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Is there a 6th grade planning thread

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I am just starting to think about it!


Grammar R&S 6 ( was doing hake 6 half pace so would be doing second half but they prefer R&S)

Spelling R&S 7

Vocab -Caesar's English (was planning to do it during 5th sigh)

Math - MM6 and 7 (goal)

Science - BJU science 6 - liked 5 with just books but am considering videos for 6th

History - MOH vol 3

Writing - WWS1

Reading - ?

Logic ?

Foreign Language ?

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I think I have my plans in place now, so here goes.


Bible: Awana and Christian Studies IV 

         What the Bible is All About for Young Explorers

         The Action Bible  (Someone mentioned this in a thread, and I forgot we already owned it.)


History: BJU Heritage Studies 6 (ancient history)


Science: Signs and Seasons along with MP Astronomy (this summer and fall)

              BJU 6 Science (January and summer)



Christian Light Math

Life of Fred Fractions and possibly Decimals and Percents

 Hands-on Geometry

 CT Balance Benders, other logic books as I find them


Language Arts:

 Christian Light LA for grammar and spelling

 IEW Ancients theme book for writing

 Figuratively Speaking (spread out over 3 years)

 Christian Light 6th Reading (complete 3 of the LUs this year and continue it and 7th into the next 2 years)

 MP Poetry for Grammar Stage (17 of the poems, the rest next year)

 MP American Lit (on link right above) (8 selections, the rest over 7th and 8th)


Historical Fiction & Literature:

The Golden Goblet, Hittite Warrior, Archimedes and the Door of Science, Detectives in Togas, The Bronze Bow

My Side of the Mountain, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, Holes, Tuck Everlasting


Geography: MP Geography 1 Review and US Review (never did the first book, but I only want to learn what is in the review books)


Probably do some home and life skills as well as some art/drawing with sister






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I feel like we are slacking after reading most of these lists, but here's ours.


For DD11

Math: Saxon 7/6

Grammar: Intermediate Language Lessons

Writing: Homeschool Connections Class online class Simplified Writing for Middle School, An All Encompassing Foundational Middle School Writing Course

Spelling: All About Spelling (starting at the beginning and seeing how far we can get--her spelling is atrocious)

History: RC History: Volume 3 - 1066-1699

Geography: Map Trek to go along with History and also MCP's Maps, Charts and Graphs Eastern Hemisphere

Science: RS4K Chemistry followed by Biology (we'll start Chem this summer since we were woefully lacking during this school year)

Latin: Prima Latina

Religion: Faith and Life 6, Altar Server


Art at the local Catholic school and on the volleyball, basketball, and archery teams.  Soccer with the Y


Homeschool orchestra, violin, and a homemade club called Liberty Ladies (focus on oral presentations and learning about strong women in American history)


Most literature will come from history or readings for Liberty Ladies.  If I find it lacking, I have the books that go with LLATL tan (which I purchased thinking we would go that route). We'll use the study guides if needed.


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I'm having a really, really hard time deciding on history. I want to use TOG but just not sure it will work for us. I have searched highschool threads trying to figure out what people use in highschool for history and haven't really come up with much. My gut tells me to go to MFW but so many people make it sound like it doesn't work for upper grades (like 5-8). I can see the literature is lighter and good for my upcoming 4th grader. But, maybe the book basket has enough for her.


Anyways, here is the start of my plans.


Grammar: R&S6

Spelling: R&S6

Writing: WWS 1

Math: MM6, some Life of Fred Fractions/Decimals

Latin: Finish GSWL and ___________

Spanish: Start GSWS

Logic: ____________necessary already?


Literature: ?? If not TOG, I don't know what people use/recommend.

History: TOG? SOTW? MOH? MFW? Yikes!!!

Science: Apologia or AIG. Not sure if Anatomy or Botany yet.


Health: Something. CA requires it....

PE: She does soccer, dance, etc.

Art/Music: ??

I really like MOH. You can always add literature for the time period by looking at tog, sonlight MFW for ideas. I add in mapping and the put timeline summary entries into the ipad timeline app they have. If we have time and energy, we may do a project or homeschool in the woods paper craft. At the very least, it gives a nice walk through history.

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I should start working on this, but the older two have taken up all my time lately. :)


So far...


Math - continue AOPS Pre-Algebra and something for drilling basic skills (probably R&S Arithmetic)

Language Arts - finish Spelling Workout series, list of literature to read, continue R&S Grammar, vocabulary books, IEW

Science - no idea

History - no idea

Latin - Second Form Latin

Logic - Fallacy Detective and Thinking Toolbox


Bible study


Boy Scout merit badge work

Probably art classes

Lots of robotics and electronics

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umm...I guess I need to plan too, although I am still kind of in thralls of this year. :lol: ..


UPDATED (again 5/19):


So, here it is so far:

Math: MM6 (+ Murderous Math books or some other "fun" supplement)

Vocab: Wordly Wise 6 or Vocab from classical roots 6........got VFCR and love it so going with that one and DS liked the looks of it so much he started it already :laugh:  and it seems to be sticking

Lit: Best _____ (plays, poems, short stories, chapters, nonfiction) series from Hewitt (Just got the 1st book and LOVE it, won't do everything in the book, but I prefer it over the K12 lit we did this year!!)

Grammar: EM Language Fundamentals 6 for review

Logic: Building Thinking skills 2 by CTC, plus some other fun logic puzzle type books

Spelling: continue spelling workout


Science: Chemistry using...Ellen McHenry CD with lots of reading and experiments


History: Human Odyssey Vol 2 using additional reading lists and outlining and reports (younger ones will follow along in the time period with SOTW3 and read alouds)



All together:

Islamic Studies

Artist study (I'll pick some to match the time periods, I will make up a folder for each artist and then just pull it and use)

Some homeschool art classes maybe, kind of pricey I think ($15/kid/week,5 week minimum, we have charters here and they push prices up because charter parents don't pay out of pocket :glare: ), might buy some home art dvds instead and just invest in good supplies......another thing to research...gonna get dvds, just have to decide which ones LOL

Homeschool PE class ($25/mo/child, a bit better I think)

Geography: Visits to Europe (maybe start Asia if time allows)




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I'm usually just lurking but here's my first post  :001_smile:  This thread has been so helpful and inspired me to plan (and post) about next year.


Math: AofPS PreAlgebra


Science: Apologia Chemistry and Physics


Language Arts:  VP Literature class online, Continue WWS 1 as we're working through this slowly, R&S English, WW 


History:  VP self paced online 1815-modern


Latin:  Latin for Children or Latin Alive...have both.  Just not sure yet which to start her with.


Logic:  Fallacy Detective


Bible:  God's Great Covenant...probably


Continue art instruction and competitive gymnastics.



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OK, after finally getting DD's official diagnosis (stealth dyslexia), I've been figuring out how to best work with her strengths and weaknesses.  This plan may change as we continue to learn what styles work best for her, but right now we are considering:



Math:  MM6/Jousting Armadillos


Writing: continuing with WWS1


Grammar: Not sure yet: either Analytical Grammar done on the whiteboard, or something like Giggly Grammar.


Lit: Considering putting together a Tolkien year OR working through Figuratively Speaking with various lit, short stories and poetry.


Spelling: continue Apples and Pears Spelling


History: Medieval using Human Odyssey & Project Passport with lots of historical lit tied in.


Science:  CPO Earth Science


Logic:  Fallacy Detective / A of A?


Latin: Cambridge Latin (We're finishing up GSWL this year and DD wants to continue)


Continuing piano and various seasonal sports: cross country, soccer, softball and track and field.


DD is also talking about learning Spanish, so I may have to start researching that. 


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11yo 6th grader.


I had outsourced a number of subjects as I got busy starting up a business (still rocky and very sporadic!). 


These plans are a continuation of what we're doing now that I foresee will leak into next year, as well as books I haven't added. The general idea is that we'll do a lot more co-reading and there will be more required reading of different genres.


Math. Outsourced. Abstract Algebra and Algebra 1 revision (Dolciani).  Paper Square Geometry. 


Science. Outsourced. Chemistry with labs. DS has been reading a lot of science books on his own. But I plan to co-read more with him. Book list includes The Magic of Reality, Dr Art's Guide to Science, Chemistry for You, and more to come. 


History. It's been stop/start for us here. Perhaps Big History, following up with Human Odyssey.


Language Arts. Outsourced writing. But Writing and Rhetoric looks great (drool). I'll likely start him from Fable. Killgallon Paragraphs for Middle School. Jacobs Ladder for comprehension. Word Roots. Still thinking of literature.


Logic. Pack of logic workbooks like Perplexors, Analogy Crosswords, Deducibles, What's Next. We're getting together to do Thinking Toolbox with a friend.


Technology. Scratch. Arduino.


Foreign Language. Outsourced to a very excellent language tutor.


PE. TKD. Swimming. Therapy that he finally likes. Bal-a-vix! Considering tennis, rollerblading (good chance that his balance has improved to this level), water polo.


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I have a tentative plan but it may change due to how much or little we finish over the summer.


Writing/Grammar/Literature-outsourced with local writing instructor over summer, online class for school year.


Math-Dolciani Pre-Algebra/ to begin Algebra next spring


History-Human Odyssey (finish vol 1 move to vol 2)


Logic- Art of Argument


Science-Science Olympiad 4 events


Violin & Piano-continue with lessons


Foreign Language-  ?  need to outsource


Competitions-  my dd10 wants to do the National Mythology Exam again, and You Be the Chemist challenge along with SO tournaments.


Physical Fitness/ Team Sports- Softball (spring & fall), Basketball, Track and Summer Volleyball


Forgot Latin--undecided

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We almost have a plan in place.


Math: Finish Saxon 7/6 (he will be halfway done) and then 8/7 or Algebra 1/2

Spelling: Spelling Workout F

Vocab: Vocabulary from Classical Roots

Grammar/Writing: Haven't decided either Seton English 6 and finish WWS1(we are going at half pace this year) then Creative Writer 1

                             or we may try to finish WWS1 over the summer and do a year of Hake Grammar & Writing with extra writing in other subjects

Latin: First Form

History: Seton 6 for our spine (which covers ancients and middle ages)

Literature: Books to tie in with history

Science: Kolbe Science 6 (Harcourt textbook)

Music: Piano Lessons

Art: Seton Art 6 + A Child's History of Art: Architecture




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  • 1 month later...

If she decides to stay home (considering PS) or if she comes home soon after starting (made a week and a half last year)Decided that the 1X per week classes will be enough "socialization"(she didn't want to get up at 6am any more then I did.)

We'll be doing:

Math: DIY- Thinking something video/online with math drill W.S.'s YourTeacher (she's loving it, no more crying over math? Me that is) and lots of whiteboard (what we're doing right now) I blame the necessity for having to come up with a math program without a textbook on the 1.5 weeks she spent at PS last year where the really cute/young/male teacher made math "fun" by not using a book  :glare: .

Science- Environmental Science- another DIY using lots of video and labs/activities.

History- William the Conqueror to Age of Enlightenment, using a bunch of different sources -K12HO, OUP, CTT, videos from Netflix, youtube etc...

(can you see a trend here?)

Writing- IEW based on History lessons, Killgallons Creative Writing at local Cottage School :hurray: 

Grammar- TBD

Literature- I'm thinking we'll do Figuratively Speaking and some lit analysis type stuff for short stories, poetry etc... I made an off hand suggestion that she could do "fairy tales retold" for Writing class and we could read the originals and remakes.... now I have to design a literature course based on Fairy Tales :svengo:

She's self teaching ALS and doing a great job. 

PE, Art, and Flute lessons (self-taught until now) at local Cottage School

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I'm still hung up on what to use for grammar next year, but here is what we have so far:

Math: MUS Epsilon
Science: Behold & See 6    
History: 20th Century World History
Literature: to go along w/history
Geography: MP Geography II
Writing: EIW 6
Spelling: SYS
Grammar: undecided
Language: undecided - either Latin or Spanish
Art: local classes

Musical theater & various sports (archery, basketball, horseback riding)

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I've held off on planning anything, because DH was talking about PS next year. DS is pretty gung-ho to stay at home and our living situation is still really uncertain so it's likely we'll continue homeschooling for sixth.


MATH: AoPS Pre-Algebra, moving on to AoPS Algebra

SCIENCE: Earth Science using Tarbuck's textbook. He wants to do a science fair project this year so I'm reading Ruth's inquiry based science posts.

TECHNOLOGY: learn computer programming-I'm still working on a resource

LOGIC: to be determined


Literature: selection of books from WTM medieval logic stage, poetry, short stories

Writing: I'll create assignments from his history, science, and literature

Grammar: Rod and Staff 6

Spelling/Vocabulary: Spelling Workout G&H


Textbooks: Selection of OUP's history books on the Middle Ages

Geography: probably pick back up on world geography study


PE: football, basketball, track

Art: Artistic Pursuits (both kids want art to be a priority next year)

Foreign Language: continue spanish with text (Breaking the Barrier?). DS asked for Mandarin (tbd)

Scouts: Various merit badges based on earth science study (Astronomy, Geology, Space Exploration, Weather).

Life Skills: learning to cook. This year, it was pretty clear that he needs to spend more time in the kitchen.

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I'll play. My 6th grader is my youngest:

Math finish Saxon 6/5, go on to 7/6

Latin: prima Latina, finish, the do visual Latin and Latina Christiana

History; Diana waring history alive Rome, reformers, revolutionaries

Science: either flying creatures or do General science over 2 years.

Writing: finish Writeshop 1 add in some IEW

Grammar: Fix it book 1

Spanish: Rosetta Stone

Literature: read and discuss various books, some from history, some just good literature

Philosophy adventure- saw it on Timberdoodle, looks great!

Spelling power

Art at co op

American Heritage Girls badge work

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Math: LoF & Math Mammoth (4 days/week)

Logic: Building Critical Thinking Book 2 (1 day/week)

Science: Earth Science using Intellego Units, various books/videos, maybe some CK-12 (2 days/week)

Spelling: SWR (maybe changing to Sequential Spelling, she is struggling here) (4 days/week)

Writing: CW Homer (part B ), CW Poetry for Beginners (part B ) (4 days/week)

Grammar: KISS 3.2 & 4, MCT Grammar Town for variety (2 days/week)

Vocabulary: CE 1 (2 days/week)

Literature: good books mostly related to 20th century, mix of read-aloud and ind. reading (daily)

Latin: Lingua Latina: Familia Romana chp. 9-16 (4 days/week)

Spanish: Homeschool Spanish Academy (online) (2 days online/2 days offline)

History: 20th Century using Intellego Units, SOTW vol. 4, History of US, various books/videos (2 days/week)

Geography: Atlas of the World (Parragon), World Geography (McDonald), puzzle maps (1 day/week)

Music: Classics for Kids (website) focus on 20th Century, Listen to Learn (1 day/week)

Art: Art with the Great artists (focus on 20th Century), Art for Kids: Drawing (1 day/week)

Theology: Old Story New, Bible (daily)

Study Skills: Learning to Learn (maybe do it in the summer, 1 day/week)


When I list it all out it looks like a ton!  But really, many of these things are once or twice a week and combined with other things.  Our "humanities" is a mix of history, geography, literature, music, art.  Our STEM is math/logic and science.  LAs are combined spell/grammar/vocab and writing.  Foreign languages are separate.


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  • 3 weeks later...

This will be the first year I only have ONE homeschool child.  My eldest just graduated and will be in college, and my middle two will be in public high school (11th and 9th).  Due to a variety of life issues, including the special insanity that is having a homeschooled 12th grader, my rising 6th grade dd has been left to her own devices more than I like over the past couple of years.  So, this coming year I am hoping to get her back on track BUT I am hoping to do some of the "fun" homeschool things I haven't been able to do with my kids in a while.  I am planning curricula that are (I hope) efficient, good quality, and get the job done, so that dd and I can spend some much needed quality time together.  ALSO, I think she needs a change in the materials I've been using with her, so we'll be trying some curricula that are new to us.  Here's what I'm planning/considering:


Math:  Math U See Epsilon

English composition:  CAP Fable & Narrative 1, plus possibly Killgallon Sentence Composing for Middle School, and if we like it, possibly start Paragraphs for Middle School if we have time in our school year.

Grammar:  Growing With Grammar 6

Spelling:  Logic of English  Going to see how she does without spelling instruction this year.  We do a lot of outside activities, so something had to give.

Literature:  Progeny Press and Novel Units guides to complement Geography studies ??? Not sure about doing lit guides, or just completing a reading list.  She asked for lit guides, but I prefer the simplicity of just a reading list.  FINAL CHOICE:  reading list w/ discussion/writing using WEM

Latin:  Latin Prep 1

Memory:  Linguistic Development Through Poetry Memorization

Logic:  Orbiting with Logic

Geography:  Trail Guide to World Geography; Geography through Art

Science:  Milestones in Science kit, along with library books (although I just saw the Elemental Science website for the first time, so this may change)  Elemental Science:  Earth and Astronomy for Logic Stage

Bible:  Explorer's Bible Study

Arts:  Music co-op:  choir, music theory, band (flute)

Other:  Enrichment co-op:  acting, digital video editing

Girl Scouts


I hope to have time to bake, go to the museum, take walks, etc.  But I tend to be over-ambitious, so who knows how things will really shake out.


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This is our plan..... Hope we stick to it! We school year round from August to July.


Writing: IEW Middle Ages, EIW 6 (2 weeks, 1 week)

Cursive: Pentime 6


Grammar: AG season 1.....after season 1 start R&R book, EM Daily Editing


Lit: Mosdos Press....making notes on literary devices, Book Basket....discuss casually TTC style


Phonetic Zoo....Dictation.....Word Roots A1-2


Math: Middle of Saxon 6/5....then to Saxon 7/6


History: Mix of SOTW audio, parts of History Odyssey 2 Middle Ages w/ Human Odyssey, Project Passport, history readers...... Composers/Art Study, our wall timeline, videos, Renaissance Fair in November!!


Geography: Mapping the World with Art along with big sis/ Shepard Software games


Science for my Zoologist: Elemental Science Logic Mix.....1/2 Biology, 1/2 Earth Science, Sassafras Zoology reader, Discovery Education



Logic: Logic Liftoff or Perplexors




Getting Started with Spanish with workbook as a family


Cooking Skills/Nutrition/Health- girls health, PE at YMCA, Might get Science Fusion Human Body at her wish


Morning Breakfast Current Events & iCivics


Fiddle lessons


Volunteer at animal shelter..... Possibly pet sitting

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Here is the current plan for DS. I also can't believe he's in 6th grade already.


Writing With Skill 1

Maybe a Lost Tools of Writing Workshop if our schedule will allow

Elements of Language (using the 8th grade book over the next 3 years)

Third Form Latin

Sonlight Core F

History Club (participating in the History Bee/Bowl)

Finish Algebra 1 Teaching Textbooks, supplement with LOF Beginning Algebra & Khan Academy


Prentice Hall Earth Science (???)

Science Olympiad

Calvert School Discoveries in Art

Band (Trombone)/Piano



Volunteer program at a nursing home

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under consideration:


Math - Math in Focus  Lial's BCM


English - RS Spelling/Grammar 6 Finish Grammar/Spelling from PR4

               WWS1 (1st half or so)  WTM Expository Writing I 

               Landry English II:

                MCT Grammar Town 

                Building Poems

                Caesar's English I

                Paragraph Town



Literature -  Hittite Warrior

                   D'Aulaires' Book of Greek Myths

                   Theras and His Town

                   Mystery of the Roman Ransom

                   The Bronze Bow

                   Black Horses for the King

                   The Samurai's Tale

                   Adam of the Road


                  Landry English II:

                    The Horse and his Boy

                    Island of the Blue Dolphind

                    Where the Red Fern Grows

                    A Single Shard


                    Out of the Dust


History, Geography, Art, Music, etc - Ancient History based around TOG Y1 and SL Core 6, adapted into a secular manner with lots of extras from my previous D rotation


Science - Exploration Education Physical Science  Introductory Conceptual Physics 


Foreign Language - Duolingo French

                                SYRWTLF  French I (for one twin who is really interested)

                                or    and

                                Getting Started with Latin (for second twin and younger DS)


I think I finally have things set!

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Some things remain tentative:




Spelling-Phonetic Zoo


Reading-book list w/discussion


Writing-Expository Writing I


Grammar/Mechanics-ILL/Practice Voyage


Vocab-CE II


Other LA-Building Poems (did not get to last year)


History-SOTW finish 3 move onto 4/A History of US corresponding time frame


Science-co-op-they'll be using Prentice Hill Science Explorer Focus on Physical Science (Chemistry/Physics)


Arts-guitar lessons


Other-various co-op enrichment classes


          I would love to begin Spanish language instruction this year, but I'm not sure how we'd fit it in.  How do you moms do it all????








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          I would love to begin Spanish language instruction this year, but I'm not sure how we'd fit it in.  How do you moms do it all????


I have that thought every year! Some people don't do every subject every day. Others do a "loop schedule" where they do the 'every day' (math) stuff and then as far through their other subjects as they have time for. They stop for the day and pick up the next day wherever they left off on their list of "other subjects."


My kids that are self-directed with non-teacher-intensive materials get more done than the ones who need me 'at elbow' - because I only have so much time for each kid. There are always things I have to put off or cross off the list entirely because we don't have time to do it all. 

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Math: AOPS Pre Algebra or Singapore DMCC 7 (going back and forth between)

Logic: TBD

Science: 2nd Half of Holt Life Science, MP Astronomy or Botany

Spelling: Kolbe Word List

Writing:  MP Fable Stage, Writing Strands, Essays on Demand

Grammar: VOE 6 + MP Recitations in Grammer 2 + Excerpts from FLL

Vocabulary: Wordly Wise Online + MCP Word Study

Literature: MP Poetry + Kolbe Middle School Reading List + Book Reports

Reading: MP Teaching Guide to one of their recommended 6th grade books, Catholic National Reader

Greek:  Introduction to Greek Alphabet

Latin: Latina Christiana or New Missal Latin

History:  Famous Men of Greece, Continue MP Ancient History, SOTW Middle Ages, Great Courses Videos

Geography: Daily Geography, MP Geography Workbooks

Music: Yet more Piano

Art: TBD

Theology: Kolbe books, Catholic Catechism for Kids

Other: Scouts, Karate, Swim Team, First Lego League

Current Events/Discovery:  still undecided, might have them choose one article from WSJ or Encyclopedia Britannica to share and discuss each day

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Math: Math-U-See Zeta, Life of Fred Decimals and Percents

Grammar: Hake Grammar 6

Writing: Writing with Skill 1

Spelling: All About Spelling 5

Latin: First Form Latin

Science: CPO Middle School Earth Science

History: Story of the World 2 with the Classical House of Learning logic stage literature guide

Logic: Mind Benders, Critical Thinking 1

Music: piano lessons

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest loveorange

Math: Saxon Algebra 1/2 and Life of Fred (suggestions welcome as to what level would correspond - we haven't used LOF before.  It looks interesting to me as a supplement)


Religion: Seton Religion FYC 6


History: 300-1400 AD, not yet decided on the core book, either DK or Usborne or both, with lots of extra related reading


Grammar: Easy Grammar 6


Vocab: Vocab from the classical roots


Science: Exploring Creation with Anatomy, Sassafrass Science Anatomy and Head to Toe experiments, at least for the first semester (we're going to try one science morning a week, with all 4 of my school aged kids working together - we'll see how that works!) 


Latin: Latina Christiana II


Handwriting: Writing Our Catholic Faith 6


Piano, Baseball, Basketball, Field Hockey, Extra-curricular homeschool activities on Fridays


Can't wait to start! :)

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Math: MUS and math drills

LA: LLTL Tan, Igniting Your Writing

History: MOH 2

Science: Finish 106 Days of Creation, after that we'll be reading some science books (Science Experiments You Can Eat, Woods Walk, Outdoor Secrets, Nature Friend Magazine)

Art: Drawing With Children

Bible: Laying Down the Rails for Children, My First Hymnal, Scripture Memory Box

various poet, artist, composer, etc. studies along with some family read alouds

Extras: piano, gymnastics, HS co-op


I'm not sure on foreign language...I keep wavering between Latin and Spanish.

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We started this week.  So far, so good.

It looks long to me, but it's spread out pretty evenly and doesn't take her that long.


Math: CLE 6


Grammar: R&S 5 (2nd 1/2)


Spelling: Dictation Day by Day, R&S 6 Dropped dictation.  Every year I feel guilty about the fact that we never seem to get to it.


Writing: Written narrations and Igniting Your Writing


Vocab. EftRU


History: HOD CTC


Geography: Map Trek Ancient  We switched to map drawing Leigh Bortins style.


Science: Science in the Beginning


Art: Line Upon Line (CLP) and SCM Picture Portfolios


Rosetta Stone French


Mavis Beacon Typing drills


Bible: Awana Truth and Training


Literature: various lists for independent reading, family read-alouds


Piano, Ballet, Band

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We started this week.  So far, so good.

It looks long to me, but it's spread out pretty evenly and doesn't take her that long.


Math: CLE 6


Grammar: R&S 5 (2nd 1/2)


Spelling: Dictation Day by Day, R&S 6


Writing: Written narrations and Igniting Your Writing


Vocab. EftRU


History: HOD CTC


Geography: Map Trek Ancient


Science: Science in the Beginning


Art: Line Upon Line (CLP) and SCM Picture Portfolios


Rosetta Stone French


Mavis Beacon Typing drills


Bible: Awana Truth and Training


Literature: various lists for independent reading, family read-alouds


Piano, Ballet, Band


KeriJ, which subjects are you requiring written narrations for?  Also, how many are you requiring per week?  Just curious as to how it's working for you as I'm currently planning our year and wondering what is a just "write" and what is too much. :)


How often for Igniting Your Writing?

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KeriJ, which subjects are you requiring written narrations for?  Also, how many are you requiring per week?  Just curious as to how it's working for you as I'm currently planning our year and wondering what is a just "write" and what is too much. :)


How often for Igniting Your Writing?


Written narrations for history and literature.  I'm leaning towards 1 per week each.  But the science program requires writing for each lesson as well...sort of narration style.  We do science twice a week.  


I guess that makes it about 4 narration type assignments each week.


I've scheduled Igniting Your Writing for 1 lesson per week, divided over 2 days.


So far it seems just "write". :)

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Written narrations for history and literature.  I'm leaning towards 1 per week each.  But the science program requires writing for each lesson as well...sort of narration style.  We do science twice a week.  


I guess that makes it about 4 narration type assignments each week.


I've scheduled Igniting Your Writing for 1 lesson per week, divided over 2 days.


So far it seems just "write". :)


Thanks!  It's helpful to know you're a step ahead of me as we seem to have similar homeschooling philosophies.

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I've made a math change. I sat down with ds to pick up some math this summer. I can't believe how much he's forgotten over the last 2 months off. He is in the midst of his pre-teen years. Part of me thinks he was just being lazy because he didn't want to do it. I ordered CLE math so that he can do a spiral program. He might need more regular review during middle school if he loses his brain due to hormones! LOL! 





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I wouldn't say I'm a step ahead. :)  You give me good ideas often. 


Well, you're a step ahead in that you've started 6th grade already and we aren't starting until Sept. 1st.  6th grade seems more intimidating to me.  Pre-teen years.  :scared:

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Guest Lemonade

This is my first year homeschooling this kiddo. I am mostly using a customized Memoria Press package so that I'll have a some hand-holding, but not too much (if that makes sense).


Math: Singapore 5 with some R&S 6 for review.

Grammar: R&S 5

Writing: Classical Composition, Fable/Narrative combination

Literature: MP 5 (and will read books of his own choosing, too)

Latin: Latina Christiana 1 (our first experience with Latin)

Science: MP 5

Geography: Geography 1 (MP)

History: Famous Men Middle Ages

Handwriting: (yes, this needs done...MP cursive writing for older children and adults)

Spelling: R&S 6 (but I suspect it will be too hard, as this is a real weak issue)

Bible: Christian Studies 3 (New Testament)

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I'm finally sure--everything is ordered and (mostly) organized.


Math: Jacobs Algebra


L/A: AAS, review and complete 5, then 6 and possibly 7. Also, Evan Moor Grade 6 Grammar and Punctuation.


History: History Odyssey 2 Medieval times, using a Houghton Miflin textbook as our spine


Science: CPO Middle School Earth Science


Spanish: Duolingo





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I've decided to finally put my plan out into the world to make it more real. And I guess find out if anyone sees something horrific that I've become blind to in my months of deliberations, lol.


My 6th and 7th graders are combined for pretty much everything but math.  I go a little easier on the younger one.


Math - Saxon 7/6

Writing - review some IEW and complete WWS1. Also still playing with Killgallon books.

History - HO Modern, level 2, slightly adapted, and adding American History Series workbooks

Literature - mostly through HO with additional (un-guided/ungraded) titles

Science - Earth Science through co-op, http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0470239557/ref=oh_details_o04_s00_i00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 and http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0873551974/ref=oh_details_o04_s00_i01?ie=UTF8&psc=1 at home, along with monthly homeschool classes at the environmental center and still scouting for volunteer opportunities.  (I am pulling my hair out trying to organize all this. But it's rare that they get so excited about academics, so I'm trying!)

Latin - laid back, self-directed, with whatever materials she wants to use from the shelf.
Spanish - continue Breaking the Barrier with Rosetta Stone


other co-op classes - art, theater arts, Odyssey of the Mind, cooking class

other activities - softball and probably karate


I'm still mulling over spelling, vocab, and geography.  I really intended to strip this year down for our first 4-day school week schedule with co-op taking up the 5th day.  I'm this close to believing HO will suffice for vocab, but I'm twitching over the other two.


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Starting to get 6th grade under control with some adjustments to my earlier plans. I am concerned that I may be trying to cram too many materials into our schedule, especially in the English and Composition department!



I am *still* not completely settled on all options but here is what I think we are doing:


  • English and Composition-Saxon Grammar and Writing 6 CAP W&R Narrative II and Chreia & Proverbs, CAP Reasoning and Reading Level 1, Complete Killgallon's Sentence Composing for Elementary School, Complete English Lessons Through Literature Level 3 and maybe go on to level 4???, Complete Growing with Grammar 5, and Complete Apples and Pears C and D.


  • Math-Saxon Homeschool Math 76, Khan Academy, and various math games.


  • History and Geography-Medieval History Portfolio and Timeline Binder with History Revealed RRR, Story of the World 2, & Ages of Grace Compressed All American History Vol 1&2 with 50 States and Where to Find them.


  • Science-Elemental Science Earth Science & Astronomy for the Logic Stage Some kind of science club, hopefully through the local science museum.


  • Poetry-Art Grammar of Poetry with DVD presentations.


  • Vocabulary-Caesars English 2 and Wordly Wise 3000 Book 6


  • Art-Connect the Thoughts Artists Basics Outsourced to a community class.


  • Music-Piano Instruction


  • PE-Ballet


  • Art of Argument


  • Language Lessons through Literature 5


  • Latin-Linney's Latin Class Complete Getting Started with Latin and then ???



Does this look doable (i.e., recommendable)?

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I know that it won't all get done, but here is what I will have available for her:


Math:  Continue AoPS Intro to Algebra, continue LoF Beginning Algebra, LoF Advanced Algebra, AoPs Intro to Number Theory, AoPS Counting & Probability, ALEKS (because it is assessment tool required by charter school)


Language Arts:

Grammar Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Finish MCT Practice Voyage 45-100, Start Magic Lens 1 & 4Practice1

Vocabulary Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Finish CE2 Lessons 11-20, Start WWW1 or MP Book of Roots

Poetry Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Finish World of Poetry, poetry in WWS, and poetry in MP lessons

Writing Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Finish WWS1 Weeks 30-36, Start WWS2

Speech Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Fables & Folktales A Writing Workshop for Young Storytellers, IEW Speech Boot camp, 50 Debate Prompts For Kids

Literature Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Figuratively Speaking, Ready Readers 3 and Ready Readers Narnia, Classics Club Wind in the Willows

Read Alouds Ă¢â‚¬â€œ MP 6th grade list

Handwriting Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Teach Yourself Cursive &/or Latin Cursive Copybook



Engineering Ă¢â‚¬â€œ Building Math Stranded!

Planetary Science (Earth Science) Ă¢â‚¬â€œ AstroVenture online NASA curriculum; Lyrical Earth Science


Social Studies: US History Ă¢â‚¬â€œ The Story of US w/ Hewitt guide, SoTW 3 & 4 as audiobooks or read alouds, Current Events - CNN Student News, ArtnerĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s ReaderĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s Guide to American History for reading suggestions or BF Western Expansion, Geography - BF Geography or NatGeo Geography


Classical Studies:  MP 6th Grade Sets - Famous Men of Greece, Horatius at the Bridge, The Trojan War


Latin:  MP First Form Latin, Lingua Angelica


Greek:  From Alpha to Omega text, ancillary exercises, reader and publisherĂ¢â‚¬â„¢s online resources, first half only


Logic: Critical Thinking 1


Programming:  Kid coder WebDesign, FortHunt CSS online class


Christian Studies: MP Book IV;  The Screwtape Letters with Study Guide from CS Lewis Study Program; Read alouds from The Book of Virtues for Young People 


Music: Piano, Violin, Homeschool Choir & Bells, Chamber Music group


Art: 1 semester Homeschool art class


PE: Homeschool Gym class, Ballet and Jazz dance classes


(I know, I know - I said it won't all get done!)

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This is my first year homeschooling this kiddo. I am mostly using a customized Memoria Press package so that I'll have a some hand-holding, but not too much (if that makes sense).

Latin: Latina Christiana 1 (our first experience with Latin)


I think going with MP is a good idea for a bit of hand-holding as you go through the year. Don't be afraid to tweak, though. 

I think you're making a good decision in going with LC1 instead of FFL as your first Latin experience. It is a good solid intro. And don't be afraid if you guys don't quite "get it" right away - I think you have to see the big picture sometimes before the little pieces really make sense. And you'll see it all again in First Form (FFL) -- although MUCH QUICKER.


My 6th and 7th graders are combined for pretty much everything but math.  I go a little easier on the younger one.


History - HO Modern, level 2, slightly adapted, and adding American History Series workbooks

Literature - mostly through HO with additional (un-guided/ungraded) titles

I'm still mulling over spelling, vocab, and geography.  I really intended to strip this year down for our first 4-day school week schedule with co-op taking up the 5th day.  I'm this close to believing HO will suffice for vocab, but I'm twitching over the other two.


Have you been using HO Level 2 before this? HO Level 2 Ancients (the only one I've used) had a LOT of geography. I added maps to the timeline assessments to see what she remembered from doing all the maps and was pleasantly surprised at how much she could label by memory after all that practice.


On Spelling - remember you can have them keep a spelling notebook of words they misspell in their daily work. Once per week, you can have them look up those words (or a select # of them) in the dictionary, use them in a sentence, write their etymology, derivatives, whatever ...  And then have them look over the rest of their notebook. (Alternatively, if you guys are a tech-family, you can check out an app where they can keep a list of their missed words & requiz themselves - like Spelling Notebook.)

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Have you been using HO Level 2 before this? HO Level 2 Ancients (the only one I've used) had a LOT of geography. I added maps to the timeline assessments to see what she remembered from doing all the maps and was pleasantly surprised at how much she could label by memory after all that practice.



On Spelling - remember you can have them keep a spelling notebook of words they misspell in their daily work. Once per week, you can have them look up those words (or a select # of them) in the dictionary, use them in a sentence, write their etymology, derivatives, whatever ...  And then have them look over the rest of their notebook. (Alternatively, if you guys are a tech-family, you can check out an app where they can keep a list of their missed words & requiz themselves - like Spelling Notebook.)


Well, between HO and SOTW, it isn't so much world geography that I'm concerned about.  It's the gosh darn 50 states they don't really know! :o


I'll definitely check out that app, though. Thanks!

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Okay, I am so over figuring out what to use. BUT, I think I've got it now, with the exception of a couple of book choices!


Language Arts:

Writing: Writing With Ease

Grammar, etc.: Figuratively Speaking, The Giggly Guide to Grammar, Knock at a Star: A Child's Introduction to Poetry OR Rose, Where Did YOU Get That Red? (these are all once-a-week subjects)



Saxon Math 6/5



Zoology, with Science Explorer: Animals (to be fleshed out with supplemental reading/hands-on)


Everything Else "Schooly":

I use the "Afternoon Basket" for everything else: History (options A or B), geography, mapwork/cartography, nature reading, mathematical reading, world religions, literature (to be decided), etc.


Other/Independent Studies:

Roller derby

Maybe French with Duolingo

Various projects she chooses herself, including knitting, sewing, sculpture, etc.

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Man, my first post has almost nothing common with what we are doing. I'm actually doing something a bit strange. I have fantasized about Moving Beyond the Page since the moment I saw it but couldn't bring myself to pay that kind of money, finally a few months ago I order the last concept from the 9-11 set. I LOVE it, BUT I have a bunch of other stuff I love, so I decided to work in a block schedule by quarters and plan a full two years, alternating MBtP units with other stuff. Here's what we've got:


Moving Beyond the Page 10-12


Language Arts: LLTL/ELTL 3 & 4

Spelling: Spelling Workout G

Math: Singapore 5 with CWP and IP

Life of Fred

Science: Real Science 4 Kids: Chemistry, astronomy, physics, and biology

Latin: Lively Latin 1

Logic: mindbenders (we've started Fallacy Detective but I think it's a no go, I'm not Christian and it's too much)

Art: Evan Moor

History: SOTW 2&3

PE: football and golf


I think that's it. I am so excited and so happy with the combo I've come up with. I think it will ease the boredom that sometimes sets in and all the hands on stuff is a huge plus for my two.

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