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Snowsnowsnowsnowsnow. Snow. Snowsnow. Snowsnowsnowsnow. Snow.


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Boo! Hiss! Snarl! Whine!


We're about to get buried again. I HATE this. I'm sluggish, numb, and perpetually apathetic. I do NOT want to do this again. I'm just gonna let the next snowplow take me out and be done with it.


(Not really. Nobody friggin panic on me. I'm bitter and melodramatic, not suicidal)

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I am sooo done with this.  This winter has been unbelievable.  We have had piles of ice and snow for months, the streets are still narrower than usual, even our "heatwave" last weekend didn't get rid of much of it.


I have no idea what we are supposed to get tonight.  I've seen three different forecasts for my area - one says 2-4", one says 4-7" and one says 8-14".  Guess which one I'm hoping for?

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I am sooo done with this. This winter has been unbelievable. We have had piles of ice and snow for months, the streets are still narrower than usual, even our "heatwave" last weekend didn't get rid of much of it.


I have no idea what we are supposed to get tonight. I've seen three different forecasts for my area - one says 2-4", one says 4-7" and one says 8-14". Guess which one I'm hoping for?

That's the thing...there is still so much on the ground because it's been so cold.


And the potholes. The $&?!@ potholes.

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We got rain yesterday. First reason of the year, and it was lovely.


Our spring break destination, OTOH, has an ice storm this weekend. It's supposed to be nice by the time we drive out, but I'm packing on the assumption the ice will be back by next weekend.

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I hear you loud and clear.  The main ridge board in our garage broke last weekend. the roof came down 7inches and the garage was 2 inches wider.  Why it didn't all collapse only God knows.

 It's still standing, braced up and safe, but we are waiting a construction engineer opinion on how to proceed.

DH spent 3 hours shoveling off the same roof last weekend, and between him and our son, 4 more yesterday.  Came inside to shower and nap, and it started snowing.

I mean seriously, 4 hours of shoveling, only one section of the roof is done, and it started snowing.


BTW..if the snow and ice on the roof was the cause of the broken ridge board, every roof in West Michigan would be broke.  Our's was a flawed design from the get go.


But yeah, done with snow here.


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Boo! Hiss! Snarl! Whine!


We're about to get buried again. I HATE this. I'm sluggish, numb, and perpetually apathetic. I do NOT want to do this again. I'm just gonna let the next snowplow take me out and be done with it.


(Not really. Nobody friggin panic on me. I'm bitter and melodramatic, not suicidal)

I'm right there with you. When my husband mentioned the impending new pile, I threatened to have a nervous breakdown. He told me tough luck, he already has his planned and one of us has to remain stable for the children.


Stupid man. :glare:

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If I were one of those competitive Moms, I would smile snarkily and say, "Why you poor dears...more snow? Such bad luck for you...no snow in my area now."


If I were an honest Mom, I'd have to admit that we are currently being bathed in ice instead and I have developed a facial tick. I would also complain that the weather predictions for this afternoon are sleet and snow, then for this evening, snow and sleet. Tomorrow they're predicting snow only. (Like that's any relief) All of our previous snow did melt off. I was rather alarmed when I realized that our cars had been parking on a sheet of packed snow and ice about 5 inches thick.


It brings to mind my Granny's old refrain, "Whether the weather is cold or whether the weather is hot, we'll weather the weather, whatever the weather, whether we like it or not."

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I feel better.

I'm with you!  It is around 50 degrees in our neighborhood right now (so I guess it is going to trend colder).  But it is going to start raining, and they tell us we will get up to 12 inches or so of snow by the end of tomorrow!!  We have had so much snow this winter!!


I suspect we may have no power because of this storm.  We were lucky the last time because it wasn't wet enough to weigh down the wires and trees.  Not this time.  It is going to start with freezing rain/ice and turn to snow.

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It looks like we're only expecting light snow here this week, but I'm sick to death of this cold.  It's around ten-thirty in the morning, and it's twelve below zero.  Thirty-seven below with the windchill.  I kind of wish I didn't have any errands to run today.  

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ok I usually like snow and don't mind shoveling BUT our area is calling for 10-14" starting tonight, snowing all day Mon, ending sometime late Mon afternoon or evening.  I am having cataract surgery on my other eye Tues so as soon as the snow stops Mon evening I will be shoveling as we have to be leaving around 7 am Tues for the surgery and cannot be late.

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We have embraced cross country skiing this year.  It is about the only thing you can do outside unless you have a snowmobile.


We are at 150+ inches for the year and temps about 15-25 degrees below normal.  Our highs aren't even as high as our normal low temps.


We do have hope though.  In the 10 day forecast we have 2 days above freezing coming.........along with well below zero temps.


We just need to moderate the thaw and not have a big sudden break up on the rivers and sudden melting of the snow as the frost line is so deep that many places are having frozen and burst water pipes.

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Yeah.  I can totally relate.  It is snowing here again too.  They claimed it was only going to snow yesterday and wasn't going to get that cold.  It is still snowing.  It was in the single digits yesterday and got below zero last night.  I don't know.  Maybe the weather person's definition of cold and mine aren't the same. :(

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I live near where the Potomac empties into the Chesapeake.  My back porch thermometer read 68F.  This evening, after sunset, it will start with ice/sleet then switch to snow, possible 3-7 inches.  I am trying not to cry.


I know you Northern Gals are laughing at us since you get this all the time.  I was born a Floridian and I will always be a Floridian so this is torture for me.   :huh:

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Yeah, and I hear we have more coming this week.  What is Mother Nature so pi$$3d off about?  Global warming?


My kids are finally coming around to the idea that not everything about winter is awesome.  It only took until about the 10th time we almost hit a tree / pole / mailbox / stop sign / other car, thanks to the fact that the nearby city does not plow half of the roads.  :/

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I'll be the oddball! This winter has been an absolute BLESSING for us! DH works at a salt mine so business is booming huge!! The past two winters were so mild and there were so many layoffs (not dh at least!). So I have to say (as the rest of you throw the most rotten tomatoes at me!) LET IT SNOW!!!!!!!!!




(Oooo...that's also the title of a Boyz II Men song! Double bonus!!)


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It was 80 yesterday. Right now it is 18. We have has sleet this morning and are now getting light snowfall. I'm so done with winter.

This is the case in Dallas area. Currently driving 25mph to get back home to Houston. Kids were bummed they weren't going to see snow this year, but now they get to crawl through it for a couple of hours. Me? I hate it. :)

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Recent conversation re: impending ice storm


Dh: flights from NY are cancelled - no meeting with the NY people tomorrow!


Me: well, since you aren't leaving the house tomorrow, you can plan to cancel all your meetings.


Dd11: you're staying home tomorrow?!!


Dh: we'll see what the circumstance dictates.


Me: circumstance is dictating that you will not be driving anywhere in the ice tomorrow.


Dd15: I believe that circumstance is called "Mom".



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I am SO over this winter. Over 70 inches of snow this winter. Last winter: 18


My gas bill to 'heat' the house is within ten dollars of my house payment. 


Average snowfall for March is 4.8 inches. On March 1st- yesterday- we got 4.6 inches.  Spring is never coming. 


There is a 4 foot high wall of snow all around my parking area AND in front of my garage.   Our snowplow guy said he'd move that pile from the front of the garage in a few weeks. Because it's too thick, high, and dense for him to move it now. 


Have I mentioned I am over winter? 



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Our forecast is rain, rain and more rain.  It  is great because we need it.  However, we do not need it all at once.  It was not raining when we left the car in the library parking lot.  When we returned to our car an hour later it was sitting in a mini lake.  My 9yo dd was the only one wearing boots so the 16yo dd had to borrow said boots (yes, they wear the same size) and the water was over the feet of the boots and over her ankle by several inches so she could drive the car out onto dry land so the rest of us could get in.  Also if we get our rainfall all at once we are not able to save enough of it.  It all goes rushing down the creeks & rivers into the bay.  Dh has scout training up in the Santa Cruz mts this weekend.  We are also having wind gusts that are pushing my border collie across the backyard.


It is making me a little crazy, but it isn't snow.


Amber in SJ

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