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My bird friends keep me on the internet


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I have an office with my computer in it and after we moved here in summer of 2011, that winter I found out that birds had been fed on the window ledge and expected food.  Being a bird lover, I started feeding them.  This morning, I came to check my email and a Downy Woodpecker came up and scolded me since there was no more bird seed on the ledge.  So I put more out.  I have had Blue Jays, Downy Woodpecker, Tufted Titmouse, Mourning Doves, Carolina Chickadees, White Breasted Nuthatch, a number of Redbellied Woodpeckers, and House Finches.   They are all so pretty to look at, it doesn't make leaving and doing work any easier.

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Well for a long time I wanted to have birds like a cage in a sunroom.  I wasn't going to do it until my dh retired from the USAF.  But although that is happening this year and I do have a sunroom, I won't be doing that any longer.   This is such  an easy way to enjoy birds.  I wonder though, why I haven't seen any cardinals today?  They are normally really into my window along with other ones that come and go like goldfinches.  Not coming to my window but coming to my yard throughout the year are even more birds like we get Blue birds here all winter along with summer and a Great Horned Owl lives across the street and we sometimes see him or her sitting there in the evening or we here the hoots.  We had Sharp Shinned Hawks nest across the street and the young ones were using our yard to first learn to fly and then I even got to see the mom or dad teach one how to hunt by flying with a chipmunk it had caught and dropping it in flight for the young one to catch it.  That was so neat to see!

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No, I have the real birds and when I lived in Northern VA and we had Snowmegadon or whatever it was called, a Bald Eagle did come to my railing that was surrounding my sun room and where I put my seeds out there.  It wasn't hunting.  It was tired and the branches were so heavy with the snow that they couldn't hold him well.  He rested there a few minutres and then flew off.

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I'm remembering my winters in Canada. At a winter retreat I used to attend there were always bird feeders out but I also remember standing in the middle of the snow-laden forest with my arms outstretched and a pile of seed in each hand. The little black-capped chickadees would zoom down, alight for a few seconds and wing away with their bounty. I loved the thrum and whoosh of their wings as the zoomed past my ears and face.

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