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Middle School Spanish workbook?


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Any recommendations on a middle school Spanish workbook for a one semester (1/2 year) course?


Background - my DS (8th grade 13)

He is not very interested in foreign languages but I feel that he will under perform in High School Spanish I next year without some exposure at the middle school level. His charter school offers Spanish but requires everything written in cursive which he can not stand (and I don't disagree). He agreed to do a home/after school program with his mother who has a minor in Spanish.  I am interested in the reading and writing (grammar) aspect but his mother will of course teach him the proper pronunciation. So we don't need audio etc.  Probably just a need a workbook that introduces topics and asks for written response such as "fill in the blank". It needs to be of Middle School level and interest - no kiddie books please.


Anyone use "Getting Started with Spanish" by Linney and Orta?










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We did Getting Started with Spanish last year and liked it.  My dd was 9 and it was easy enough for her to understand but wasn't fluffy in any way.  No fancy colored pages. It is meant for all ages, even adults and is structured for that.  I had 4 years of Spanish in HS/college and imho it introduced topics in a very logical way.  For the price, I don't think you could get a better basic introduction to Spanish.  

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Two ideas - Spanish Now! Level 1 by Barron's, and Breaking the Spanish Barrier.  I used Spanish Now! for Level 1 and thought it was good, but Level 2 was written by someone else and was awful, and then I used Breaking the Spanish Barrier for Levels 2 and 3.  Both these programs are worktexts (both teaching and exercises in one book, and are meant to be written in), and I think both work best when there is someone who can teach the course, but since your wife has a minor in Spanish (as do I) I think these would be good choices.

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