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Hewitt's Conceptual Physics-High School Edition or 9th Edition?

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I have an upcoming 9th grader and 8th grader. I am planning to do the physics first sequence with them and so plan to use Hewitt's Conceptual Physics next year. I have read many of the threads on this course and didn't find this specifically, so hopefully this isn't a repeat question.


I found a cheap used copy of the 9th Edition (orange/red sunset cover with rocky cliffs) but now I see the High School Edition (with the ferris wheel) and wonder if that edition would be better. My kiddos are average to above average and do well with their school work overall. The younger one definitely has gravitated more toward science than the older. Both are good readers. This will really be their first course with an actual textbook (other than math). Reading through the first couple chapters of the 9th, I think it might be a slow start for them but I think they would adjust. I am planning on using other resources to supplement/enforce. I want them to enjoy the course and learn a lot!


Could anyone compare the two for me to help me decide which might be a better fit for my kids? What are the differences in the texts? Is the high school one substantially easier? I've seen cheap used copies of this one as well so it won't cost me much to buy it too, but was just wondering if anyone has any insight.


Thanks so much,

Michelle in IL

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They are very similar. The content of the two books has many identical sections. In some chapters the 9th edition has more content, but not usually. The 9th edition has more asides - history, etc. The 9th edition also has lots more end of chapter problems. If you have a student bothered by all the extras, then I'd go with the high school edition otherwise I don't think it matters too much.

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I'd definitely recommend the high school edition, especially for 8th & 9th graders. I did that course with my son when he was in 8th, and it was one of his favorite hs courses ever. The high school book has more graphics -- some cartoons & pictures -- that break up the text and make it easier reading, especially for a younger student.




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I am going to be contrary and suggest it depends on your student and how you intend to your student to use the text.


We used the ninth edition at home in seventh grade to supplement Rainbow science. Ds used the high school version for 9th grade at the public high school. Both versions are very accessible. The high school version breaks the text into smaller sections and highlights all vocabulary words. If you are teaching a student how to take notes from a science text, a bit more of the work is already done for them in the high school edition. Because my son is also contrary, he preferred the ninth edition.

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