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Is your piano in your school room?

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If you have a designated school room do you keep the piano in that room? Do you consider it an educational tool? I'm redoing my school room and like the idea of the piano being in there but it takes up so much room. But if I ever get around to teaching piano lessons to my kids it might bug me if I have to go in another room to do it. I can't decide if I want the space for bookshelves/storage or the piano.

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My children have trouble concentrating when someone is practicing the piano - and they are usually not even in the same room. I would be worried about someone working on math right next to the piano lesson/practice.


(Unless it is the type that you can plug in headphones and others will not hear you play.)

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Ours is in our dining room, which is our school room.


We have a rule of no piano before lunch (too disrupting).


It is good to have a piano in a central part of the house because that makes it much more inviting too play (but also has its own minuses, too, like distraction).

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Ours is also in the dining room that is also the school room. Or, I guess I should say that we eat in the school room, and I keep the piano in there, lol.


When music needs to be practiced those of us not playing just go into the living room. It is only a few steps away, but it helps.


Now, when the trumpet and french horn get pulled out that is a distraction!

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Ours is in the classroom. It can be an issue sometimes with timing, but we don't mind too much. I use the space above it for picture study work (on a big bulletin board), so it feels like we're getting a lot for the space, and it's not something we have to touch or have easy access to. 

We also have a keyboard (and other instruments and recording stuff) in the library. If someone wants to play during quiet work time, they can always pop on some headphones and use that instead.


When we have guests over it's nice to come into the classroom, get comfortable, and listen to the girls play. I've found that it's a good way for others to get a peek into our classroom lives. As they play people tend to look around and really see some of what we do. In that way it makes for the perfect spot. 


Plus our classroom has a glass sliding door with plants outside it. There's good light and a pleasant view. 



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Ours is in the classroom. It can be an issue sometimes with timing, but we don't mind too much. I use the space above it for picture study work (on a big bulletin board), so it feels like we're getting a lot for the space, and it's not something we have to touch or have easy access to. 

We also have a keyboard (and other instruments and recording stuff) in the library. If someone wants to play during quiet work time, they can always pop on some headphones and use that instead.


When we have guests over it's nice to come into the classroom, get comfortable, and listen to the girls play. I've found that it's a good way for others to get a peek into our classroom lives. As they play people tend to look around and really see some of what we do. In that way it makes for the perfect spot. 


Plus our classroom has a glass sliding door with plants outside it. There's good light and a pleasant view. 

That sounds lovely.   :drool:

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If you have one or more child who is serious about piano, I would NOT keep the piano in the main schooling room (assuming that is a room that kids routinely spend most of the day working in -- if it is just a library, that is fine.)


Our piano has been in our school room out of necessity. That is fine only because a year or two ago, we put school desks for each child in their individual rooms, so our "school room" is now acting more like a library (with a computer desk for general use, but the older two kids each have computers in their own rooms), but my youngest is our pianist, and she is the only one who doesn't also have a computer in her own room, so there isn't a conflict between someone needing/wanting to school while someone else is practicing piano.


Dd11 is our pianist, and she can't walk by the piano without playing. She probably plays, on average, 2 hours a day, sometimes much more, and that is broken up all day, not just at one or two practice times. She also often plays LOUDLY, and she (rightly) argues that loudness is needed for that piece, etc. She also sings. And, she likes to sing while she is playing sometimes, as she will play some of her choir music on the piano . . .


Needless to say, this would be a disaster if we had other kids trying to do quiet school work in the school room!!


We are building a big addition project this spring . . . I am getting a new kitchen . . . and a new music room. :) It will be a dedicated music room, with room for a baby grand and the harp and a big storage closet for various other tools/cases/implements . . . and a small laptop/computer desk for composition stuff . . . It will be beautiful. It will also have doors. (Glass doors, natch, but, doors!!) LOL. A serious musician needs to be able to practice at will w/o disturbing others or being disturbed. IMHO. 



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No designated school room here, but we do most of our seatwork in our family room. Kid-sized table there and the computer and many of our books. And lots of toys and the TV and ....

Yes, the piano is there. Only place in our house that it really fits! 

Anyone who needs quiet during piano practice is just out of luck - small house! 

Generally DD practices first thing after breakfast, while Ds and I are still doing morning chores and getting ready for the day. If we get started on reading whiel she is playing, we do it in another room - on the LR sofa, usually. 


If I had a larger house or a different floor plan, I'd like to have the piano in our living room. 


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We use our eat-in kitchen as our work space which opens in the living room with the piano.    We typically have classical music playing while we works so we're ok with piano practice during school time.   When one girl is practicing piano the other works on her creative writing assignment.    

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Ours is in our school area, but if I had room to put it somewhere else, I probably would.  That way it wouldn't be quite so distracting if one child wanted to play/practice on it while someone else is working on school work.

Ditto for me, too.

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Ours is in our very large hallway in the center of the house, just outside of the dining room/schoolroom. I love having it there because dd (the only one who plays) walks past and plays frequently. I also like that it's not in any room where it might be too loud and distracting (there are doors to every room to deadened the sound if someone needs quiet for concentration) and yet I can hear it from any room that I'm in so I can know that she's practicing.

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Our "school room" is in DH and my bedroom and the piano is in the dining area. If we had a bigger place with a full school room I would put this piano in there (an electric piano) because headphones could be used. But I would not put a real piano in the school room because I wouldn't want the distraction while one child plays. I really love our real piano but we didn't have room for it here and I have to admit I'm liking the volume control of having the electric.

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