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What's up with the denim jumper?

MIch elle

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I remember wearing a denim jumper during one of my pregnancies back in the early 1990's, but I wasn't a homeschool mom then.  I also remember a preschool teacher and an elementary teacher who often wore denim jumpers.  The new homeschool "uniform" for a certain segment, at least in my area, is calf length denim skirt.  Most of the homeschool moms I know wear jeans and a comfortable shirt, but there is a subset of denim skirt wearing moms because I live in an area with a large Mennonite population.

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In Southeastern Virginia, in the 90's, there were lots of denim jumpers, typically on homeschooling moms in single income families. They were inexpensive, easy to make, lasted forever, and could transition from pregnancy to nursing to coping with messy toddlers. Plus, you could wear them in any season with different tops underneath. It was just like any other kind of clothing that tends to define a group, it also gave you a sense of belonging, of not being alone in what you valued.


Things have changed.  I think a lot of moms got tired of that look or outgrew it as their families grew up. I haven't seen anyone dress like that in ages. I'm guessing that the daughters aren't particularly interested in dressing the way their mothers used to either.

Totally this.  I had some denim jumpers.  super fun to wear for all the reasons you stated went with any season, comfortable to wear.  And you are right it has run it's course.


I'm in SE VA

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There are a lot of homeschool families who believe in skirts only(or most of the time) for girls. They are usually the ones wearing denim jumpers and other long skirts. At least in my experience. In the last 10 years homeschooling has become more diverse. :)


There are a few "skirt-wearin' moms" in my crowd, as a I call them.  Usually also no makeup, long hair.  That's cool, they are still pretty fun.  No denim jumpers though.    In the same crowd I have a few "hippie-liberal moms", they're pretty fun too.  I'm probably in the middle somewhere. 


I do think it's good to have diversity!

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Ah, but the long-skirt wearer has to be careful. If the skirts are too long, or tiered, they get rejected by the modest dress crowd for being . . . I kid you not . . . "Too granola."


You can't make this stuff up.

When I was a teenager someone from the modest dress crowd called me granola in a derisive way and my response was "what do you even mean? I don't eat cereal." ;)

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I think that they were sort of in style in the late 80s/early 90s.  My mother wore them, and she was always trying to make me wear jumpers.  I didn't have any denim ones, but she made me one with corn on it.  It was so weird.  I was in middle school, and... ugh.


I think the people who still wear them do so as part of a religious mandate to separate themselves.  It's kind of how the Amish still wear a "uniform" that is from a certain time period... fashion moved on, but they didn't.  It will be interesting to see if there is still a "denim jumper crowd" in a hundred years when everyone else is wearing space suits.   :lol:

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Okay, I'll admit it. I still have a couple of denim jumpers and I occasionally wear them. I live on a small farm in a very rural area. For me, denim jumpers are the dress version of denim jeans. They are very utilitarian, wear well, go with practically any color, can go from winter to summer by changing the top and leggings. I can move around freely and do whatever I need to do, whether it's house chores or barn chores. And as long as it is clean, I can go into town without having to change and still look half way presentable.


Mine look more like this, without the embroidery. I like them in the winter because I can layer some tights and long undies underneath and be warmer than with jeans. In the summer they are cool with a light cotton shirt or t-shirt underneath.


Wearing a denim jumper has very little to do with my religion and a lot to do with my lifestyle.

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My mom was a school teacher for over thirty years and rocked the denim jumper/dress for a good portion of that time for school and slightly dressy occasions. I'm pretty sure I had one around middle school age too, though I don't remember wearing it more than once or twice.


She is not religious, so I'm guessing ease of use was her motivating factor. She is also self-conscious about her vertical c-section scars and is still picky about how her clothes fit (jeans these days).

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There are a few "skirt-wearin' moms" in my crowd, as a I call them.  Usually also no makeup, long hair.  That's cool, they are still pretty fun.  No denim jumpers though.    In the same crowd I have a few "hippie-liberal moms", they're pretty fun too.  I'm probably in the middle somewhere. 


I do think it's good to have diversity!

I agree people can dress as they please. :) I would lean more towards the long hippie skirts myself, but I usually just wear jeans.(not mom jeans.)

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I was at the vet the other day and a woman & her two children came in with their dog. The kids were wearing pajamas. It was all I could do to stop myself from asking her if they were homeschoolers!


Are pajamas the new jumpers?


For the second there I thought the mom was wearing pajamas at the pediatrician's office and I was like all "that's totally crazy, I hope she was ok".  Then I realized it was just the kids.  We haven't had many sick visits to the doctor ourselves but I have taken my niece to the doctor while she was in PJs- she was really sick, why make her go through the discomfort of changing. 

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The last jumper I remember having was the green checked school uniform I wore to parochial elementary school.  I still detest jumpers.


When I read 'denim jumper' I think skirt/dress only wearing women and girls.  Whenever I'm at a homeschool activity, I still see a lot of this.  It might not be a denim jumper, but it will be a plainer type skirt or dress that is below the knees with sleeves.  Back in the '90s it was more often denim jumpers, but it's still the same idea.  Usually it's accompanied by ankle socks and sneakers and long hair.  My longer hippie type skirts do not fit in at all.

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  • 9 years later...

I was a homeschooling, stay at home mom in the 90’s and yes, I did wear the denim jumper. Now I look back fondly to those days. It was practical, comfortable and looked a little more put together than slouchy sweats and t shirts. You could do your housework, errands or whatever and it could handle baby spit- up too. Kind of like the vintage “house dress”

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