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Siblings at the same school

Just Another Jen

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So- we may end up with two boys at the same state university next Fall. They will not be rooming together and have very different majors. Any ideas of the benefits or disadvantages I haven't thought of? Besides the fact that I will be writing huge checks to one place?  :)  I'm thrilled actually as its been a long road with son number 2. I'm so glad that he has turned the corner.

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My oldest two went to the same school, and my middle two are currently at the same school (different school from where the older two went).  We never planned it or pushed them that way; it's just the way it worked out.  My kids are close and they enjoy having a sibling nearby.  They don't room together or anything, but they might meet for dinner once a week, see each other at Christian Fellowship events, etc.  They each have their own group of friends, though there is some overlap. I can't think of any disadvantages.

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My older two went to the same school.


The ONLY "disadvantage" my kids found was having to put up with people who, having just discovered that they are siblings, gushed on about it! Oh well!


Like Muttichen, my kids had a regular dinner date once a week and, since the school only had one diving hall, ate together much more often than that. They had different majors and generally went their own way, but they enjoyed having each other around.


FYI, I do NOT recommend having a girl's boyfriend be roommates with the sibling brother. Just don't go there! But you live and learn through experiences, right?

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I was a freshman at college while one of my older brothers was a senior.  I remember seeing him on campus one day and laughing because he was barefoot.  We always ran around barefoot as kids.  No disadvantages here.  Actually, my 4 oldest siblings were at college together, one in each grade.  The school newspaper did a story on them.  I think some of my sisters lived together during the summer, but never during the school year.  They probably shared a vehicle as well.


I can think of 2 advantages:

- Since I was the 4th math major in the family, the profs who had had one of my older siblings in class had a favorable opinion of me from the start.

- I got a decent paying part-time job in town at the same company an older sibling had worked for.  The reputation of my older sibling helped me get the job.

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My husband went to the same university as both his sister (3 years younger) and his brother (2 years younger). All three of them also returned there for graduate school. My brother went to school there also, so for many years, we were one big happy family at the same university. :)


My in-laws have often commented that they wished they'd bought a house there for all the kids to live in. It would have saved them a whole lot of money over the years.


I wonder if my younger dd will end up at the same school as my oldest. I know she's considered it, but we'll see!

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Three of my cousins are all at the same university. They're each only one year apart. I have no idea how their parents are paying for it, handling them all being out of state, and having a graduation almost every stinking year for so long (high school then college).



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My two older kids are at the same university. They don't see each other regularly as their dorms are far apart and they usually eat at different dining halls, but they do run into each other getting coffee or at the library (makes a mother proud :D).


I know they snapchat all the time :)

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My brother and I went to the same large state university, about 3 hours from home. He was a freshman when I was a senior, and I loved being able to grab coffee with him or running into him around town.  We went to different churches, and ran in different social circles, so we were never in each other's hair, but got to see each other when we wanted and ride home together for holidays.  I saw no disadvantages. I loved having him there! 

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