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So we need to do surgery at a pediatric hospital. We are in California and live about 6 hours north of the San Francisco Bay area. Would UCSF or Stanford be the better choice? Anyone have experience with pediatric surgeons in Northern California? Thanks!


My "like" is due to having an answer.  You, of course, still have my prayers and best wishes that all goes well with it... :grouphug:


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here is a site that ranks hospitals.  pediatric stanford is ranked nationally in 9 specialties.



so is UCSF



so for example for urology, stanford is 24 nationally, and ucsf is 28.... so i am thinking that they both seem to be quite good.





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here is a site that ranks hospitals.  pediatric stanford is ranked nationally in 9 specialties.



so is UCSF



so for example for urology, stanford is 24 nationally, and ucsf is 28.... so i am thinking that they both seem to be quite good.





Thank you for this. It helps to see side by side comps.

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Thank you for continuing to update us -- I know you must be exhausted from all of the stress and planning, and I'm sure all of us really appreciate your taking the time to let us know what's happening.


If you need specific prayers, please let us know.

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When it rains it pours! Poor dd. We stopped at her grandpa's house for a visit on our way down to Stanford today, and while she was playing in the orchard, she fell and broke her arm and got a nasty gash in her knee! Now we have to see an orthopedic surgeon in addition to the general surgeon at Lucile Packard today. We are all doing surprisingly well given the latest plot twist. God is good and we are just happy to be together!

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When it rains it pours! Poor dd. We stopped at her grandpa's house for a visit on our way down to Stanford today, and while she was playing in the orchard, she fell and broke her arm and got a nasty gash in her knee! Now we have to see an orthopedic surgeon in addition to the general surgeon at Lucile Packard today. We are all doing surprisingly well given the latest plot twist. God is good and we are just happy to be together!

Ugh!  Poor girl!  She's going to get to "tour" the whole place...


While it was really nice of her to make the timing work out so well, you ought to remind her that many times the body actually prefers to work on one issue at a time - or, say, just ONE issue, not multiple.  ;)


I hope all goes smoothly - for all three things - and do remind her it is ALREADY three with the cyst, break, and gash - she doesn't need to do one more to MAKE things come in threes as the popular saying goes...


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Oh dear! You have got your hands full!


Praying for a quick recovery from all that she is experiencing- cyst, arm, knee... hoping that the list does not grow.  I am joyful that she felt well enough to play at her grandpa's house, but poor TWells/mom for all that you have to go through with your dd!  Hang in there. You & your dd are in my prayers.

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So we need to do surgery at a pediatric hospital. We are in California and live about 6 hours north of the San Francisco Bay area. Would UCSF or Stanford be the better choice? Anyone have experience with pediatric surgeons in Northern California? Thanks!

Both are excellent hospitals. My son has had surgery at both. UCSF was a better experience, but that had more to do with bad communication with his surgical team than anything to do with the hospital staff. Stanford (Lucille Packard) is aesthetically nicer, as it's newer and has more space to spread out.


The tie breaker would probably be distance. I would go with UCSF just because it's an hour north of Stanford. You'll want a shorter drive with a post op child.

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I can't recc a Dr but I will say the Ronald McDonald House at Stanford was great and the play areas, inside and outside are amazing. dd7 was 3 I think when we went and she still asks if we can go back the place made such an impression on her.


I hope your able to get her fixed up quick:)

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Thank you all so much for your continued prayers and support. Dd had her surgery early yesterday and she is recovering nicely, praise God. The surgeons, nurses, and staff at Lucile Packard were wonderful and Dd is doing so well that she got released today! Being in LPCH was a very humbling and inspiring experience. I have a renewed appreciation of all medical practitioners after spending a few days in a childrens hospital. God bless those healthcare professionals and all the families being treated by them.

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