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Bummers_ I have pneumonia


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I am very glad I went to the urgent care and waited all those hours.  Turns out it is nit my usual bad case of bronchitis, it is pneumonia.  I got a shot of an antibiotic, a shot of steroids (since I was not breathing well) and a heavy dose of antibiotics to take plus use albuterol around the clock.  I go back in three days for them to recheck me.  I was so happy that the doctor did the xray and actually took me seriously.  I keep going to the same urgent care because the doctor is really, really good.  


The bummers part is that I can expect for the recovery to take many weeks.   I am the main cook for Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  I already have my daughter here and I am getting two more guests coming along with one other dog and one other cat.  I am going to try to get the two extra dogs into a kennel.


Anyway, I would appreciate prayers.

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I'm sorry.  Hopefully your recovery is faster than anticipated.  I was pretty sick for two weeks when i had it but I didn't go to the doctor right away and then she put me on the wrong antibiotic so I had to start something new.  Once the antibiotic started working I began feeling better.  By three and a half weeks from the time I first felt sick I was back at the gym.  I hope your antibiotic starts working right away and you begin feeling better by the end of the week. :)


Whatever you do be sure to rest, rest, and rest some more!



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This is my third time with pneumonia.   The first time, I was in my early thirty's and I can't really remember how long it took to recover.  Then later in my thirties, the whole entire family got mycoplasmic pneumonia.  I knew that iit took a number of weeks since My middle kid was not diagnosis for almost a week and then the rest of us started getting it.  But this is the first time I have gotten pneumonia since I have been on immunosuppressants so I don't know what to expecr.

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This is my third time with pneumonia.   The first time, I was in my early thirty's and I can't really remember how long it took to recover.  Then later in my thirties, the whole entire family got mycoplasmic pneumonia.  I knew that iit took a number of weeks since My middle kid was not diagnosis for almost a week and then the rest of us started getting it.  But this is the first time I have gotten pneumonia since I have been on immunosuppressants so I don't know what to expecr.

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