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OMG! Is there some HORRIBLE stomach virus going around?


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I have been violently ill since midnight (5 hours).  I've only been this sick one other time in my life.  Can't keep ice chips down and I won't even describe how terribly sick I've been.  What makes it worse is that I can't sleep a wink when I'm sick.  I just lay and moan and feel every little ache the whole time.  

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I had it this week. Unfortunately mine lasted 24 hours.  Vomiting and diarrhea. It was terrible. I had my appendix out in August and I would seriously rather go through that again than have this flu again.  I lost seven pounds.  Hope you feel better soon.  Hopefully yours won't be as severe as mine was.

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Hubby had it last year.  We know who he got it from.  :toetap05:    


Everything I read on norovirus said that it is terribly contagious, so I kept him to one bathroom and the rest of us elsewhere, soaked all his dishes in germicide, and I washed my hands and bathed repeatedly, since I was the one in closest proximity to all the shenanigans.


I was very thankful that no one else got it.  Not even me, surprisingly.



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