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Guilty pleasures


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Does anyone have a guilty pleasure  that you can't believe you have? That you can share that is.



I can't believe how crazily addicted I am to CW's Beauty and the Beast. Nor how devastated I am that they might not renew for 3rd season. I remember watching the original series back in the day and liking it but never checked out the first season of BatB especially once I heard it may be cancelled anyway. Didn't want to get hooked on a show that was cancelled first season. THEN...bored and scrolling through Netflix. Decided what the heck and in less than a week I watched the entire season. To be completely honest, I didn't love the first couple of episodes but found them interesting enough and Vincent to be moderately cute. Nothing to get all hot and bothered about. Before I knew it I fell hard. I don't even love romance movies preferring action or comedy. Romance just makes me uncomfortable. As if I wasn't already taken aback by my decisions, I told myself I would only watch the first episode of season 2 on amazon prime. I just had to know what happened after the season finale. I wasn't worried because never would I buy more episodes at $1.99 each when there are 16. Over the years I have only purchase a couple of prime movies and then only when the entire family is interested or a special occasion. Strange but I don't mind paying for a redbox movie but I it bugs me to pay for a television series. Anyway, I couldn't stop myself. Within days I had purchased all of the shows, one by one. Telling myself...just one more. When did I watch them you ask? While working out or waiting for kids at sports but mostly after everyone was in bed. One night I was up until 4:00 when dh busted me. Talk about awkward! Finally I was caught up and could watch the new show last Monday night. Problem, our family always watches The Voice together which airs at same time. Dvr comes in handy but I couldn't wait. Finally half way through the voice, I begged off and went to my bedroom to watch. OMG! Best show ever!!! I have watched parts of it over and over again and can't wait until the next episode. My 18 yr old asked me what I was watching and with just gentle encouragement from me, I had her hooked on Season 1 too. What kind of mom would I be if I didn't watch it with her? So in 2 weeks time I have watched Season 1 twice and Season 2 once, along with parts of the last episode too many times. I have tweeted my love for the show so much that my hubby is now saying that he lost me to a Beast. He finds it funny since the last show I watched like this was uhm...maybe 24 but it was dh's favorite too. Btw, I have tweeted more since Monday than I have since I opened the account over 2 yrs ago.  Now hiding head in shame! Please tell me you have something that you have done something so out of your norm too.



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JD Robb's series (In Death)

Starbucks addiction


... and cigarettes *cringe* (Next month I hope to start a hospital cessation program my cardio referred me out to)


Oh, and one my husband's German friends from work brought some kinderchocolate (sp?) to my son's last birthday. I've been nuts for it ever since. Seriously the best chocolate I've ever had. We can buy it here at the World Market (crazy expensive though).

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I'm sad, but my guilty pleasure is over - Breaking Bad. I didn't watch it when it was airing. But, since I had heard so much about it, I bought the first season. The weekend before last Christmas, dd was home from school and saw that I had it, so suggested we watch it. DD, dh and I all got hooked!! I forget how many episodes we watched while she was home, but she ordered season 2 and season 3 for me for Xmas. Dh and I continued to watch at least one episode a night and more on the weekend. I ended up ordering the rest of the episodes so we wouldn't have to have a break in watching them. We finally finished the whole thing a few weeks ago. I still want to know what happened to Jesse. DD has to spend her nights studying so is only in the middle of season 4. Poor girl!

Oh, then I got hooked on United States of Tara and watched the whole series in 2 weeks.

Other then that, very dark chocolate is my guilty pleasure. But, it's definitely not  a secret. (I'm also loving the Blacklist).

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Laying in bed. It's my favorite place in the world. My husband stayed home for a week a few months ago and gave me 3 days off of motherhood. On the 4th day we realized I hadn't gotten out of bed other than to use the loo or shower for the entire 3 days. I wasn't even ashamed.

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General Hospital. I have been watching it since middle school when Luke and Laura got married. My sisters and my parents also watch it, and we text about it. My DH makes fun of me, but when I was watching it the other day, he kept asking questions, "Who shot AJ?" And "How many gangsters has Alexis slept with?"


I also watch Nashville and Dallas.


I swear I'm a well-read, smart chick. However, soap operas are my guilty pleasure.

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Cadbury Mini Eggs.

You don't even want to know... heck, *I* don't even want to know... how many of those I eat each year.

I'm really, really glad they're seasonal. :D



Other than that, Kpop and Korean dramas. :D Those aren't much of a secret, though. :lol:

I used to love those Mini Eggs. Then when I was pregnant with DS4, I ate too many in one sitting and was, according to my family, high as a kite. I was laying on the couch singing to myself. Apparently, I don't really remember.


My guilty pleasure is fanfic. Mostly reading, haven't had the time to write since having kids.

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Dunkin Donuts Carmel Iced Coffee.  Let's just say that if they see me pull in there, our drinks are ready by the time we get in the store.  :laugh:

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