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WWS 1 and misspellings

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My fifth grader is going through WWS 1 and loving it.  Writing comes naturally for her but unfortunately spelling does not.  How you do you handle misspellings?  I think she just enjoys writing so much that she doesn't want to take the time to pay attention to spelling.  (We are doing AAS Level 5 right now and she is doing great in that book.)  Just curious what others thought.

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My fifth grader is going through WWS 1 and loving it.  Writing comes naturally for her but unfortunately spelling does not.  How you do you handle misspellings?  I think she just enjoys writing so much that she doesn't want to take the time to pay attention to spelling.  (We are doing AAS Level 5 right now and she is doing great in that book.)  Just curious what others thought.


Typical for the age.


Introduce a new section to her WWS1 notebook and label the tab 'spelling words".  Any word that is misspelled gets hand written correctly 20 times. Neatly. You will be able determine what words she really has trouble with vs what she can't be bothered to spell correctly very quickly. And writing it 20 times a few times should correct any actual problem words.


If 20 seems too much you could make it 5 or 10. Or you could wait until next year and see if it gets better with age.


My older boy is a natural speller, but went through a sloppy period when he was around that age. I didn't correct much because I figured it would straighten itself out and it did. He is now an 8th grader I can't even remember the last time he misspelled a word. But, my younger boy is a weaker speller and I need to be more vigilant.

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I check each writing assignment for spelling and have dd correct the misspelled words.  I figure it will eventually work itself out.  I dropped spelling as a stand-alone subject after 3rd grade because we simply ran out of time to do it.  I require dd to look up each misspelled word in the dictionary, even if she knows how to correct it.  Since spending the time looking up the word is torture to dd, she is motivated to pay attention to words she should know already.  BUT, I also do not want to discourage her to use "reach" words just because she does not want to have to look them up.  So as she is writing, she can ask me to spell a word for her if it complicated or she has not used it before, and I will spell it for her.

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