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I just received a generic email from Target offering me the 1 year free identity protection for customers because of their security breech. I think the last time I shopped at a Target was last fall but it was with cash because we had been camping and just stopped there to buy a pack of cookies. Prior to that I think it had been at least a year since I may have used a debit card there, and perhaps even longer than that. Is this something I even need to be worried about? I have never owned a Target Credit Card.

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Do not click on these emails. 


It's coming out now that other retailers were affected. They just didn't come forward. That is what I suspected. I don't think it matters where you shop, if you use a credit card or debit card you take a risk. I think it was good of Target to immediately inform customers. Nieman Markus waited until after the holiday season was over to say anything and the report I heard on the radio this was that the Secret Service issued a report saying that six other retailers were affected, but no naming names. 

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Check out this thread . Get past the "scam" posts. Check out the target links to see if you qualify for the credit monitoring that target is offering at no charge. To be on the safe side, do not respond to the email you received.

Yeah I know not to respond or click on any links. I do not know for sure if it is a legitimate email or not. I can't remember if I ever received an email from Target before. The nearest Target to us is an hour away so we do not go often.

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Do not click on these emails.


It's coming out now that other retailers were affected. They just didn't come forward. That is what I suspected. I don't think it matters where you shop, if you use a credit card or debit card you take a risk. I think it was good of Target to immediately inform customers. Nieman Markus waited until after the holiday season was over to say anything and the report I heard on the radio this was that the Secret Service issued a report saying that six other retailers were affected, but no naming names.

Yeah, well lets not give Target too much credit. Someone else outed the issue first which forced Target's hand. Otherwise, I suspect they too would have waited until after the holiday season.

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I just received an email from Target offering me the same credit counseling.  Apparently, the breach goes further than they expected.  It seems personal info of people who have shopped online was also stolen from the data base.  I haven't shopped online sins Christmas of 2012, but I have the online account, so that is the concern.


Oh boy, here I was thinking I was lucky I had only used cash at target in the last few months.  

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My credit union automatically cancelled the cards that were used at the affected stores during the breach and issued new ones. I didn't pay attention because I had no weird charges on my account, but one day at the grocery store my card didn't work. The code came up as "credit fraud." Luckily, they took a check. I went in and got my new card the same day, but sheesh . . . what a mess.

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