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Heading home today after Mom's funeral last night--will be glad to see my guys!

Halftime Hope

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A huge thanks for everyone who has sent their well-wishes and prayed for us.  The family is doing quite well, all things considered.  :-)  It will be rough for Dad, but he is buoyed by the comfort and love from lots of dear friends that is coming his way.


We had a Celebration Service last night because she is in Heaven where she wanted to be, and because she won:  there's an old, old family saying, "First one to Jesus wins!"  although I like "Everyone who gets to Jesus wins," better!   :laugh:  


There has been grieving and sorrow, of course, but a lot of laughter and great memories.   If you'd like, here is the slideshow we put together.  http://youtu.be/ooLz54dhS5g    (Fair warning, you'll never get that 3:30 minutes of your life back again though.  LOL!)


A bit of history on the slide show:  while in high school, Mom was called to be a missionary overseas. She transferred while in college, studied anthropology, and met Dad  but nearly broke up with him several times because the very. last. thing. he wanted to do was to be a missionary (he was a pastor's kid.)  He finally had peace about going when God helped him understand he didn't have to preach 24/7, for goodness sake; he *could* use his mechanical and engineering skills, and he went on to become a pilot.  They worked for many years in Central and South America and then came back to the US to care for elderly parents.  My mom never met a stranger, and she genuinely cared for people.  She had more than her fair share of joie de vivre and zaniness--we have photos to prove it.  :D  At Christmas we got a fantastic candid of her (the last photo), just a couple of weeks before her cancer pain became intense--I'm so thankful.  She was genuinely happy surrounded by her family.


Thank you again so much for listening. It helps to share how great a person your mom was, even though (from several summers ago) you may remember the craziness of getting them moved out of their house of 30 years.  :rolleyes:   When I get home, I'm going to continue donating and clearing things, so I don't provide the same kind of chaos for my kids.  They'll need therapy for other things, cuz I'm not quite as congenial as my mom was. :smilielol5:  


Thanks again!



Edited some typos.

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I was moved to tears by the tribute. What a blessing to learn a little bit about your mother and her life. May you feel the Holy Spirit's comfort during this season of mourning and may you look forward to seeing with your dear mother again in heaven. 


Blessings to your and your family.


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