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Exposed to the flu- what can I do to prevent...


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I was at a Bible study Friday night and found out this morning at church that the person who leads it came down with the flu!! I was in contact with him too - not just sitting across the room from each other.  A bunch of us also went out afterwards for coffee/treats and I sat across from him at the table.   Ack!!!   I was saying to myself a few days ago that I had missed the bullet for another year.   I'm hoping that it's not really the flu but maybe a bad cold - something -please!!  Not the flu.  But, that is what was told to me so I want to proceed as if it really is a confirmed case of the flu


I've already taken 2 doses of elderberry syrup today.  I have Airborne but haven't taken any today. I also have Oscillococcinum  on hand if I come down with symptoms. 


What else should I be taking or doing to prevent the onset? 


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It's been mentioned but Vit. D would be great.  We've been fighting illness here so we are taking a high dose during this difficult winter season.  You may want to add Oil of Oregano (liquid tablet) (I've read it's not safe for women pregnant or nursing-so fyi) and garlic supplements or fresh garlic.  If I've been exposed to something I typically will eat several raw garlic cloves -it's not pleasant but It's always worked at keeping away sickness.


These are my go to things when I've been exposed.  Make sure you get good rest and drink plenty of water.  I also take a good mutli-vitamin as well as extra Vit. C.


Stay Well!

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I would take the "treating" dose of the Elderberry. I'd keep doing that throughout, and a little past even, the incubation period.


By way of encouragement, several years ago my son got lab confirmed flu. As soon as we could get some, which was the next day I think, we started Elderberry.

I avoided flu and I was surely exposed. My husband wouldn't do the Elderberry and got flu. His twin got it too, but the very next day. I think he was already probably coming down the evening his twin was diagnosed. None of us were vaxed.


It could have been luck, but I lived with, doctored, and slept with the 3 flu patients and never had a single symptom myself.



I stock up on the stuff every winter now! I think you've got a good chance to avoid, and if you're already infected I think the Elderberry will likely at least help with severity.



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My daughter had confirmed flu a few years ago and none of the rest of us got it. None of us were vaxed that year. Just be diligent with clean up and trying some holistic things won't hurt. She was 5 and very clingy. There's no way we weren't all exposed.


Just confirming that just because you're exposed, doesn't mean you necessarily will get it. Adults especially don't share germs quite as much as kids.

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