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Need suggestions for kid sport/activities ...


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DH and I would like DD 9 yo to do an activity.  She is currently doing Highlands dance and hasn't asked to quit but won't practice and doesn't want to go anymore and doesn't want to do any of the special activities.  The writing is on the wall.


We'd like her to do SOMETHING athletic to get out and get exercise.  We need some ideas though.  We'd prefer to avoid a team sport because we travel a lot and don't want to let a team down.


Here's what she's done and disliked:

Tae Kwon Do



Highlands dance






She's a quirky sweet creative kid and left to her own devices she would happily spend all her time reading or doing art projects or playing with Playmobils or listening to audiobooks. She has oodles of friends so we aren't worried about socialization.  She is not competitive and has no inner drive to be the best at a sport.  


There's the information.  Help with some cool sport/activities ideas!  



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In no particular order:

Horseback riding
Swimming, but not on a team. Most Ys have non competitive programs up to age 13
Nature photography
Bicycling, with a parent, at her age
Running/ jogging, if someone else in the family does that

Have you got a dog? Dog walking is great exercise, because you HAVE to do it, lol.

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Wow. That's quite a list. What if you didn't sign her up for any "official" activity, but rather generated a list with her, plus the suggestions here, for things that she'd be willing to try/do? Then the first month, have her choose one activity and she should do something related to it at least once a week, with a friend if that helps. If she really enjoys that selection, she can choose to extend it another month, until she'd like a change. Then, she can choose another from the list, or pull out a slip from a jar. My favorite suggestions above are things you just get out and do—no sign-up and little specialized equipment required. Biking, hiking, gardening, photography, dog walking (volunteer to walk dogs at a local animal shelter if you don't have your own). Things you can do to just enjoy, but be out and active at the same time. My kids have invented "insanity soccer camp" in the backyard, dug a hole for fun, worked on a tree house, scooter or skateboard in a parking lot or skate park. You know, be kids. :)


Erica in OR 

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swimming - even if it's just to get her through a full swim lesson program without becoming competitive.  my girls attended a uni that used to have a swim test for graduation.  one parent got it started after having a child drown.


horseback riding.  works all muscle groups - including the core.



you could also try a different style of MA.


yoga - they have some fun kids yoga dvds if you can't find a class in your area.

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My first thoughts go to yoga and rock climbing. Another thing that might be fun is a circus arts class. 


If you just want her to get exercise, look at what your park authority is offering. I've noticed a couple of places have begun to offer exercise classes for girls with no particular sport in mind. They might have zumba, do some jogging, introduce a variety of sports, but the main goal is movement and fun. 

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Roller skating?  Skateboarding?  That's about the age my dd lived on skates in the house.  Oh, and got her pogo stick...


Miniature golf?  Regular golf?

Racquetball is pretty fun.

My dd likes swim lessons, even when she's beyond them.  She likes level 4, just before they start making you do lots of laps.

Taking walks?  Hiking?


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Ice skating

This, there is so much to ice skating:


Learn to Skate (no competitions, just going and learning)

Speed Skating (this is probably the best sport, but I might be biased)


Figure skating Freestyle

Ice Dance (solo or partner)


Synchronized Skating

Theater on Ice


Curling is not ice skating and is a fun sport where sportsmanship is stressed.

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