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What is your favorite Bible study/Character/Devotions book?


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I am looking into getting something for next year for me and the kids to do for our morning "Bible Time". Right now we are reading a narrative style book of leading kids to God. We will be done with it soon.


I would like something that is structured with questions/discussion promts, but that isn't a MUST. I could be a short study or a year-long curriculum.


I was looking at Telling God's Story, and it looks good, but I am undecided and thought I'd ask what you ladies LOVE.


So, what have you used that was just. awesome.? I will have a 1st grader, 3rd grader and a very smart (and sassy) Kinder that picks things up super fast. Go ahead and recommend for older kids as well, as I like to plan things out.....

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I don't know if this helps much but we always did just plain Bible reading with our own discussion adding our own scripture to memorize and just discussed it as we went along.  In the elementary years we also did character studies and theme studies.  I never really used any set curriculum but we did use the Children's Illustrated Bible quite a bit particularly for the pictures, and would be good for your little ones to learn at that age but mostly we used the actual Bible where I read some and we discussed it.  I also read to them some great other books to supplement our studies in Bible but it would be more for character development and biographies of great leaders.  We used books about the Millers such as Prudence and the Millers, Missionary Stories they have many others my kids loved these.  As they got a little older we used Trial and Triumph which is like short biographies of great leaders.  The only year we did an actual set curriculum per say was Who Is God and Can I Really Know Him?  we liked it pretty well but it would probably be more for the upper elementary age range.  HTH

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We are using this, too, with a 7 year old. You read a passage from scripture and discuss it with a few questions. I love it. It takes you through the Old Testament. After this, we will do Old Story New which is the sequel and takes you through the New Testament.


We're using Long Story Short, and like it so far.

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Thanks for the suggestions!


Homeschoolmom3- we have been reading the Bible stories since the kids were tiny. They know almost all of them by heart.


Justicesmom- I haven't looked at Long Story short, but that sounds EXACTLY what I;m looking for: read a bit, and discuss with kids. Except I am not good at coming up with good discussion questions. Maybe this will help me. Off to look!


Keep them coming, if you have something you love!

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One that we really enjoyed, but I never hear mentioned is the Rod & Staff Bible Curriculum. It starts at 5th grade and is what I was looking for in having the student actually study the Bible. There is nothing really specific religion wise in the curriculum, it is literally looking at Scripture and answering questions. It has some geography and terminology pages. 


My ds enjoys the straightforward nature of it and that he is just reading directly from the Bible.  And then answering all the various questions helps with retention and seeing things differently than he might have initially interpreted.

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