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Anyone not using grades for high school?

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How do you assess instead of grades? That wasn't meant as criticism; there are many ways to do it. I was curious how you have assessed up until this point in order to transfer the current style into something which might work for a transcript.


We plan on using CLEP tests. Whatever score he receives, I will translate into his transcript grade. CLEPs don't cover everything, though.

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We have never done grades before and I would prefer not to start now.  What are you putting on transcripts?  


I have gone back and forth on this issue.  I would prefer not to issue grades for the home-brewed classes, but that approach will not work at every institution.  I have decided to have three different transcripts:


One for the NCAA that only lists the Core Classes by grade level with grades assigned for all classes.


Another transcript by subject that has grades assigned for all classes.  I will use this transcript for the financial safeties that use gpa in its determination of merit awards.  This will probably be the transcript I use for the Common Application.


The third transcript will not have grades assigned for the home-brewed classes.  This is the transcript that will be sent to my son's top college choices.





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I use grades, but on their course descriptions and my counselor letter I describe our methods which are not traditional school assignment/grade, test/grade, repeat. So their grades in some subjects are based a lot more on essays and discussion.


Fwiw, not using grades can have a negative consequence at some schools, so make sure you investigate the various schools before you make a unilateral decision. Some schools base merit money on GPA and test scores. Classes without grades might be factored in as a C to suit their formula. Fwiw, we have had zero issue with any school for any of our kids for my mommy grades. The only classes I do not give grades for are upper level French and art history. I have zero ability to even begin to honestly assess those classes. But they do get grade in Latin (conversational skills don't have to play a factor), so they aren't left with no foreign lang grades. If art history has been converted to a C, it hasn't made any impact over all.


Just thought I'd share since I know how much we rely on scholarship $$.

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I just gotta ask though.  Do schools really take homeschooler's grades seriously?  I mean grades from stuff they do at home, not CC courses, etc. 


Imo, no, homeschooler grades are not taken seriously.  However, unless the college adcom has knowledge of a particular school, I don't think traditionally schooled kids' grades are taken seriously, either.  That is why all kids (not just homeschoolers) need outside validation in the form of SAT, SAT II, and APs, especially at the selective schools.

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My oldest attended a CC after her 'graduation' from homeschool.

The CC requseted a transcript with grades.  Even though DD did not pass the placement test for College Algebra they still allowed DD to take it because she had a passing grade in her Algebra 2 class listed on her high school transcript.  She made an A in the college class!  So having grades on a transcript made a difference for DD!



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My oldest attended a CC after her 'graduation' from homeschool.

The CC requseted a transcript with grades. Even though DD did not pass the placement test for College Algebra they still allowed DD to take it because she had a passing grade in her Algebra 2 class listed on her high school transcript. She made an A in the college class! So having grades on a transcript made a difference for DD!

This reminded me of my dd. In order to take an anatomy class at the CC, she had to have passing grades in chem and bio at the high school level. So, yes, her transcript was used for that as well.


But, I don't understand why if grades don't matter, why a transcript would even matter. If they don't trust the grades, why would they trust the courses listed as even have been taken?

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I did not use grades in the younger years but I can not imagine doing high school without them for a child that plans to attend university.  Well out here at least you would not have a transcript at all without assigning grades and submitting them to the gov't with proof of completed course outcomes.  The transcript is issued by the gov't and send directly to the schools you are applying to by the gov't.  Additional courses that do not fit a class description the gov't approves don't need a grade since they are not on the transcript but can be added to their portfolio for any schools that take portfolio review into consideration when determining admissions.  As well pre-reqs for most entrance courses are based on reaching a particular grade at the high school level (fairly low imo but required).

The only people I know out here that don't give grades for high school are unschoolers, and their kids will never have a diploma or transcript as a result.

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This reminded me of my dd. In order to take an anatomy class at the CC, she had to have passing grades in chem and bio at the high school level. So, yes, her transcript was used for that as well.


But, I don't understand why if grades don't matter, why a transcript would even matter. If they don't trust the grades, why would they trust the courses listed as even have been taken?


I bet they do matter if they are low!

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I did not assign any grades for both of my sons on their high school transcript - instead I included a footnote that stated that we taught for mastery. My eldest got into all of the colleges that he applied to (including the two state honor colleges) with presidential merit awards at them all.  No one questioned the transcript at all. Mostly, I think he was admitted based upon SAT scores, internships, National Latin Exams, and outside activities.  My youngest has so far been accepted to his two Early Action colleges with merit awards and we're waiting to hear from the rest - keep your fingers crossed. 





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Fwiw, these are the type of scholarships I am referring to that are based strictly on GPA and test scores



I called them before ds applied bc I wasn't planning on weighting grades (which is another part of the grading/GPA conversation). Anyway, at least 2 of the schools applied to base admission scholarship $ this way. So in this case, grades do matter. Admission to honors colleges within universities has also been based on GPA (and the ability to apply to specialty honors programs within honors colleges.)

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I just gotta ask though.  Do schools really take homeschooler's grades seriously?  I mean grades from stuff they do at home, not CC courses, etc. 


I'm sure some don't, but all the colleges we've talked to tell us they treat homeschoolers grades exactly as anyone else's. They say it is true in both admissions and for GPA based scholarships and without them those scholarships are not available. Ds's first choice school even told me to weight his grades because they use weighted grades in scholarship computations if it is to the student's advantage. I hadn't planned to give "honors" designations or weight grades, but it is a private LAC and the scholarship $$ are important to us there. 


I have no doubt that both of my kids would be accepted at their first choice schools with transcripts that have no grades, but they would forfeit substantial scholarship money. We can't afford that.

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I assembled dd1's transcript over Christmas break because some of the summer programs she was applying to required one, and it includes grades.  I've always struggled with grading, because I feel like I'm a really harsh grader, and I lack the perspective that brick and mortar teachers have (how does she stack up relative to others.)  Dd has taken so many online and college courses now, though, that I'm feeling confident that her transcript accurately reflects her abilities.


Weighting is another question, though.  I have no idea what to do about that.  I know that a lot of colleges unweight everything and use their own system, but it also seems like there are some schools that just take your number at face value (which is scary with scholarships on the line.)  I wish there was one rule to follow for weighting!

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I had one admission person tell me that they look at the relationship between grades and SAT/ACT scores. If they match up pretty well, they just move on. If there is a big disconnect (especially very high grades with low scores) they look more carefully at the classes/school.


I think if you are scrupulously honest and explain in detail how you assess your student, you will be fine for any kind of school. Ds had only home based grades when he applied to colleges (his cc class grade arrived with the midyear report) and we had no problems-even at a state school.

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I guess when I posted my original question I should have stated that Dd would probably just attend local community college and all they require is passing a placement test.  But this has given me a lot to think about! 


Our local CC gives GPA based merit scholarships too and homeschoolers are eligible. It is always worth checking.

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