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Please Pray for my child-Updated


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We were not successful at getting dd her MRI yesterday. It turns out that when the md puts "urgent" on the mri order, medi-cal translates that as 7 - 10 days instead of the usual 30 days for authorization. The doc said to try the er, but they turned us away, saying, "Mother Theresa, herself couldn't get an mri through the er." It is so hard to wait. The soonest I can contact the radiology department regarding dd's case is tomorrow. I am praying that they can get her in this week. She is holding up, but she's scared. Thank you all for your prayers. Please keep them coming.


:grouphug: No advice, but what was offered above sounded good.  Plenty of prayers and :grouphug: though.


Thanks for the update.


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i think i missed something.  are you waiting for authorization or for the mri appt?


if its for authorization, calling your insurance company may bring good results.  it may not, but its worth a try.  we have friends who had much longer waits with blue cross than we did with kaiser, because with kaiser it is all "in house".  


but i would just lay it out for the insurance folks.  "i have a child who is in agony, and who is scared besides.  we have been at this for eight months now.  (or however long it is).  i understand you folks are swamped, but what can we do to speed up the process".  rinse, repeat.  


The problem is medi-cal. I was on the phone with them several times yesterday. They are in the midst of switching everyone over from state-administered medi-cal benefits to a contractor (Partnership California) that is taking on my dd's case effective today. It is bad timing. I have been in touch with Partnership and they couldn't do anything until she is officially in there system today. I will be calling soon to see if she is in their system and to see if they can expedite the Treatment Authorization Request for the mri.

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The problem is medi-cal. I was on the phone with them several times yesterday. They are in the midst of switching everyone over from state-administered medi-cal benefits to a contractor (Partnership California) that is taking on my dd's case effective today. It is bad timing. I have been in touch with Partnership and they couldn't do anything until she is officially in there system today. I will be calling soon to see if she is in their system and to see if they can expedite the Treatment Authorization Request for the mri.


medi-cal has an ombudsman who may be able to help you navigate the system.  here's a link



i would start by telling them you need help navigating the system, and don't have a complaint yet.  


the "i think we fell thru the cracks at a time when that could be disastrous" might work well.


good luck!



ps.  when you call, ask the name of the person you are speaking with.  keep a running record of times, names, numbers etc.  at the end of a call, ask them if you can call back in a few hours, or if they will call you.  then, call, and ask for them by name.  ask if there is anything else you could be doing or should be doing to help this happen faster.  i would also ask which mri they use, and if they could put you on the schedule now so that her waiting time is reduced.  (they likely won't, but it may help them think of other approaches).

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Can your ped admit her and get the MRI faster? My oldest ds had some really scary symptoms and the neurologist told us he would just admit him because we would have the MRI in a couple of hours instead of having to wait.

I agree with calling your insurance. My son hurt his knee pretty badly and I called and told them that he was in tons of pain and it was ridiculous to wait. (Our ortho has his own machine.) The person was very helpful and he had the MRI that afternoon. I'm not familiar with your insurance, but I bet they have a customer service person that could help you.

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Just letting you know she is especially on my heart. My daughter is just about her age and your daughter keeps popping into my mind at odd times. So we are really lifting her up.  :grouphug: You've gotten some good advice here. Such a bad time with all the craziness going on here - we're in CA too ,and I have some friends trying to navigate stuff with their insurance switching over. Hang in there!!!

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Can your ped admit her and get the MRI faster? My oldest ds had some really scary symptoms and the neurologist told us he would just admit him because we would have the MRI in a couple of hours instead of having to wait.

I agree with calling your insurance. My son hurt his knee pretty badly and I called and told them that he was in tons of pain and it was ridiculous to wait. (Our ortho has his own machine.) The person was very helpful and he had the MRI that afternoon. I'm not familiar with your insurance, but I bet they have a customer service person that could help you.

Thank you so much for this suggestion, Jan! Our ped got dd into the hospital tonight and they should be doing the mri in the morning. This board has been such a wonderful resource and I have found so much support from you all. Thank you all for praying and keeping us in your thoughts.

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Thank you so much for this suggestion, Jan! Our ped got dd into the hospital tonight and they should be doing the mri in the morning. This board has been such a wonderful resource and I have found so much support from you all. Thank you all for praying and keeping us in your thoughts.

I'm so glad!!!! I hope you had a peaceful night and the MRI results are negative.

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i think i missed something.  are you waiting for authorization or for the mri appt?


if its for authorization, calling your insurance company may bring good results.  it may not, but its worth a try.  we have friends who had much longer waits with blue cross than we did with kaiser, because with kaiser it is all "in house".  


but i would just lay it out for the insurance folks.  "i have a child who is in agony, and who is scared besides.  we have been at this for eight months now.  (or however long it is).  i understand you folks are swamped, but what can we do to speed up the process".  rinse, repeat.  


Why is there a long wait for authorization? Normally this is a phone call/fax from the doctor's office to the insurance, and authorization is quick.


What is the purpose of the delay?


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We just got the mri results. It's a benign cyst! Glory to God in the highest! We will meet with the doctor tomorrow to discuss treatment. Thank you again for your prayers and encouragement!


Praise God! Praying for an easy resolution to this problem and that your daughter will be a pain-free, happy little kid again soon!

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We just got the mri results. It's a benign cyst! Glory to God in the highest! We will meet with the doctor tomorrow to discuss treatment. Thank you again for your prayers and encouragement!


I was hoping for news like this. One of mine had some of the symptoms you described and finally the GI doctor ordered an abdominal u/s and all they found was a cyst as an "incidental" finding. It was so large in the u/s I thought it was an organ as I was looking at the images. Thankfully, it resolved on it's own with no intervention, but hers was an ovarian cyst. I hope your dd's cyst can be treated easily.

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