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All About Spelling outside of the US


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Does anyone who uses UK/Australian language and spelling use AAS? How easy is it to modify, do we simply have a few phonics rules which can be switched (where we use s instead of z or ou instead of just o) or is there a considerable difference? Are there any notes or resources available for those of us who are pretty bad spellers themselves and don't feel confident catching all the 'Americanisms'? What about words that are spelled very differently, seemingly separate from phonics, such as gaol/jail and programme/program?


I love the look of the curriculum, but I was never a good speller (which is why I look forward to learning the phonetic rules! I had no idea there even were spelling rules outside of things like 'i before e except after c' etc. As an adult I became very reliant on computer spell checkers, but have not always remembered to switch to the British dictionary if it's even available, so I often find myself writing using american spelling. I am not certain I could remember all the differences without some help.

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Here's a list of changes that I found. It used to be in a pdf but I can't find it anymore unfortunately. I don't know how relevant the info will be regarding the newer editions of AAS.


AAS uses 3 Sounds of A:
short a (bat),
long a (baby)
broad a (a bit like the /ah/ sound in bath, and a bit like the /aw/ sound in ball. You can hear it on the phonogram demo, click the link below.)


Australian English uses 5 Sounds of A:
short a (bat)
long a (baby)
ah (bath)
aw (ball)
o (swan)

AAS Level 1 only teaches the first two Sounds of A, but uses words that we (in Australia) pronounce with the third Sound of A, /ah/. Words like glass, class, pass. So the adjustments to Level 1 basically consist of removing and/or replacing these words until the third Sound of A is taught in Level 2.

AAS Level 2 continues to use words that we (in Australia) pronounce with the third Sound of A, /ah/ (like glass, class, pass) before they are taught in (an additional) NEW STEP 21A. Adjustments up to this point basically consist of removing and/or replacing these words. NEW STEP 21A (to be inserted on page 110) teaches the third Sound of A, /ah/ and STEP 22 is modified to teach the fourth and fifth Sounds of A, /aw/ and short /o/.


All About Spelling Level 1 - Australian Adjustments

Note: We use five distinct sounds of A. Change phonogram card and sound card to reflect the additional sounds.

short a (bat)
long a (baby)
ah (bath)
aw (ball)
o (swan)

Step 2, page 22
Change �mom� to �mum�

Step 5, page 32
Change �Tell me the 3 sounds of this letter� to �tell me the 5 sounds of this letter�, and insert the fourth and fifth sounds of A.

Step 8, page 44
Remove word card 23 �mom� from this step. Change word to �mum� and use in Step 9

Step 9, page 49
Insert word card 23 changed to �mum� into this list.

Step 12, page 57
You might omit word card �math�. (We use the word �maths� and plurals/final z sound not yet introduced.) However we use Math U See, so this is not a problem for us.
Omit word card 65. �bath�. (We say /b/ - /ah/ - /th/ and 3rd sound of a not yet introduced.)

More Words p.58
Omit "path". (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)

Step 14, page 63
Omit word card 71. �fast� from this step. (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.) Save for use in Level 2.
Omit word card 76. �last� from this step. (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.) Save for use in Level 2.

More Words p.64
Omit "past". (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)

Dictate Phrases p.64
Replace "last pet" with "lost pet".

Step 15, Dictate Phrases p.66
Replace "fast sled" with "best sled".

Step 16, Dictate Phrases p.70
Replace "swim fast" with "swim back".

Step 17, More Words p.72
Omit "cast". (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)

Dictate Phrases p.72
Omit "craft kit". (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)
Omit "last cup". (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)

Step 18, page 75
Omit word card 109. �glass� from this step. (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.) Save for use in Level 2.
Omit word card 110. �grass� from this step. (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.) Save for use in Level 2.

More Words p.75
Omit "pass" and "class". (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)

Dictate Phrases p.76
Replace "math class" with "less ill".
Replace "big glass" with "big kiss".

Step 19, New Teaching, page 78
Replace �ask� with "elk". (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)
Omit "mask". (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)

Step 19, New Teaching, page 79
Omit word card 117. "ask". (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.) Save for use in Level 2.

More Words p.79
Omit "mask" and "task". (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)

Dictate Phrases p.80
Omit "ask Pam". (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)

Step 21, Dictate Phrases p.87
Replace �drink fast� with "drink quick". (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)

Step 22, Dictate Phrases p.91
Replace �tall milkman� with "ten milkmen". (Uses 4th sound of a, /aw/, not yet introduced.)
Replace �fast bobcat� with "bring catnip". (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)

Step 23, New Teaching, page 95
Replace �glasses� with "dresses". (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)
Replace �classes� with "kisses". (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)

More Words p.97
Omit "classes" and "glasses". (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)

Dictate Phrases p.97
Replace �his glasses� with "his wishes". (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)

Step 24, page 99
Change �Tell me the 3 sounds of this letter� to �tell me the 5 sounds of this letter�, and insert the fourth and fifth sounds of A.

Dictate Phrases p.104
Replace �ask me� with "tell me". (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)



All About Spelling Level 2 - Australian Adjustments - Part 1 of 3

Note: We use five distinct sounds of A. Change phonogram card and sound card to reflect the additional sounds.

short a (bat)
long a (baby)
ah (bath)
aw (ball)
o (swan)

Step 1
Page 16 Review Keycard 3 � change �grass� to "mess" (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)

Step 3
Page 29 Reinforcement, Dictate Sentences � change �The dry frog hops in the bathtub.� to "The dry frog hops in the pond." (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)

Step 5
Page 36 New Teaching � omit �bathtub" (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)
Page 37 New Teaching � omit �spyglass" (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)

Step 6
Page 39 Concept Review � change �craft� to "cup" (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)
Page 39 Concept Review � change �cast� to "camp" (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)
Page 42 Reinforcement � omit �program�

Step 7
Page 45 Concept Review � change �task� to "risk" (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)
Page 47 Reinforcement, Dictate Phrases � change �last time� to "best time" (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)

Step 8
Page 52 Reinforcement, Dictate Sentences � change �We did the game in the grass.� to "We did the game in the sun." (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)

Step 9
Page 55 Reinforcement, Dictate Phrases � change �fake mask� to "fake wig" (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)
Page 55 Reinforcement, Dictate Sentences � change �Kim made a craft at camp.� to "Kim made a cake at camp." (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)

Step 10
Page 57 New teaching � substitute �June� for �tube�; omit later �June�

Step 11
Page 63 Reinforcement, Dictate Sentences � change �The glass plate broke.� to "The plate broke." (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)

Step 12
Page 63 Concept Review � omit �crafts� (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)
Page 63 Reinforcement, Dictate Phrases � change �small plates� to "big plates" (Uses 4th sound of a, /aw/, not yet introduced.)

Step 13
Page 74 Reinforcement, Dictate Phrases � change �green grass� to "green tree" (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)
Page 74 Reinforcement, Dictate Sentences � change �Deer like to run fast.� to "Deer like to run." (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)

Page 77 Reinforcement � omit �compost� and �colt�.
Page 78 Dictate sentences � change �mom� to �mum�.

Step 15
Page 81 Omit word card 122. �after� from this step. (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.) Save for use in Step 21A.
Page 82 Reinforcement � omit �clerk�
Page 82 Reinforcement, Dictate Phrases � change �super fast� to "super sister" (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)

Step 16
Page 85 Reinforcement, Dictate Sentences � change �The art class is fun.� to "The yarn is red." (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)

Step 17
Page 90 Dictate Phrases � change �short class� to "short game" (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)
Page 90 Dictate sentences � change �math� to �maths�

Step 18
Page 94 Reinforcement, Dictate Sentences � change �Her glass of milk is cold.� to "The milk is cold." (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)

Step 19
Page 97 remove word card �center� and omit from lesson.

Step 20
Page 99 Concept review � change �center� to �sister�

Step 21
Page 109 Reinforcement, Dictate Sentences � change �Sue will give the dog a bath.� to "Sue will give the dog a bath." (Uses 3rd sound of a, /ah/, not yet introduced.)          



All About Spelling Level 2 - Australian Adjustments - Part 2 of 3


CREATE A NEW KEY CARD: Key card 10, step 21A, level 2
If the sound of /ah/ is followed by an /s/, /f/ or /th/, you don't need an "r" in the spelling.

Also MAKE NEW WORD CARDS: path, pass. Put existing and new word cards in this order:
ask (117, Level 1), bath (65, Level 1), grass (110, Level 1), last (65, Level 1), glass (109, Level 1), fast (71, Level 1), craft (66, Level 1), path (new card), after (122, Level 2), and pass (new card).


Pull down the a tile.

�Tell me the five sounds of A.� a (bat) a (baby) ah (bath) aw (ball) o (swan)

Build the word past.

"When a is followed by /s/, /f/, or /th/ it often says it's third sound /ah/. What does this word say?" Past.

Build the words raft and path.

Point to raft. "What does this word say?" Raft.

"Right, the a is followed by /f/ so it says its third sound /ah/. Raft."

Point to path. "What does this word say?" Path.



ask (117, Level 1)
bath (65, Level 1)
grass (110, Level 1)
last (65, Level 1)
glass (109, Level 1)
fast (71, Level 1)
craft (66, Level 1)
path (new card)
after (122, Level 2)
pass (new card)


"In Australian English, we use much the same /ah/ sound for words such as glass, after, bath, start, car and cart."

(Write these words on a whiteboard or paper underlining the letters making the /ah/ sound: glass, after, bath, start, car and cart)

"Sometimes we use an "r" in the spelling, and sometimes not. There is a rule that tells us when to use /ar/, and when to use the third sound of A, /ah/."

"If the sound of /ah/ is followed by a /s/, /f/, or /th/, you do not need to use an "r" in the spelling."

Have your student to build these words with tiles to demonstrate the use or absence of the "r" in the spelling: grass, craft, path, card, bark, sharp.

(There are a few exceptions to this rule, but not many: banana, tomato and scarf. Quickly run through these exceptions.)

Read key card 10:
If the sound of /ah/ is followed by an /s/, /f/ or /th/, you don't need an "r" in the spelling.



All About Spelling Level 2- Australian Adjustments - Part 3 of 3

Step 22, page 111

CREATE A NEW KEY CARD: Key card 11, step 22, level 2
The most common way to spell the sound of /o/ after /w/ or /qu/ is with an a.

Also MAKE NEW WORD CARDS: staff, swan, wasp, what. Put existing and new word cards in this order:
staff, all, ball, fall, wall, small, tall, call, water, was, want, swan, wasp, what, squash, squad. (Adjust word card 198. was to omit �rule breaker�.)

Omit section starting on page 111 with �New teaching: Teach the third sound of A� and all of page 112. Substitute the following instead:

NEW TEACHING: Teach the fourth and fifth sounds of A.

Review key card 10.

Pull down the a tile.

�Tell me the five sounds of A.� a (bat) a (baby) ah (bath) aw (ball) o (swan)

Build the word all.

�When a is folllowed by an �l� it often says it's fourth sound (aw). What does this word say?" All.

"There are many words we can build that rhyme with all. Let's see how many we can make.�

Work with your student to build the following words: ball, call, fall, hall, small, stall, tall, wall.

Build the word water.

�Here is a word where the a says its fourth sound after w. What is this word?� Water.

�It is common for a to have this sound after w. �

Build the word war.

�This is another word with the same pattern.�

�Another sound that often comes after w is the fifth sound of a. It is /o/ (swan). In fact, it is the most common way to spell the sound of /o/ when it comes after /w/. It is also the sound in the word what Let's build some words.�

Work with your student to build the following words: was, want, swan, wasp, what.

�This is also true when the /w/ sound comes from qu. You can hear the /w/ in the word, even though it is spelt with a qu.�

Work with your student to build the following words: squash, squad

Read key card 11:
The most common way to spell the sound of /o/ after /w/ or /qu/ is with an a.

(Note: An exception to this is 'wobble'. The other two words that make the /o/ sound with an a are halt and salt.)


staff (new card)
all (191)
ball (192)
fall (193)
wall (194)
small (195)
tall (196)
call (197)
water (199)
was (Adjust 198 to omit �rule breaker�)
want (200)
swan (new card)
wasp (new card)
what (new card)
squash (new card)
squad (new card)



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WOW Awisha!! Thanks for sharing all this!  I'm not in Australia but will keep a copy of these changes in case I ever hear this question again.  



Here's a list of changes that I found. It used to be in a pdf but I can't find it anymore unfortunately. I don't know how relevant the info will be regarding the newer editions of AAS.


AAS uses 3 Sounds of A:
short a (bat),
long a (baby)
broad a (a bit like the /ah/ sound in bath, and a bit like the /aw/ sound in ball. You can hear it on the phonogram demo, click the link below.)


Australian English uses 5 Sounds of A:
short a (bat)
long a (baby)
ah (bath)
aw (ball)
o (swan)

AAS Level 1 only teaches the first two Sounds of A, but uses words that we (in Australia) pronounce with the third Sound of A, /ah/. Words like glass, class, pass. So the adjustments to Level 1 basically consist of removing and/or replacing these words until the third Sound of A is taught in Level 2.

AAS Level 2 continues to use words that we (in Australia) pronounce with the third Sound of A, /ah/ (like glass, class, pass) before they are taught in (an additional) NEW STEP 21A. Adjustments up to this point basically consist of removing and/or replacing these words. NEW STEP 21A (to be inserted on page 110) teaches the third Sound of A, /ah/ and STEP 22 is modified to teach the fourth and fifth Sounds of A, /aw/ and short /o/.




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love the sounds of a modification, thanks so much! I don't suppose you have anything similar for the other differences though do you?


I'm glad I asked because it never occurred to me that we use 5 sounds while americans use 3. some of the language differences are fascinating

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love the sounds of a modification, thanks so much! I don't suppose you have anything similar for the other differences though do you?

I'm glad I asked because it never occurred to me that we use 5 sounds while americans use 3. some of the language differences are fascinating

I have no idea about any other modifications sorry. That list is the only one I've ever come across. Oh, British vs American spelling is another thing to look into (colour vs color etc).


We have been using LEM phonics (Light Education Ministries) since Jan 2013. It is basically an Aussified version of Spalding/Writing Road To Reading (WRTR is mentioned in the acknowledgments of LEM manual). LEM is a religious company but is so easy to use as a secular family. The program is very black and white and sometimes referrred to as dry.


There are 4-5 Aussie phonics programs out there.

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Here's also the list Merry suggests for changes for British/Australian customers (which isn't as detailed as the above one, but does show later levels) there is a pdf of this somewhere (I know because I downloaded it the other day on my other computer)but I can't find the link.


All About Spelling Level 1

Change the “A†phonogram card and sound card to reflect the 5 sounds of A instead of 3:

short a (bat)
long a (baby)
ah (bath)
aw (water)
o (swan)

Step 8 – Change “mom†to “mum†and move to Step 9 (word card 23 and on dictations throughout the series).
Step 12 – Change “math†to “maths,†(word card 68 and on dictations throughout the series) and point out the S at the end, or wait until plurals are introduced.

All About Spelling Level 2

Step 6 – Reinforcement – omit “programâ€
Step 14 – Reinforcement – pronunciation varies for “compost†and “coltâ€
Step 15 – Reinforcement – omit “clerk†or teach the pronunciation
Step 16 – Create new key card: Key card 5-1/2, step 16, level 2:
If the sound of /ah/ is followed by an "s", "f" or "th", you don't need an "r".
Step 16 – New Teaching – spell words with sound of /ar/, the paragraph starts with:
“Today we will spell words that have the sound of /ar/.â€
Insert the following, then continue the lesson as planned: “In Australian English, we use much the same /ah/ sound for words such as glass, after, bath, start, car and cart. Sometimes we use an "r" in the spelling, and sometimes not. There is a rule that tells us when to use the "r": If the sound of /ah/ is followed by an "s", "f", or "th", you do not need to use an "r" in the spelling." Read "key card 5-1/2.

Note: There are a few exceptions to this rule, but not many: banana, tomato and scarf.

Step 19 – omit “centerâ€
Step 20 – Concept review – change “center†to “sisterâ€
Step 22 – change to “Teach the third, fourth and fifth sounds of Aâ€. Review key card 5-1/2. Change “third sound†to “fourth sound†for an A followed by L, and for A after W.

All About Spelling Level 3

Step 14 – Three Rule Breakers – No need to teach "what" as a rule-breaker
Step 17 – “from†– Change the sound from /u/ to /o/, delete explanation

All About Spelling Level 4

Step 6 – No need to teach “pretty†as a rule-breaker
Step 8 – Teach Mr and Mrs (Note, change word cards 48 and 49 to eliminate the full stop.)
Step 17 – change “neighbor†to “neigh†or teach the “our†ending for this word.

All About Spelling Level 5

Step 8 – Remove American Holidays and substitute national holidays for your country.
Step 9 – change flavor, color, and odor to have the our ending. Teach neighbour if you didn’t cover this in Level 4. Have the student note the differences visually as there isn’t a rule to distinguish them.

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We are australian and finishing up level 2. I have not modified anything, there have been a few words that we obviously pronounce differently as they appear in lessons they clearly would not do if written by an australian, honestly I just tell my dd that these words are pronounced differently in different countries, we would say .... but in the US they would say .... then i get her to learn the spelling for it anyway :001_smile:

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We are australian and finishing up level 2. I have not modified anything, there have been a few words that we obviously pronounce differently as they appear in lessons they clearly would not do if written by an australian, honestly I just tell my dd that these words are pronounced differently in different countries, we would say .... but in the US they would say .... then i get her to learn the spelling for it anyway :001_smile:


That actually happens in varying regions of the US too--certain patterns are pronounced differently depending on where someone lives. 

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  • 3 months later...

We are South African and use the same sounds and spelling as the British. For the "ah" sound in fast, glass etc I just tell my child to say the word as the Americans would and then she will know how to spell it. Since I get her to say Wed-nes-day to be able to spell that word, I don't see that it matters - say it the way you spell it has worked for many many words. She still speaks with the correct pronunciation for this region.



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  • 2 weeks later...

I just noticed that there is something weird going on with the letter o.

The sounds given are o (halfway between o and ah), oh, oo and Æ. What happened to u as in one, and short oo as in put? Do we have five o sounds in Australian English?

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We are South African and use the same sounds and spelling as the British. For the "ah" sound in fast, glass etc I just tell my child to say the word as the Americans would and then she will know how to spell it. Since I get her to say Wed-nes-day to be able to spell that word, I don't see that it matters - say it the way you spell it has worked for many many words. She still speaks with the correct pronunciation for this region.


Actually that sounds like a good idea, easier than changing so many words. They already know the -ass words sound different from OPGTR.

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