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Dodge Grand Caravan, 2006-2009ish


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I have a 2006.  We've been pretty happy with it.  I chose it specifically because I wanted the seats that fold into the floor.  That's been a great feature when we've needed it.   I've had a few issues with it.  The side door locks quit responding to the key fob so we have to open the front doors and lift the lock by hand.  The back lights don't blink when I unlock the door anymore; they used to indicate that the car had gotten the signal from the key fob.  It doesn't seem to hold alignment well, but that might be my driving or our roads.  We had to replace the air pump last year. 

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We have a 2006 Dodge Caravan and LOVE it. THe only major problem we've had is the belts the side doors slide on wearing out. (So when opened electronically, they hit a "obstacle" and bounce close again) We open them by hand for a while. Then my dad comes into town and helps us replace them. This happened on the driver's side first and is now starting on the passenger side.

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Thank you for the comments! It gets overall fairly positive reviews online, more than similar vehicles in the same price range (ie the Town and Country seems to get more bad reviews), so it's high on my list. Actually, right now, it's the only one on my list, although I need to research the Kia and Hyundai vans a bit too. Looks like there are a lot of them available as well. We're not ready to buy yet, but possibly in a few months, or maybe next year (depending on what my current van needs to pass inspection).

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I'll add one more review. We have a 2010 and have been generally satisfied with it. We made a point to buy the most basic, stripped-down version that was available through our dealership, as all the reviews I'd read indicated that the upgraded features were the ones that broke most frequently. 


So while I would have loved the automatic doors and tailgate, we do slide them ourselves. Our only "upgrades" were automatic windows and air conditioning. 


We also have been very happy with the fold and go seating. It's very easy to convert the seating to accommodate luggage and/or extra passengers.

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Worst car I have ever owned.


The list of things that went wrong with it were endless.

Yikes! I am sorry to hear that!


I am really not sure what to think. For all the positive reviews, there're always a few that are really terrible. Makes me very nervous. It doesn't matter if most people love the vehicle, if YOU get the one that is lousy.

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I'm chewing my nails and watching this thread. We just got a 2013. We had no choice. It's adapted for my son's power wheelchair. The only other minivan they adapt is the odyssey and we just couldn't stomach the 50k price tag. So far we love it. It's actually beg enough for TWO wheelchairs, so he can bring a friend.

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We had a Dodge Caravan circa 2001, and we'll never buy one again.  It went through two transmissions along with other issues.  Research carefully!






And other issues. I bought a much much older car that I knew needed a lot of work. It was more reliable and I had to put off getting the work done so that I had something to drive while the dodge grand caravan was int eh shop. 


Run screaming from then.

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I just stopped driving a 2003....so a year older than you were asking. I loved that van! It has 218K miles on it...and is probably due for some major work soon.


We purchased it used with about 47K miles. The dealership dealt with the A/C because it went out as we bought it. We replaced the transmission a few years ago. It had one other problem a couple of years ago....a sensor went out. I expected that to be a whopping bill, but it was $150 and an overnight stay at the mechanics.


Edited to add...I just purchased a Camry. It suits my new life as a RE agent, but I can tell you I will be missing the ability to go to Home Depot and load up the van with large stuff.

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We bought a used 2008 with 47K miles on it and have had no problems with it at all. Love that van! It is so comfortable for long trips. We drive from TN to MI every year. Before we bought the 2008, we were driving a 1997 Grand Caravan. It had an air conditioning issue, but no other major repairs. We still own it and my son uses it daily for his commute to school.


Good luck in your search.

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I'm chewing my nails and watching this thread. We just got a 2013. We had no choice. It's adapted for my son's power wheelchair. The only other minivan they adapt is the odyssey and we just couldn't stomach the 50k price tag. So far we love it. It's actually beg enough for TWO wheelchairs, so he can bring a friend.


The 2 chairs thing it HUGE.  My mom had a Caravan with wheelchair lift and was able to take herself and a friend with her shopping, etc. and we used it to pick up a guy for church that was in a wheelchair.


I got it after she upgraded and drove it to the ground.  It actually got BETTER gas mileage than my Odyssey that I replaced it with.


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I'm chewing my nails and watching this thread. We just got a 2013. We had no choice. It's adapted for my son's power wheelchair. The only other minivan they adapt is the odyssey and we just couldn't stomach the 50k price tag. So far we love it. It's actually beg enough for TWO wheelchairs, so he can bring a friend.

We have had a wheelchair-converted 1997 Dodge Grand Caravan for years and have loved it. Yes, repairs, but nothing that wouldn't have happened in any somewhat older car. Air conditioning did have to be redone last year, but we live in Texas. It is HOT and this happens.

My major complaint is that the conversion and hydraulic lowering system causes the van to ride SOooooo low to the ground:(

Apparently this is much better in the newer vans.

I certainly hope so! We have just ordered a brand new modified van:)

For what it is worth, the Toyota Sienna is commonly comverted as well, in addition to the Town and Country and the Grand Caravan, and the Honda Oddysey.

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The 2 chairs thing it HUGE.  My mom had a Caravan with wheelchair lift and was able to take herself and a friend with her shopping, etc. and we used it to pick up a guy for church that was in a wheelchair.


I got it after she upgraded and drove it to the ground.  It actually got BETTER gas mileage than my Odyssey that I replaced it with.



We have had a wheelchair-converted 1997 Dodge Grand Caravan for years and have loved it. Yes, repairs, but nothing that wouldn't have happened in any somewhat older car. Air conditioning did have to be redone last year, but we live in Texas. It is HOT and this happens.

My major complaint is that the conversion and hydraulic lowering system causes the van to ride SOooooo low to the ground:(

Apparently this is much better in the newer vans.

I certainly hope so! We have just ordered a brand new modified van:)

For what it is worth, the Toyota Sienna is commonly comverted as well, in addition to the Town and Country and the Grand Caravan, and the Honda Oddysey.

We skipped the hydraulic lift. I was too afraid it would break at an inopportune time. We went with a rear-entry roll-on ramp. They lift the vehicle before installing the ramp, so it's no lower than when it started. I think the Town and Country is pretty much the same vehicle. The company we went with JUST started converting Siennas, so there was no real stock yet. :-/ The conversion costs almost as much as the vehicle.

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We have a 2005 Grand Caravan and I have a love/hate relationship with that van.  Love it because it was big enough to haul our Girl Scouts around, got us across country twice and up and down the East Coast from Florida to CT many, many times, has transported two kayaks, a large cooler and 5 family members with ease .  Hate it because the transmission had to be replaced about two years after we bought it.  The transmission is going again, but we're at the point in our lives where we don't need a van anymore so when it goes, so goes the van.  The A/C went out a few years ago and the cost wasn't worth it to replace.  So it does get a little toasty in the summer.  But I grew up in my mom's unairconditioned station wagon with vinyl and NOTHING is as bad as that. 


Would I buy a Grand Caravan again?  I'd have to say, yes, I would.  Despite the problems it has been a great car, and pretty reliable once we took care of the transmission the first time.

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We had a 2006 that was very reliable. No tranny problems but we made sure to flush the transmission fluid as recommended and to have the pan dropped and the filter changed out. Furthermore, we made sure to use only the transmission oil recommended by the manufacturer.


We ended up with a minor oil leak when we sold it at 116k. But no other issues.

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I have a 2003 and have owned it since 2006 and it hasn't been a problem at all.  There were a couple of years where something went wrong - I've put maybe $2000 into it since owning it, but I would say that was likely in the first two years that we owned it.  For years now all I do is regularly change the oil and it runs really well.  I'm a heavy user - we drive an hour to music lessons twice a week plus all around our town for everything else.  I plan on running it right into the ground before I think about another vehicle.

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We have a 2006 grand caravan. Bought it fairly new, only 19,000 minor so. Now it has over 114,000. Never had any major repairs (trans., etc.) except for last fall when I hit a deer. We love it, and I intend to drive that beast into the ground. ;). Lots of storage space, flexible ways to fold down or remove seats. We have hauled some pretty lg items, too, mattresses, bunk beds, treadmills, giant desks, etc.

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I have a 2005 Grand Caravan. We were in a pinch, and bought it sight-unseen. I mostly hate it. 

It feels flimsy. It handles poorly. I hit curbs when turning corners and often feel like I am going to fly off the road. 

My particular van has no storage. My seats fit funny and take up so much room. My friend's van Aren't like mine. I don't know why mine is so odd.

It has just under 150,000 miles on it and at this moment is waiting for a new alternator. It seems like it is always needing something. Granted, it's not a new car, but it is getting to the point where we are considering buying something else rather than continuing to piece it back together.

I am hoping to upgrade to a Sienna or an Odyssey soon. They are much higher quality vehicles. I had a Toyota Matrix before this and loved it so much. 

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We have a 2011.........I never in a million years thought I would own one of these but it has been one of the best vehicles we have ever owned.


Our Volvo was getting ready to give up the ghost and was getting repaired, and we rented "anything" while it was in the shop. I drive the caravan for about 20 minutes and asked my husband what it was I was driving.......he got out, walked around to the back, got back in the car and told me.


We went and had purchased one by the end of the day.


It has never needed more than scheduled oil changes, tires, brakes.


I drive ALOT!!!!!!


It seats 7 which was a requirement, has a DVD player (another req), and has great pick up. I hate cars that don't have pick up.



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We have a 2011.........I never in a million years thought I would own one of these but it has been one of the best vehicles we have ever owned.

Our Volvo was getting ready to give up the ghost and was getting repaired, and we rented "anything" while it was in the shop. I drive the caravan for about 20 minutes and asked my husband what it was I was driving.......he got out, walked around to the back, got back in the car and told me.

We went and had purchased one by the end of the day.

It has never needed more than scheduled oil changes, tires, brakes.

I drive ALOT!!!!!!

It seats 7 which was a requirement, has a DVD player (another req), and has great pick up. I hate cars that don't have pick up.


Yeah, the pick up . . . gotta be careful with that. I'd only owned sedans before and had no idea how easy it was to speed in this thing. You just don't 'feel' how fast you're going. You have to be a little extra careful to maintain a legal speed.

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Don't know how helpful this is, but we're still driving a 1995 Caravan.


The AC was out on it when we got it and we never got it fixed.


Otherwise, there was a belt that kept slipping off that made us lose power steering. We did spend too much money on that trying to get it fixed at a shop we'll NEVER return to (and the fix didn't work), but then we got our wonder mechanic to do it and it's never been a problem since. Then the ignition went out in 2009. That wasn't too pricey to fix, just a bit inconvenient.


This year, the dashboard gauges went out. Fixing it would require replacing the unit, and they just aren't available anymore. And last night our radio died. So it looks like we won't have either of those for the rest of the life of the car. But the thing keeps running and hasn't rusted out, so we don't see any reason to get rid of it. Every year we have to put a few hundred dollars work into it. This is not bad for an 18 year old car.


That's been the extent of our problems with this car (and the belt slipping thing wouldn't have been memorable if we hadn't been in a position where we had to take it to a mechanic who didn't know what they were doing and charged us too much for their complete lack of knowledge)


But wow does it ever handle well on ice and snow. We have no need of a 4 wheel drive with this thing (well, I should qualify that -- *I* have no need of anything better. My husband did manage to get it stuck last week when we got 10 inches of snow, but he has no idea how to drive in snow. Which is weird, when you consider that he learned how to drive in Chicago and I learned how in LA. I never saw even SAW snow until I was in my late 20's)

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