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Anybody know about the new TOG mobile?

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Does anyone know how the new TOG mobile version works?  I couldn't really figure it out from the website.  I don't have TOG anyway, but that was actually my deal breaker, that I wanted it on the iPad.  (Well that and dd is sort of her own bird, but whatever, there's always the next kid!)  It said something on the site about logging into your account and then network settings and licenses.  So is it licensed to your network, your device, your dog, your...???  And then does it only work when you're online?  Like are you seeing on your iPad a file that is actually online?  So then when you are no longer online it doesn't work?  Or does it save a copy to your device?  Is it using some kind of app or lock lizard kind of thing?


Anyone know the scoop or know where the answer is on their site?  :)

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Hi Elizabeth,

It's licensed to your device. You must have purchased TOG Digital Edition to use it. TOG mobile uses the Lock Lizard App, currently apple devices only but soon to be on Android. A file is downloaded and opened in the LL app. Once that is done you do not have to be online to access week plan. 


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I recently purchased year 2, unit 1 and they let me beta test on the ipad.  I LOVE IT.  As a person who prefers books, holding paper in my hand, it is not 100% ideal, yet I am finding out it is not too bad!  Since I am just trying out TOG I did not want to pay for the paper and just bought the DE.  By having the ability to use it on my ipad I am able to look up answers to the student pages (don't have to print), look up the answers to the maps (another thing I don't have to print), and even reading the teacher's notes are convenient on my ipad for now.  When I have an R student I may want to hold the paper in my hand unless I get use to it this way.  It works without the internet, saved in the LockLizard.


BUT, for now, I am sooo glad to use it on my ipad.  It was really easy to set up, too.

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You and I have chatted about this type of thing before. :). I have it on my ipad now and it works beautifully. It is every bit as easy to navigate and search as DE is. I even put the new Poetics on it and I don't have to flip through my big bad binder or even boot up my laptop. Cheer!


I do have an R student and I like discussing from my ipad instead of paper (or laptop). All around, it is a winner, IMHO.

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You and I have chatted about this type of thing before. :). I have it on my ipad now and it works beautifully. It is every bit as easy to navigate and search as DE is. I even put the new Poetics on it and I don't have to flip through my big bad binder or even boot up my laptop. Cheer!


I do have an R student and I like discussing from my ipad instead of paper (or laptop). All around, it is a winner, IMHO.

Wow, that's awesome to hear.  I'm glad they finally worked it out and glad it's working out well for you.  :)  I don't know if it will ever work out to use TOG with my dd, but I have my ds in the wings, hehe.  I really like TOG and am glad to know it's a practical option finally if it's ever a good fit for us.  Fabulous.  Thanks for sharing how well it's going!   :)

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Seriously people!  How did I not know about this?  I've been a TOG user for years and am an avid iPad user as well.  I knew it was coming, but I didn't know it was available now!  Is there an app I have to download?

I know, I know!  They announced it in their monthly newsletter, but it was SO cryptic, you couldn't tell anything.  I assume we'll have to go to iTunes to find the app.  Dd is sort of in the middle of her own study, so I doubt she's at all interested in TOG right now.  I'm just glad to know it's finally a practical, really practical option.

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Here's how to get started.  Looks like it isn't an instant fix, but hopefully it won't take too long for them to review the applications.  It did say on the website that they would be charging a small fee for additional licenses, but I haven't run across that yet.


1. Go to Tapestryofgrace.com on whatever device you want TOG installed on.

2. Login to Download Centre

3. Step 1 - Download Locklizard Program - this will take you to the app store where you download the free Locklizard app

4. Step 2 - Download Device License - when you do this from your iPad a little window will pop up saying, "Hello iPad user! You will need to apply for an additional license to use this device.  Click HERE to do so."

5. Fill out application after clicking HERE.

6. Get a notification email saying that Lampstand will review my application for an additional license and that I'll receive another email when the license has been approved.

7. Wait and wait for the notification email - especially if you applied on a Sunday and you know they won't read emails today.

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I look forward to the Android version! It would be really nice to have it on a tablet, and when my kids get to D stage, it will especially be helpful!


I assume it would work like the desktop version does - the LockLizard app holds your device license and knows whether you can open certain files saved on the device.

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When I read into it, it sounded like it costs $5 to put it on each device. Back when they offered a free unit I was annoyed at having to read it on the computer screen. But I don't want to pay $5 just to preview it on my ipad (which would be way more convenient for me!)


I am more than happy to pay $5 to have TOG on my iPad - definitely more than worth it for me.  

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