nice science along with other current event stuff. 


For later middle or high school a great source of science/nature writing would be: The Best American Science and Nature Writing, edited by Tim Folger.  Pulls the best writing from many journals for the general public, very very good. 

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I love the science section in The Economist. It's only a few articles a week, but you can't beat the quality of their writing. And they report on unusual, new studies. Of course, it's a very expensive publication and mostly about current events, but it might be something to consider later. Or seek it out at the library.

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