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If your 5-6 grader works mostly independently, what curriculum are you using?

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Hi HappyGrace,


We strive for maximum independence.  So our curriculum choices reflect that as well (see signature). However that said some kids just need more help than others.  But at least when the curriculum is geared toward the student it allows the parent more time for individual assistance vs.doing excessive ball juggling just because the curriculum requires it.

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My 11 year old 5th grader


Saxon Math 76

Rod & Staff English 5

Spelling Workout E

Pentime Penmanship 5


Lively Latin Big Book 1 (first half)


Tapestry of Grace History, Literature, Geography Upper Grammar

Elemental Science Grammar level Chemistry



We sit down together for 20-30 minutes to discuss Saxon Math and R&S English daily. I spot check Latin & penmanship.

Together on Fridays: Spelling test, Science quiz, History Lapbook, Literature worksheet, and plan the next week. While we're planning, I thumb through all his work for the week to ensure nothing has been.... forgotten. ;) 


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My DS prefers working independently too. We make an effort to choose curricula with the "teaching" printed explicitly in the student text, rather than scripted lessons that must be read from a Teacher's Manual.  Everything we use is listed in my signature.

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Independent: Duolingo, unschooled history and science of his own interests (well, not completely independent since once he states the interest, I help find material or take him to the library, but then it becomes independent for a while till time for new material), partly independent, math--any seems to be partly independent with occasional help needed, fiction writing, reading


not independent: non fiction writing (composition, I mean, not penmanship)--seems not to be independent at this stage regardless of program--not sure it ever will be till off to college since reading and responding and help correcting and revising is needed.

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Not saying I recommend it, but that what we are using. The science moves too fast and is very dry and same with geography. History isn't too bad though. Writing and literature are fantastic, art History is fantastic, grammar is spotty on review but good stuff is covered, with diagramming included. Hands on art is good, and tied to the art history. Technology is very good but my son doesn't need it so we skip it. It also incorporates poetry, some public speaking, reports, and is written to the student with instructions to do things with the parent when it would be beneficial, like poetry reading practice, discussions, some oral exercises in grammar, and all literature discussions.


It's very thorough.

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Independent mostly, using TOG Y2.  We like to discuss history/church history together, and both DH (he works from home) and I are available for questions throughout the day.  DH gives DD a overview of Horizons Math before she starts work - pointing out the errors she made in the previous lesson or new concepts in the current lesson.  Then she goes off and does the assigned work.

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We use a combo:

Math and Eng we do together- Saxon and FLL IV

ds 19 or I read outloud FM -we are on mod ages



What she does indpendently:

memorize VP cards (she's been doing memory work since age 4 so she totally gets it) and poems

history (sotw cd's)- we've read them a couple of times.

IXL/ Time for Learning/ Vocab-Spelling City/ Rosetta Stone --all on-line programs.

Independent Reading

Science- Tiner series or Apologia eled Mp3


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Here is what my kids do independently:


Study Island


Code Academy

Singapore Math -Primary Math several years below grade level-used as review

Critical Thinking Skills

Thinking Blocks

Dragon Box

They read a lot on their own. If there are books that need to be read such as for history-Medieval Ages stories...I just fill their bookshelves in their room with them and that is their free reading books. They read at least an hour a night. 


I think my kids would like more independent work but I found they don't retain as much when that happens and they need more interaction to make things stick. They need me to ask questions, drill, review, discuss, probe etc. 


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My 6th grader has recently learned to work much more independently. It is as much about maturity and routine as it is about curricula. Having a checklist has made a big difference, as he is very motivated to work efficiently!


On his own:

Math Minutes

Growing with Grammar

PH Science Explorer (read section, fill out guided study workbook)

Literature reading

K12 Human Odyssey (I do go over the student guide and highlight the tasks)


With me:

Math instruction (and usually he needs some help completing the practice problems)

Logic of English


Literature discussion

Corrections to grammar & math

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5th grader's independent work:


Singapore Math 5 (he's always been quite independent with Math)

selected books from Charlotte Mason Help

Daily Grammar Practice

Jump In

cursive copywork

Hey Andrew ... Greek

Logic Liftoff

Scratch programming

Mystery of History (audio), plus corresponding history readings


5th grader's "with Mom" work:


Dictation Day by Day

Math/Grammar corrections/review

writing instruction (across the curriculum -- currently using Story of Inventions)

Voskamp's Geography Vol 1, Beechick's book on Genesis,  & Making Brothers and Sisters Best Friends (reading these aloud to oldest three children)



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5th Grader:


R&S spelling

CLE LA grammar portions only

BJU Math (I do present these lessons to make sure he's got it.)

Apologia and A Beka science (I do more of the Apologia with him, but the A Beka is mostly independent.)

US History (He is doing a lot of reading in spines and fiction books.)

Book Club (reading novels for discussion at book club and unit study activities while there)

IEW US History writing (I help with these assignments as needed, and I teach the co-op class he uses it in.)



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  • 3 weeks later...

My 4th grader is not that independent yet, but he does Notgrass History independently (we don't do the writing or projects, but we do the maps, timeline, and most of the literature). He wants to do it again next year. They have at least 2 curriculums for 5-8 grades, and I think they are working on two more.


He also does the root word books from Critical Thinking Company independently. Sometimes Inference Jones independently.

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Indy is 11 and 6th grade.  He does most of his stuff independently, though I of course help out if he needs it, and explain certain things, like grammar, Greek and Latin.  I also read history to him, but that's my choice, because I like it.  :)




Teaching Textbooks 7


Elemental Science (I do sometimes ask him questions from the TM, must to make sure he's really paint attention)


Killgallon Grammar for Middle School (again, I have to help out every now and then, but mostly he's good)


Oxford University Press History (currently using the history of Rome).  He does the worksheets on his own, after I read to him.


Greek to GCSE*


Cambridge Latin*


*These 2 I help him more with than the others, but Latin he can pretty well do on his own


Logic for Kids-This is the only thing he does that is not independent.  I read it to him, and then we discuss it.


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