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Moving with little ones is really hard


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This turned into a vent, sorry. :)


I'm trying so hard to get things unpacked and organized, but with all of the normal meals, snacks, messes, spit ups, diaper changes, laundry, nursing, and naps (or lack there of) I feel like I just can't get ahead. What I really need is a about four hours of nobody needing anything from me so that I can just unpack like a maniac, but at this point, the best I seem to be able to get is about three minutes. I think the baby is teething because he's much fussier than usual. He starts screaming within two or three minutes of getting put down. I baby wear, but he hates it on my back , and I can't carry boxes around or unpack very effectively with him on my front. Plus, we were relocated to a much higher cost of living area, so we went from a four bedroom house with a big, fenced in yard to paying more than our mortgage to rent a very modest two bedroom apartment. We didn't bring a lot of our stuff, but it still feels so cramped.


Daily things will be much better once I'm not tripping over boxes and looking for things all over, but it seems like I'm never going to get there. By the time my DH gets home, the kids are in their worst moods of the day, dinner, bath, and bed need to be done, and soon after, my DH needs to get to sleep so he can get up for work. Of course the baby is waking up more than usual at night because he's uncomfortable. Ugh.

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Hire someone! Just get any local babysitter (since you will be home anyways, no need for them to be a particularly good fit) for 3 or 4 hours every couple of days for a bit. Well worth it -- one of the expenses of moving.

Now that is ingenious! I've never hired a babysitter before, so I would never have thought of that. I'm not sure how much it would help with the baby since he's been so clingy, but it's worth a try!

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Vent away because you're exactly right. Moving got so much easier for me when my children weren't so little.


Is there any chance it would help to get out of the house and away from the mess for a day? Or for a few days till the weekend when you might be able to get more done? I hate leaving the unpacking for later, but as long as the kitchen is done, I can put it off a bit if my children really need me. And if I'm not there to see it.

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:grouphug:  It's very hard.  I moved when mine were 2 and 3.5, when my husband had already left to start work.  Packing and trying to keep the house ready to be shown was exhausting.  I'm sorry you're going through that.  My in laws actually came and helped, which was a life saver. 

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My last move was so horrible that I am scarred, I will never move again unless I am absolutely out of options.  My kids were six months, just turned two and four  :svengo:.  People came to our house to move us and approximately 1/3 of our stuff wasn't even packed, they threw it in boxes, dumped it in my great room at the new house and went back and refilled the same boxes.  It was horrific, and it took me a good two months to sort everything out.  Never.  Again. 

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