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Sap removal (or at least minimizing the damage)?


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I have a very elaborate hand-knit tree skirt,  I noticed this morning that there are a few drops of sap on it from the tree.  Our yard has a lot of pines so I know you cannot get sap out of anything....clothing, children's feet, the cats, or even off the cars.  What is the best way to minimize the damage to the skirt and remove as much as possible?  Or at least remove enough to prevent it from sticking to itself?  Anyone know?

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I use cooking oil to dissolve it.  It does come off. It takes lots, and a bit of rubbing (don't felt it). Then you have to wash it a few times to get the oil out. SInce it's knit, you might want to arrange a place to dry it flat after you wash it.


I was also going to suggest cooking oil. That's the only thing I've found to remove sap. Good luck!

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What do you suggest if it cannot be washed?  It is unwashable but I can spot-clean it, I think.  Would you still use olive oil knowing that it is likely it cannot be completely washed out?


Is it like gum?  Could I freeze it and then remove the raised droplets?  Not all will be gone, but at least the bulk of it will be removed before trying anything else.

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I wonder if sap removal might be similar to wax removal?  I've been able to get wax out of many fabrics with the ironing method.  You take a paper bag (like a grocery bag or lunch bag), place it on the spot, and then iron on top of the bag.  The heat will absorb the wax into the bag.


I've never tried that method with sap, but just googled - looks like some sites do recommend the ironing method to remove sap, but they warn that results vary (it might come out, or you might actually iron the stain deeper into the fabric). 




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