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Do you think your kids will homeschool, or have good memories of homeschooling? (Also, who has the Worst Mom Award this week? Pass it over.)


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I was shocked when ds1 told me that homeschooling at least to high school age was non-negotiable and something he discusses with his dates before he allows the relationship to become too serious. This is the child who ran away from home to live with his daddy because he wanted to go to ps and Mean Mommy wouldn't let him!


dd currently has fond memories of the Mean Girls clique from Unschooling Park Day but denies my existence and the fact that we moved from a big city to a rural area when she was 9 or 10 because of horrific scandals at Unschooling Park Day that destroyed several families. I currently hope she never has kids. She's 24, so of course that is subject to change without notice but I still think I deserve the Worst Mommy award sometimes.


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Oldest daughter fought homeschooling tooth and nail and we finally relented and let her go to school in high school. She now homeschools and wouldn't dream of sending her kids to school.  

Youngest daughter LOVED homeschooling and even though she's nowhere near ready to get married or have kids, she has NO desire to homeschool any potential kids. 

Ha ha.

Same here with the oldest.  Fought me tooth and nail in early high school.


She now is saying she will have many children and home school them so they can read great books all day like she did.  ;)


We shall see.

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Ha ha.

Same here with the oldest.  Fought me tooth and nail in early high school.


She now is saying she will have many children and home school them so they can read great books all day like she did.  ;)


We shall see.


Glad it's not just me. :D

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My oldest (25) now admits that home schooling her from 5th through 8th was the right thing to do. She is not motivated enough to hold a full time job for pay though, so I can't see her home schooling when she does get married and have kids. My 18yo ds will probably not object if his wife wants to home school, he enjoyed home schooling very much, however he is a motivated learner and would never have been happy in ps and he knows it. Youngest dd has an idealized version of ps from her older sister, who loved ps high school even though it wasn't much academically. She probably will end up home schooling though, because she doesn't like to be told what to do and I can't see her putting up with bossy ps administrators, lol. 

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My DD9 says she's not having children-she's planning to breed and research venomous snakes, and venomous and children don't mix. But her SNAKES are all and will all be homeschooled-at least until they go with her to college ;)


When my dc were younger, they said, "maybe". Now that they're in their teens, neither want to get married or have children. To each their own. :)

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