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Another perspective on how hard some kids work

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I'm not trying to down play their accomplishments, but one thing to consider is that many of them did/are doing research at universities and hospitals. Having access to facilities (and mentors) at a university or medical research lab can really open doors to impressive research at a young age.


I was fortunate enough to win a trip to the national science fair back in the early 80s with a project that I did in the very basic lab facilities in my public high school. When I got to the competition, I was a little disheartened to find out that so many of my competitors had done their work in the sophisticated research labs at universities. They had access to lab equipment and testing facilities that were a league above what I had.


I can see why colleges have a hard time making decisions among applicants because I think it's often hard to figure out what a kid did on his/her own ambition versus what was done in a situation that was set up for them.


Just another perspective,


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The son of a friend of mine qualified as a Davidson Scholar (although I don't remember him getting $$) because IQ testing showed he was profoundly gifted - we're talking about numbers in the stratosphere. Numbers so high, you can't use regular testers and tests for. As she sought help in the area of IQ testing and how to challenge him, she met many people who led to other people who opened the doors some of you talked about. One of the resources offered to him was a type of guidance counselor for the gifted, so to speak, and some other more tangible items like special computers with voice recognition. He's dysgraphic. I forget which philanthropic organization/person funds either this program or another to help kids who are this brilliant. The reason is that this person (I may be getting some of the facts wrong, but the ideas are right) believes that kids that are this smart do not have access to what they need to fully achieve their potential. Hopefully, I haven't totally mangled the facts.



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Sounds like your friend's child qualified for Davidson Young Scholars. This is a program for kids who score above a certain IQ--it gives them assistance and advocacy, possibly access to mentors, a variety of services. My daughter is a Davidson Young Scholar.


However, what I linked to is different. My link is to scholarship winners who won for a body of work, not just being smart. There are about 1,000 Davidson Young Scholars currently (my guesstimate). The Scholarship program is way more selective.


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My apologies if I sounded snotty. I guess I was feeling that, even though my kid (and others) are Davidson Young Scholars, that's nowhere near the achievement of the senior Davidson Scholars. It's a real difference getting into something based on test scores, and winning recognition for hard work, study, and actually producing something of value, KWIM? but I wasn't trying to be rude, and if I came off that way, I'm sorry.


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I agree, Danielle. My child is also a YS and I feel that that is more about getting the kind of assistance that will help these kids to achieve at whatever level each one is meant to. The Fellowships are a recognition for amazing work.


We are not rich people, and if not for the Davidsons there are many things my dd would not have the opportunity to experience. I am forever grateful to them and the staff at DITD.


FWIW- we had our dd tested at the local university. These kids can be identified without spending thousands of dollars on a gifted specialist.

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