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Does anyone here use Open Office and can help me?

plain jane

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I'm trying to do a simple spreadsheet to use as a checklist for my kids every day.  I have the first column that lists all their subjects and the rest of the columns are the days of the week.  I just want them to see the list of subjects and check each box as it is completed each day.  Simple, basic.  No brainer.  Except I have been doing this for over an hour and I'm getting frustrated.


I first made the table in a text document but I could not for the life of me get the text (for the subjects) to center in the middle of the cell instead of at the top or bottom.- not center horizontally in the cell, vertically. :)  I knew the spreadsheet feature allows this so I switched to the spreadsheet.  I got everything done and formatted and go to write the names of each day across the top- and for the life of me, the program will not leave the names of the days of the week in caps lock.  It will let me caps lock all my subjects but it auto corrects the days of the week. :banghead:  I'm going to lose my mind.  Yes, this is a hill I am willing to die on.  I want the days of the week in caps.  :glare:  I have tried turning off all the autocorrect features but none affect the caps lock.


Why does this darn computer think it is smarter than me and is telling me what my table should look like.  :cursing:



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