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How do I go about finding a doctor who is open to delayed immunizations?

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When my oldest dd was a baby she had a 'cold' so she did not receive her vaccinations/immunizations at that visit. 6 months later a new Ped was in the office and he ordered 5 shots for her at one time--plus a blood draw. Everything happened so fast...I only signed my name once--but I NEVER thought they would do so many...DD was VERY sick for days afterwards...this is my dd who now has learning issues so I've always wondered....


My other dds have always had delayed immunizations. I remember talking to a new Ped when my middle dd was 3 and matter-of-factly letting HER know the schedule I wanted. This Ped became pg a few years later and SHE decided to use a delayed schedule with her own child! She automatically assumed I would go with 'delayed' again with youngest dd--and I did.


I suggest calling around to Ped's offices and asking their policy...or if you like your current Ped then just be open and matter-of-fact with him/her. It is YOUR child and while you value their opinion you get the last word.

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Are there any local yahoo groups for homeschooling in your area? Those seem to always have someone talking about doctors they like or don't. The way I found my daughters pediatrician was going to the hospital in the labor/delivery area and asking the nurses the names of pediatricians they liked. Yea, I know it is weird, but a friend suggested it and I found a wonderful doc that way. I made a list of the recommended doctors, started calling them and asking receptionist about doing delayed vaccinations,etc until I found one I liked. A health food store would be another good place to look for leads as well as any vegetarian restaurants, etc...just start asking the moms around you. I hope you find one you like!

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I asked all my friends how they liked their Pediatrician, and called offices and visited. To me, it's really important that they don't have a problem with homeschooling because they always ask if the children are in school and where they go. Plus, I don't want an overzealous Dr causing trouble for us.


We've been through 3. We moved to the suburbs and the drive to the first ped office got to be a burden when they were sick (45 min). Plus, I got the impression one of the Dr's thought I was an idiot for homeschooling, so we switched (She was not very kind to me or the kids). The second one got married and moved away, and now we have one that I really like, and she's only 15 min away. We were just in for shots and technically, if my youngest was in the public school system, she would have had to have 5 shots. Our Dr said she doesn't agree with that and would I mind spreading them out over the course of two years since she's homeschooled. I was ecstatic! The only way I know of to find people like her is to network and be firm about what you will and will not have done to your child.


Good Luck!

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It's the first question I ask when calling for a new appt. I tell the receptionist that we do not vaccinate and how the practice felt about that. Some will tell me to get lost (in different words, but basically the same thing). I used to interview in person, but got sick and tired of the lectures and threats. :001_huh: So, we did finally find a good ped. after having to leave our family practicioner due to ins. switch. This ped. asked my why we didn't but was cool w/ my decision. He is, btw, an old friend of mine from high school. :D Just ask around. Midwife, LLL, Health food stores, etc. might know of some ped's that won't hassle you. Good luck!

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I suggest calling around to Ped's offices and asking their policy...or if you like your current Ped then just be open and matter-of-fact with him/her. It is YOUR child and while you value their opinion you get the last word.


This is exactly how I would handle it. If doc was really giving me a bad time I'd call around and switch. If I generally liked him/her I'd just take the matter of fact approach.


We're selectively vaxing our youngest on a delayed schedule (she actually hasn't had any yet at 15mths) and we're pretty matter of fact about it. Our doc is great, we actually go to church with him, but we agree to disagree about this particular issue. We just avoid well baby visits in general. She's our 4th and right on target so unless there's a problem we don't head in.

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. I used to interview in person, but got sick and tired of the lectures and threats.


Stories like this make me so mad! Lectures and threats because you are looking out for and doing what you feel is best for your child?! Does anyone else realize how ridiculous this sounds in a supposedly 'free' country. Free except for medical decisions, apparently. Frankly, I find the whole idea very scary, and it makes me even angrier that so many doctors have just seemed to become enforcers of mandates and CPS snoops rather than actual health care practicioners. When you have to feel on your guard and wonder if they will 'make trouble' for you, something is seriously wrong. How do they live with themselves? I always wonder if this is why they went into medicine, or is it just and unfortunate position they find themselves in. My distrust and disdain of 'pediatrics' in particular seems to grow by the day. It seems many are nothing but 'shot factories'. I mean, if it wasn't for giving shots at 'well-child' visits (a misnomer if I ever heard one), what else would their practice consist of?


Okay, rant over.

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try the forums on mothering.com - there is lots of helpful information there and tons of ladies on there - you can do general searches and they also have forums by geographic areas so you can ask ppl in your specific area.


This is how I found our current doctor.


Also, I think Dr. Sear's website lists some doctors who are delayed-vax friendly.

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Asking a local group is a good idea, especially if it is a crunchy leaning group. You don't want to set yourself up for more lectures!


We switched pediatricians for this same issue- leaving a ped I really, really liked otherwise, but who just couldn't resist giving me a lecture on every visit, even on ones that we weren't ~supposed~ to get shots.

I was pregnant with my third and knew we planned to skip even more vaccinations with him, so decided it wasn't worth the aggravation. I was fortunate to know someone who worked for another ped group and she told me which doctor would be most open to working with delayed vaccinations. When I interviewed the doctor, she told me that she delays and skips some vaccinations for her own kids! It's been so nice not to get the looks and lectures. And since we homeschool, they don't even make us sign any waivers.


Good luck with your search. I know it's a pain to switch, but its worth it imo.

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