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Anyone have rapid heart rate/breathlessness when pregnant?


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Hey! I was interested to see if anyone else has experienced this. I am 32 weeks, and have never had this happen with any of my other pregnancies (although I've never been almost 40 and pregnant before either). This usually happens when I'm standing still. I get breathless and my heart rate goes up to over 100--it feels sort of like if you've been running and suddenly stop (heart rate still up, still breathing fast, but you are not moving). It goes away when I sit down. I have had heart palpitations during all my pregnancies, and still have them, but this is different. (Just had an echo a few months ago, and it was normal). Anyone else?

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Yes.  It was diagnosed as supraventricular tachycardia (SVT).  I had had sporadic episodes before, but they increased dramatically during my second pregnancy.  When I had a episode that lasted >2 hours, my doctor insisted that I take atenolol for the rest of the pregnancy. 

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I did, especially with my first pregnancy in the last month or two. I would have spells of rapid heartbeat and breathlessness and would have to get off my feet and lie on my side to get it to stop. I also had issues with high blood pressure and edema though normally my BP had always been normal to low. I had to take iron for anemia during both pregnancies as well but am not anemic when not pregnant.

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I always got a bit of breathlessness around the four month mark, doc and I concurred it was related to hormones. Never lasted more than a couple of days.


However, post pregnancy with my last, I was quite anemic. The breathlessness and rapid heart rate are definitely symptoms of that. Have your doc check your iron levels (there are about three numbers to look for, not just one).



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I had this issue.  At times, my heart would race up to 140 bpm.  It made me feel faint.  Generally it was the worst during the second semester.  It came on with no warning.  I had a 24 hour heart monitor test, and all was well.  This was during pg number 1, which I was 28, so I don't think it is related to your age.  This happened to one extent or another during all four of my pgs.

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I had something similar with dd.  I had heart palpitations and breathlessness.  They did the twenty-four hour heart monitor, and everything was fine.  Looking back, I think it was most likely a combination of acid reflux and anxiety.  Acid reflux issues can feel exactly like heart palpitations for me.

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Well, at least I'm not alone! I just had my iron level checked, but it was that quick finger-stick one they read right away at the office. Maybe I'll ask and see if I should have a more in-depth test done. Thanks, everyone, for sharing your experiences!

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Mine was sinus tachycardia. My heart rate sometimes went beyond 160. Fluids and salt helped. (Make sure your blood pressure is okay first.) Compression hose are sometimes recommended because this can be caused by your heart working harder to pump your blood up from your lower body. You might check with a doctor about what kind are good for pregnancy.

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