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Dancing Bears question


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Hi, I am still looking at Phonics and Reading for my two ds, adopted from Ukraine. They have some delays, and are pretty fluent in English. I am ready to teach them to read. They both know letters and sounds, but my 6 year old doesn't understand blending. I used AAR pre level 1 with him last year, and have been doing the Explode the Code books A, B, and C this fall. I have looked at AAR 1 for him, but I am concerned it starts too fast. I like Dancing Bears for teaching how to blend, but I am not sure how the program is as it progresses. If you have used it, do you find it to be thorough? I really want to lay a strong foundation. They may have some dyslexia, but it's too soon to tell. Would this be a good program for us? Thanks

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Honestly, I think it might go a bit too fast.  It does some work on beginning blending, but that isn't its strength.  You might look at ABeCeDarian's level A.  I haven't used it, but it looks pretty thorough in that regard.  You could also try some work with the I See Sam books and the cursor.  That might be more engaging and would give you an idea of the ability to blend.  Plus the first couple levels of I See Sam are online for free.

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I would do the I See Sam books first to get a solid foundation and then start the Dancing Bears or Bear Necessity after the 2nd or 3rd set. The books make kids feel very successful with their reading. Then after set 4 or so start with Apples and Pears spelling and go as slow as needed.

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Thank you for your replies. After much research, I have a plan. While he finishes up the Explode the Code A B C books for a few weeks, I will try the I See Sam readers. Then we will move into ABCeDarian. I really think this will be easy for me to use and be great for my son(s). I will try to report back to tell you how it is going. Thanks, Lillian

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