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Update in Post #22 and Post #1. Why do people who don't homeschool or afterschool or have no intention to homeschool their children


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As far as I know, I was the one who did the most recent poll:  http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/486683-why-are-you-here-at-twtm-boards/?hl=%20why%20%20are%20%20you%20%20here%20%20twtm%20%20boards


I'm here specifically out of educational philosophy, (a mixture of Trivium Classical-specifically TWTM,  CM/Living Books Classical and Unit Studies) and made the mistake of assuming most people would be here for the same reason, as it is, after all, TWTM boards.  Knowing other TWTM homeschoolers IRL, there was a lot of frustration for us finding information here related specificaly to the book TWTM.  Not that the other discussion was bad, just that it was hard to filter through and find a lot of people with experience implementing TWTM daily in their homeschools. This website does not have my favorite search engine either, so it was doubly frustrating for me.

At the same time I noticed this website had a lot of long term loyal followers, so as someone who does A LOT of work with new homeschoolers, orienting them to American homeschooling subcultures and comparing and contrasting edcational philosophies and curriulum, I wanted to specifically know what other needs were being met here on the boards so I could recommend it to people who had needs other than how to implement TWTM.  I took the poll to better understand people different than me so I could help others different than me.

People are here for ideas about a wide range of approaches and lifestyle issues related to homeschooling.  Some are here because they want to know more about the wide range of education options-just like many homeschoolers read about forms of education other than homeschooling.  Some people are here for more intellectual discussion of various topics. Often those topics are related to the best of Western Classical Education. I would say this is a crowd of people with a higher regard than the average American for intellectualism in general.  I have no idea how they compare to other nationalities around the world. This is also true of homeschoolers in general-academic standards vary dramatically among American homeschoolers. (I'm thrilled about posting this last paragraph with my spell check not working!)

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This thread makes me realize how much I appreciate these forums.  I'm a homeschool veteran, but if I wasn't I don't know where I would go for some of the information I find here.  Yes, I have friends irl, but there is a great deal more diversity on here and more collective experience than I can gather among irl friends.  

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Oh, I probably should have left a couple of years ago when my homeschooling journey ended with middle son accepted to college and youngest having opted for public high school.


However, I've found the Hive's info to be far more useful than wikipedia...


And the socialization (for me)...


And habit...


And it pops up on my "New Tab" list of options...


Plus I enjoy seeing where our Hive kids end up each year from both the high school and college boards.

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I came here years ago when we were deciding what to do with our youngest. My husband and I eventually decided to keep him in school but came to these boards to find resources that would help beef up areas in his elementary education that we felt were lacking.


Our youngest is now a junior in high school and after he finishes, I plan to volunteer as a homework helper for the local children of immigrants from Central and South America. I'd like to do a good job, and no doubt this board will have many excellent resources and suggestions that I can try. My husband will be retiring in a few years, and he also plans to help the same group with math.


These are the most helpful educational boards I've found and that's why I come here. I'm grateful that Susan and Co. make them available to everyone. :)

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If we would have stayed in Georgia we would be homeschooling dd1, right now I am very active in dd's private school and I afterschool her. Besides homeschooling is our back up plan for both girls. Dd1 is doing great in her school so we will keep her there unless something changes :)

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What I don't get is why people have to question other people's "legitimacy" to join this board in the first place. It is a public forum. Anyone can join. People have reasons for joining boards that may not be YOUR reason for joining, but as long as they not being jerks and breaking the board rules, why would anyone else care?

I agree. It's the internet. It will have a wide range of people and backstories which may or may not be true. For all we know any given homeschool mom is really a childless dude in his mom's basement.

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Also, if everyone who homeschooled, after schooled, or had specific subject knowledge did not feel welcome here as soon as they no longer had a student at home, we would lose the benefit of a lot of experience and wisdom. Some days I'm pretty sure I'd be lost with Creekland, Jane, and Nan to name just a few.


If the high school andcollege board were restricted so that those that only still had a high schooler at home, much knowlexge of the launching of young adults into the college and trades, navigating FASFA, writing transcripts and course descriptions, .... go! No thanks! I like it when experienced moms and dads stick around and after so many years, it is really good to hear about what is happening with dear boardies' young adults.

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Also, if everyone who homeschooled, after schooled, or had specific subject knowledge did not feel welcome here as soon as they no longer had a student at home, we would lose the benefit of a lot of experience and wisdom. Some days I'm pretty sure I'd be lost with Creekland, Jane, and Nan to name just a few.


If the high school andcollege board were restricted so that those that only still had a high schooler at home, much knowlexge of the launching of young adults into the college and trades, navigating FASFA, writing transcripts and course descriptions, .... go! No thanks! I like it when experienced moms and dads stick around and after so many years, it is really good to hear about what is happening with dear boardies' young adults.

I, the OP, will still be here after dc graduate from homeschool or go on to public school if we choose. My question is not for those homeschool veterans, just to clarify. Also I posted my conclusion in my post #22.

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At the same time I noticed this website had a lot of long term loyal followers, so as someone who does A LOT of work with new homeschoolers, orienting them to American homeschooling subcultures and comparing and contrasting edcational philosophies and 


This is where some confusion stems. We long term loyal followers are from back when this was a homeschooling board. Not sure it was specifically stated as such, but everyone on it homeschooled. My old brain has a little bit of trouble not thinking of it as such now. I see it as a homeschooling board; one that has had a lot of non-homeschoolers join it. Instead of running them off, SWB embraced them and enlarged the scope. Still, it gets under my skin sometimes when non-homeschool friendly jabs are made on MY (emphasis not because I feel ownership, but because to me it is a...)homeschooling board.

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I first came to this board because I read the WTM and was interested in more information. I stayed because there are a lot of super smart people with a wealth of information that I am interested in as a parent.


As a non-homeschooler, I have to say that it was never obvious to me that this is exclusively a "homeschooling board" because the WTM is not exclusively a homeschooling book. I mean, SWB says right upfront that the book is for parents who want to homeschool OR supplement learning at home. Also, forum topics like "education", "curriculum", etc are of interest to all parents, whether they homeschool or not.


At times, I've seen the posts about the forums being for homeschoolers. Is there some origin of the forum that started as exclusively homeschooling? It isn't obvious if you came through the route of reading the WTM. To be honest, those posts make me feel unwelcome and that is why I rarely post and mainly lurk.

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I first came to this board because I read the WTM and was interested in more information. I stayed because there are a lot of super smart people with a wealth of information that I am interested in as a parent.


As a non-homeschooler, I have to say that it was never obvious to me that this is exclusively a "homeschooling board" because the WTM is not exclusively a homeschooling book. I mean, SWB says right upfront that the book is for parents who want to homeschool OR supplement learning at home. Also, forum topics like "education", "curriculum", etc are of interest to all parents, whether they homeschool or not.


At times, I've seen the posts about the forums being for homeschoolers. Is there some origin of the forum that started as exclusively homeschooling? It isn't obvious if you came through the route of reading the WTM. To be honest, those posts make me feel unwelcome and that is why I rarely post and mainly lurk.


Post more!!




I, for one, enjoy the diversity that the board has developed over the years.  It is good to get the perspective of those not actively homeschooling.  As a homeschooler, it can get very insular living in your little homeschool bubble.  Fresh perspective.  Bring it on!

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I homeschooled through high school, they are now in college... I am now homeschooling myself. (working on a bs in accounting. Online university. I love home education!  :-)  I hang here cuz I get your guys... and not many people that I know in rl get me.

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For all we know any given homeschool mom is really a childless dude in his mom's basement.


So you're the stalker!  I thought I heard noises upstairs.  Mom said she was "meeting with a friend!"


shhhh....don't give me away dude...


How did she find out and WHY did she blow our cover???


Gotta go find more chips and a beer...

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At times, I've seen the posts about the forums being for homeschoolers. Is there some origin of the forum that started as exclusively homeschooling? It isn't obvious if you came through the route of reading the WTM. To be honest, those posts make me feel unwelcome and that is why I rarely post and mainly lurk.



I wasn't around for the very beginning (I've only been around about 10 or 11 years), but yes, the origin was just a single board of homeschoolers who used TWTM as a basis for their children's education. Honestly, a whole lot of the conversations did not have anything to do with educating the kids. It was very much a place where homeschooling moms hung out. It was more of an "in real time" posting event. The board/s has/ve gone through many changes in getting to where they are today. They had to in order to accommodate the increased traffic! Honestly, in many ways, the original board was a much more friendly place. 

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I am an official wannabe :blushing:


My oldest (22) is on her own now, my 19 year old is finishing up his sophomore year of college, my 9 year old is in the 3rd grade in PS, and I have a 3 year old and 1 year old.


I profess to an enormous fear of not providing the children the education they need to pursue whatever path they feel called to follow.  And the children enjoy PS, and we do have good schools in our area (DS1 is on a full academic scholarship).


I guess if they struggled or were unhappy, I would take the plunge regardless of my misgivings about myself.


But I STILL feel that the information here is incredibly useful and inspiring and I hope you all don't mind putting up with me :bigear:

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