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Trees? Decorate with paper flowers, colored lights, hanging lanterns.


Music - make a playlist on an i-gadget and play it for the after party - will need some sort of outdoor speakers. This would be in lieu of live musicians of to save $ by having musicians that will play for ceremony only.


A big ice chest/stainless steel tub for icing beverages. It's more expensive but sooooo much easier to get bottles/cans and not have to worry about cups and having to serve it. Just the drinks, a bottle opener.


And trash cans. Maybe cover them or spray paint them so they won't be ugly, but don't forget that you will need them.


Shoes that can be worn on grass (ie forget spiky heels).


If you have a fence, decorate a section of it with fresh flowers and/or ribbon for a backdrop for the ceremony.


This will be lots of work in a short time but as another has already pointed out, that can be good. I've seen brides angst over weddings for a year and have no more special of a day than some planned in a month. In the end, they will be married, and that's what truly matters, right?


Oh yeah, rain plan.

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Any parking issues?  Make sure if the happy couple plan to leave and go elsewhere that night, that their car isn't blocked in.  Any town ordinances about outdoor music?  Grumpy neighbors who will need appeasing (or an invite!).  Any pets?  Where do they need to go for the day.  Someone to specifically watch their daughter, don't want her to feel left out but I found with my niece she just wanted to go dance for an hour, instead she had to be Mommy and rock toddler to sleep.


Also security, lock all the front doors so no one can slip into the house front door while you are all partying in the back yards.

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Oh, yes. Between the three houses, there are enough bathrooms.


My dh, middle neighbors dh have photo duty.


Great tip on the trash cans.


And you trust everyone in atendance to have unlimited access to your house? And you'll recognize everyone- in case some thief moseys in and robs you while the wedding is going on?


I'm a "grumpy neighbor." :glare:  I would alow use of my yard (maybe) but never never my house to strangers.


Speaking of yard: liability in cas esomeone is injured or drives away drunk and detroys anything?

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