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A little gymnastics advice, please…


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My 6-year-old daughter was recently invited to join our gym’s preteam program. Luckily, we have a very family-friendly, less-competitive gym than many in the area. The preteam program is only 90 minutes per week, and the cost is the same as a regular rec class. Furthermore, tryouts for the team aren’t until December, so we’ve got a lot of time with the preteam program before we’d have to commit to anything more. We had her try the preteam class with the idea that even if she doesn’t try out and compete next year, she will still be getting “higher quality†gymnastics instruction for the rest of this year.


It sounds like a win-win situation, and my husband thinks that this is the direction that we should go.

Nevertheless, I am still not feeling like the preteam program is a good idea for her.


Here are my reasons:

  1. She likes her recreational class better. She doesn’t hate the preteam class, but it just isn’t as fun for her. The skill set is narrower, and obviously there is more focus on “perfection†versus learning new skills. I’m not really sure that the instruction is better, just different.  Frankly, she’d rather be working on her back handsprings in her rec class, than conditioning/perfecting other less fun skills in the preteam class.
  2. She is a very shy, quiet girl. When I’ve explained what a competition is, she says that she doesn’t want to do that. She really loves gymnastics, but she also seems pretty happy if there is a sick day and we get to miss class that week.
  3. I really don’t think that we will be able to afford to have her on the competitive team, so it seems strange to do the preteam thing if I don’t feel like there is a future in this.
  4. Our gym also has a TeamGym program that requires a smaller time and money commitment. The kids on the TeamGym team stay in their regular rec classes and then attend a TeamGym practice only one other day per week.  I think that this might be a definite possibility for us, and a better fit.

Despite all of those reasons, I’m having a hard time with the decision.  I feel as though I’m making a choice to end her gymnastics career, at age 6! Also, my husband and friends seem to think that we might as well do the preteam since we have it available, and let her mature for a little longer and then make a decision. Leaving all the doors open, instead of closing one of them, if you will.


Anyone have any thoughts? Am I making a poor choice if we choose not to do the preteam class?

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I would go back to the more fun rec class and re-evaluate in a year. Rec gymnastics can be a good lead in to other things too - like dance which both my kids are doing now. Both have done rec gymnastics for years too. My oldest has segued into more theater based stuff and some of his directors have used his tumbling skills.


I know my own kids would have a hard time working on their back hands springs and then being told, sorry, now you need to to a somersault with a perfect tuck or whatever week after week. I think these skills can be worked on side by side and programs/coaches will vary on their thought processes with this.

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The TeamGym option sounds great.  I was in a very similar situation to yours and I really regretted going the preTeam route.  Dd made strong friendships in preteam and so when she was invited onto the team, there was tons of pressure to join.  Plus, there is an entire culture surrounding you in the kids and moms that says that joining team and moving up the ranks is everything.  Going against that is tough even though you know that you don't have the money.  We ended up totally stopping gymnastics because we didn't have the money for team and all the competition costs (which are many and aren't always spelled out, like transportation costs) because by that point she no longer fit in with the rec girls.  

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I think you have the right idea. I wouldn't recommend that anyone put their child on team unless they are really gung ho--the child that is. :) You can almost predict who won't be on team next year by how much they enjoy the practices. Competing is difficult but the real gauge of whether you'll have a good team experience is the practices. It sound like you have an awesome gym that provides many levels of participation. Go with your gut. :)

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I also think a "no thank you" to preteam is best.  If you think there is even a chance team will be out of your budget, it is probably VERY out of your budget.  The cost is more than you think it will be and goes up with time.  If she is happy in rec, let her stay.  This coming from a team mom who is trying to find a graceful way to get my dd out.  This is her 4th year on team.  She loves it.  We cannot afford it and the injury risk is making me uncomfortable.  Had I known what I know now, I never would have let her do it.

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I agree with the others.  Sounds like this might be too much WAY too fast for your dd.  Keep her at a level where she loves it.  It may develop into a love of the sport and she may decide to compete later.  But it has to be her decision.  There's NO WAY I would be able to get my kid to the gym 15 hours a week if she didn't love it.


Now, I do have to say that my dd didn't always like conditioning.  She didn't start out on team wanting to compete.  She was scared to death!  But, she loved the practices.  She now LOVES the competitions and does extra conditioning at home because she sees where it is helping her.  So, maybe with a little push, that will happen for your dd too.  But, only you know her well enough to decide if she is push"able"!  

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I'm not sure. When I was a gymnast, the rec teams only went "so far" in terms of skills (they were largely age based). This is a reason why we opted not to put our dd in gymnastics - I have no desire to live a Team Mom type of life myself, and didn't want it for my family. I saw no point in putting DD in something, then, that she would so quickly outgrow, skill wise, and no way up (since Team was out of the question).

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I'm not a gymnastics mom but have older kids and I would say to do the more fun one, for now.  Unfortunately if you push kids too fast, then they become miserable and then you might be tempted to quit!! Quitting is the worst thing, and you would regret that so much.  (speaking from my piano experience with my dd)


However, I would not put off taking the Team classes too long because gymastics is a sport that is developed very early, as you know.  If you put it off too long, you will end up in a scenario where she doesn't really progress.  


Lastly, I think she needs to take 3 of the Pre-Team classes before she decides if she likes it or not!!  Always 3.  Ask the coaches to make a special allowance for her to take 3 of them, before she tells you she doesn't like it.  Frankly, one class is not enough for anyone to decide anything.  


Oh, one last thing...if she is a hardworking and talented gymnast, the Gym will work with you on the finance issues.  Trust me.  They want their team to succeed, as this brings visibility and more business and also it's just fun for everyone.  You can offer to do certain jobs around the gym, run errands, print and hand out some flyers, take phone call duty during the busiest hours, etc. etc.  I had friends moms that did that growing up.  I cleaned my dd's piano teacher's house for 5 months and we were both happy with the arrangement.  



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If the financial commitment is something you already know that you are unable or unwilling to make, I do not see there being any question of pre-team. Do you want her to like it and have to tell her no to team? It will NOT get cheaper. Better not to ever start down that road than to start down it and have to worry constantly about or stop because of the expense.

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I would thank the gym for the opportunity but tell them you want to give her another year in the rec program and would love to be considered for the TeamGym classes.  Do they only allow children that are on preteam to try out in December? 

That is a good question. I got the impression that only the preteam girls were able to try out for the competitive team, but that is something that I will ask them.

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Wow-- thank you so much for all of your helpful advice!


I am definitely feeling more peaceful about this now, and feeling that a choice to remain at the recreational level will be a better fit for our family.


I do want DD to have fun with gymnastics, and she seems so young to be pushed into something that she isn't sure about.


The TeamGym tryouts are in the summer, which I think is great timing for us. We have a few more months of regular classes and then we can decide if the TeamGym program will work out. I would love for DD to be able to form friendships at the gym, and I think that the TeamGym would be a good opportunity for that.


Again, thanks so much for sharing your experiences and advice. I think that the only reason why I started doubting the prudence of the preteam was because of threads that I had previously read on this board. Really, without reading about other WTM boardies' experiences, it would have been VERY easy to get sucked into the mindset that "If she was invited to preteam, then of course she should do it!"

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