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Question about dental extractions


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dd7 had 4 extractions yesterday morning under GA (Office sedation did not work at all). Both baby canines due to to crowding (consulted with orthodontist before allowing) and I'm guessing her 2nd year molars on the bottoms due to abscesses, the infection ate away the roots;( (We've been trying to get this taken care of since Dec but kept having to reschedule due to illness, had to fight to get it done yesterday since she's getting over a cold, she's on like day 10 and still has a runny nose and minor cough). She's never well more then 1-2 days since starting B&M:(


She had huge clots in the sites on the left side of her mouth on top and bottom, like bigger then the tooth they extracted. Bottom fell out about 2am which freaked her out but it looks kinda smooth now with mix of blood and white stuff, I'm guessing its still draining more even though they said they cleaned out the abscesses. The canine site on top she lost when she sneezed about an hour ago, it looks like its got fresh blood pooling but you can see some of the wound. Sites on the other side of her mouth look fine.


Do I need to be worrying that the clot came off or is it just likely the sheer size caused it to come off of the top but leaves the actual important clot intact? She's also having a fair amount of pain this morning and is needing both Tylenol and Motrin, waiting for the Motrin to kick in still and have her eating ice cream and using a cold pack on her face.


I've had a number of extractions and with the exceptions of my wisdom teeth I didn't need any pain killers beyond the 1st day unless I had a dry socket.


Its a weekend and the dentist office recording says not to call unless its an actual emergency which this is not so I can't call and ask. Its pretty stupid imo for surgery to be done on Fridays but no medical advice available after until Monday.

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Its a weekend and the dentist office recording says not to call unless its an actual emergency which this is not so I can't call and ask. Its pretty stupid imo for surgery to be done on Fridays but no medical advice available after until Monday.


Pfft! Call them. Medical professionals have to expect the occasional call on the weekend, especially when they have major procedures scheduled for a Friday. Most likely, there will be a recording and you just leave your number for them to call back. 

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My non-verbal disabled dd has had teeth extracted on 2 different occasions. Can't help with the clot issue but I know there was a lot of pain that messed her up for a few days. The second time (learning from the first) I tried to stay ahead of it better--filled the prescription pain med before the extraction and used it for first day or two consistently.

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I agree with Cera. Last week I hard an impacted wisdom tooth extracted, and gauze were needed for 24ish hours. The instructions I got said the 3rd day was the worst pain and swelling wise, and that was no joke. 3 days in I was on Motrin and kept an ice pack on there nearly all day. It took a week to stop hurting completely, and 10 days out I am still sensitive there. Having so many out and dealing with infection will likely make it worse for her. I would call the dentist. He can tell you if you need to be seen.

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Keep rotating the Tylenol and Motrin. Don't wait till she asks for it. It's harder to relieve pain rather than prevent it. If she's doing fine with just Tylenol and Motrin, I'd assume things are going okay. When I've had mine extracted it hurt and was sore for three days or so.

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If it starts to really hurt, give the oral surgeon/dentist a call.  My son had 5 teeth extracted for ortho purposes and got dry socket in two of the holes.  Needed to go back in and get a medicated (oil of cloves) gauze stuffed in the holes to help heal it.  Went back one week later and then the next week were taken out for good.  Annoying but painless after the gauze was inserted.


To good health!

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