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Just call me Mrs. Scrooge

plain jane

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I normally love Christmas shopping for the kids and I spend a great deal of mental energy on exactly what to give each of them. It's something I have always enjoyed and I actually look forward to getting them that "perfect" gift, even if it means hours upon hours of scouring websites and shopping malls and TRU sales.

This year, however, I'm just not feeling it. Maybe it's because I have so many kids, but there are so many toys now. Too many. And there is nothing left to give, if that makes sense. There is no big, cool gift that any of the kids want. In fact, if you ask them what they want, one will say Lego, but not a specific set, another says elastics for the Rainbow Loom lol. How's that for a "big" gift- a couple packages of rubber bands. Ha ha ha

I have no idea what to get any of the kids. There is nothing they need. We can't go on a trip as dh can't get time off work and I have no desire to take them on my own.

So what to do? I saw an air hockey table at Costco and thought they would all enjoy that but it's a $400 gamble (or $300 I can't remember) on something that nobody has explicitly said they would like, kwim? Plus it would take up a lot of room. I do think they would love it and use it quite a bit. But....

I thought maybe a WiiU but nobody is really asking for that either and my boys have more screen time than I would like. They do love the Mario games and I know they would be thrilled but they also tend to fight once they get on the video games (and cry and all sorts of ridiculous behaviours).

The only other thing I came up with was the new Skylanders game but they already have the original and Giants and have not yet completed either of those. And again, nobody is asking for it.

I feel at this point dh and I will be spending money just for the sake of spending money and I really don't want to do this.  I despise random "stuff" even at Christmastime.  I'm not sure what to do. I want to make Christmas special but there are no gifts that anybody wants.

I did offer a weekend away at a GWL but due to activities and such, it would be the end of January before we could go. Hardly a Christmas present and a long time to wait for little kids. Plus, since we dicussed it, it would hardly be a surprise. And the level of excitement over it is... lacklustre at best.

I'm just not picking up that Christmas vibe this year. Can anyone help me out? Commiserate?

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Maybe open a box full of swim trunks and etc. for the GWL trip?


I'm right there with you. One of my friends does 4 gifts every year: something you want, something you need, something to wear, and something to read. I thought that was brilliant, but I'm too humbuggy to figure it out. They're getting a couple of things from their Santa wish lists and a board game, a book set, and whatever jumps in my amazon cart (the dangerous unknown).

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Maybe open a box full of swim trunks and etc. for the GWL trip?


I'm right there with you. One of my friends does 4 gifts every year: something you want, something you need, something to wear, and something to read. I thought that was brilliant, but I'm too humbuggy to figure it out. They're getting a couple of things from their Santa wish lists and a board game, a book set, and whatever jumps in my amazon cart (the dangerous unknown).


They all already have swimming stuff.  :unsure: 


I thought about that want/need/wear/read thing. For two of them, there is nothing they want. One wants an iPad app (but iTunes card is out of the question as I still have $80 in iTunes card from my iMac purchase). They all have more clothes than they need. How that happened, I'm not sure. But one more article each will put me over the top. Lol. Unless its underwear. Lol. There are a couple of them that could use new underwear. ;) Need? None of them "need" anything. Ugh. And read, we'll that's a given. They do each get new books for Christmas but that never the high point of the morning, kwim?



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Can you wrap up things for experiences later? Maybe buy some Lego sets (who doesn't need more Lego). If you don't need more stuff, don't buy more stuff. How about food items or a couple of board games to play on Christmas day.

I wish I could get a new board game. They love board games but we have so many. Like almost 100. Not kidding- dd12 counted. Ack. Dh almost ... well ... let's just leave it at he wasn't amused.


But I do like a new board game now and then. ;). Obviously. Lol  :001_tt2:

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We did a January trip one year and it was great. I wrapped up a piece of paper with a invitation to the trip I had made (just something silly, you could make it a ticket or a “brochure†or whatever). We wrapped a few things to go with it...it was a place that was a combo water park like GWL and snowtubing place. But the things I wrapped were kind of goofy and not real presents (a innertube, a pair of goggles, and something else I can’t remember). Then we did stockings and a new book for each and that was it. They weren’t disappointed and in some ways it was nice having the big trip to look forward to. And then when they got to go and everyone else was back to normal routine and school they loved it.  

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We did a January trip one year and it was great. I wrapped up a piece of paper with a invitation to the trip I had made (just something silly, you could make it a ticket or a “brochure†or whatever). We wrapped a few things to go with it...it was a place that was a combo water park like GWL and snowtubing place. But the things I wrapped were kind of goofy and not real presents (a innertube, a pair of goggles, and something else I can’t remember). Then we did stockings and a new book for each and that was it. They weren’t disappointed and in some ways it was nice having the big trip to look forward to. And then when they got to go and everyone else was back to normal routine and school they loved it.  



We did something similar for our Disney trip one year.  Their big present that year was going to Disney.  I got a photo case and bought some Disney scrapbooking stickers so they could make a scrapbook page after the trip, although that never happened.


I can't remember if your kids know about the trip to GWL.  If not, maybe you could do something similar.  You could include some money in the case too for them to use on the trip.


eta:  If they already know about the trip, remind/tell that's their big gift this year in the same way.

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Sally, Charlie Brown's sister: "Just send money. How about tens and twenties?"


When my kids don't know what we want, we go window shopping at Toys R Us.


Get the kids who know what they want, what they want. Maybe a window shopping excursion will help the kids who don't know what they want to come up with something.


Make the Big Gift the trip to GWL.

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When I didn't know what my kids wanted, I gave them things I wanted them to have that I knew they would like. Never too many books.  When younger, never too many Legos.  I guess most people don't buy CDs anymore but how about some music you think (or know) they would like?  Art supplies?  Puzzles?


Maybe you should go through the board games and get rid of the ones that everyone's tired of; then there will be room for some new ones.


My son loves what we call "browsing books" - encyclopedias, DK Eyewitness type books and such.  He's loved them since he was a little guy.  This year I got a used copy of the DK/Smithsonian Animals for him. 

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This has to be a great contender for 'first world problem of the year.' I mean - there is just nothing left to buy!!!


I think you should get each kid a couple of small fun things to open, and then go for the air hockey table. Who cares if they didn't ask for it? They have lots of stuff, and that would provide a great deal of entertainment. Ask you next door neighbor of it can be delivered to his/her garage a day or two before Christmas. Then Christmas Eve, you can all carry it over after the kids are in bed!

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This has to be a great contender for 'first world problem of the year.' I mean - there is just nothing left to buy!!!


I think you should get each kid a couple of small fun things to open, and then go for the air hockey table. Who cares if they didn't ask for it? They have lots of stuff, and that would provide a great deal of entertainment. Ask you next door neighbor of it can be delivered to his/her garage a day or two before Christmas. Then Christmas Eve, you can all carry it over after the kids are in bed!


Well there is plenty left to buy, I just don't want to buy it.  They really don't need it.  It's not because they have absolutely everything. ;)  Or anywhere near. 


I don't want to spend money for the sake of spending money yet I want to make Christmas special.  I just want to keep "stuff" to a minimum while creating that excitement feeling on Christmas morning for the kids.  I guess I am having a hard time coming up with how to do that when there are no "wow" gifts that any of the kids would like. 


Don't get me wrong- it really isn't because there is nothing left to buy.  We just don't watch commercials on TV that invoke the want for things to buy.  ;)

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We tend to go practical...Here are items we've given/grandparents have given/or are contenders to be given.


Real bow and arrows (for everyone as dd's are both different eye dominant and can't share), along with archery club membership

Hiking boots

camping chair (that folds to the size of a Nalgene bottle)

Letherman tool

Samsung galaxy players (used some for fun, some for educational apps, they take pics and make movies too)

Gorilla pod for the player so they can do their shows

Nice RC cars ($100ish each)

Beanbag chair

desk/chair for their room

games for the family

DVD's for the family


Bed canopy...dd1 really wants the leaf from IKEA for over her bed...dd2 is more of a tulle kind of gal

Fishing vest

Cowboy hat

Stick horse


Hiking backpacks (can you tell we enjoy the outdoors)

Gymnastics or Swimming lessons


Honestly, just think of 1 or 2 things, they don't have to be big. DD1 got 3 things from us for her birthday, but they were things she just LOVED and uses them often, so thoughtful outweighs big in my book.


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Well there is plenty left to buy, I just don't want to buy it.  They really don't need it.  It's not because they have absolutely everything. ;)  Or anywhere near. 


I don't want to spend money for the sake of spending money yet I want to make Christmas special.  I just want to keep "stuff" to a minimum while creating that excitement feeling on Christmas morning for the kids.  I guess I am having a hard time coming up with how to do that when there are no "wow" gifts that any of the kids would like. 


Don't get me wrong- it really isn't because there is nothing left to buy.  We just don't watch commercials on TV that invoke the want for things to buy.   ;)

I would go for experiences then...is it too late to get tickets to a play or concert? Last year we took the train downtown (new experience) Saw the Santaland display, had supper and watched the light up parade. It was a blast!


Skating or sledding after dark, then out for cocoa

Downhill skiing?

Horsedrawn carriage ride?


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How about filling up stockings for yours to have something to open on Christmas and then adopt a family that is in need...just an idea.  If there was truly nothing they wanted or needed I would not spend money  just for the sake of the holiday.

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If they aren't asking for things, I would give what I wanted them to have.

My kids never asked for anything in the Magic Cabin catalog but they always got things from there. Some were a bust, some were loved. They never asked for silks but got really excited when they got new ones.


My boys didn't really ask for anything this year. They are both getting an iPad mini. It is mostly so I can put homeschool books on it but I know they will be a hit. (DD inherited DH's iPad when he decided he wanted a mini not a full size and already has most of her textbooks on it and I love it.)


I say get the table. You know it will be hit and be enjoyed, that is all that matters.

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If they aren't asking for things, I would give what I wanted them to have.

My kids never asked for anything in the Magic Cabin catalog but they always got things from there. Some were a bust, some were loved. They never asked for silks but got really excited when they got new ones.


My boys didn't really ask for anything this year. They are both getting an iPad mini. It is mostly so I can put homeschool books on it but I know they will be a hit. (DD inherited DH's iPad when he decided he wanted a mini not a full size and already has most of her textbooks on it and I love it.)


I say get the table. You know it will be hit and be enjoyed, that is all that matters.


I loved the Magic Cabin catalog.  We couldn't buy many things from it ($$$!) but the things we did were treasured. Silks, for sure.  I don't know the OP's kids' ages but silks might be a great gift, depending.

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  • 2 weeks later...

When I didn't know what my kids wanted, I gave them things I wanted them to have that I knew they would like. Never too many books.  When younger, never too many Legos.  I guess most people don't buy CDs anymore but how about some music you think (or know) they would like?  Art supplies?  Puzzles?


Maybe you should go through the board games and get rid of the ones that everyone's tired of; then there will be room for some new ones.


My son loves what we call "browsing books" - encyclopedias, DK Eyewitness type books and such.  He's loved them since he was a little guy.  This year I got a used copy of the DK/Smithsonian Animals for him. 


This is how I do it also.  DD has never made a Christmas list and has also never been disappointed on Christmas.  One memory that still amuses me is the year that I asked her if she wanted to make a Christmas list ... I thought it was a right of passage and she would be delighted to list all the little things her heart desired.  Nope.  She looked at me and said without a trace of disappointment and said, "Why?  You're just going to get me what you want me to have anyway."  


She's 9 yos and Chews-on-Books is 7 weeks so there's big discrepancy there but what they have under the tree are:


Haba wood blocks

Keva planks



Enough books to stock a third world library

AG doll dresses

A few good quality special vehicle type toys - this and this


I like to buy toys that I think will be enjoyed by my grandchildren ... that's not to say that an occasional Monster High doll hasn't managed to sneak into my house.

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When I didn't know what my kids wanted, I gave them things I wanted them to have that I knew they would like. Never too many books.  When younger, never too many Legos.  I guess most people don't buy CDs anymore but how about some music you think (or know) they would like?  Art supplies?  Puzzles?


Maybe you should go through the board games and get rid of the ones that everyone's tired of; then there will be room for some new ones.


My son loves what we call "browsing books" - encyclopedias, DK Eyewitness type books and such.  He's loved them since he was a little guy.  This year I got a used copy of the DK/Smithsonian Animals for him. 


This is how I do it also.  DD has never made a Christmas list and has also never been disappointed on Christmas.  One memory that still amuses me is the year that I asked her if she wanted to make a Christmas list ... I thought it was a right of passage and she would be delighted to list all the little things her heart desired.  Nope.  She looked at me and said without a trace of disappointment and said, "Why?  You're just going to get me what you want me to have anyway."  


She's 9 yos and Chews-on-Books is 7 weeks so there's big discrepancy there but what they have under the tree are:


Haba wood blocks

Keva planks



Enough books to stock a third world library

AG doll dresses

A few good quality special vehicle type toys - this and this


I like to buy toys that I think will be enjoyed by my grandchildren ... that's not to say that an occasional Monster High doll hasn't managed to sneak into my house.

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My boys had specific lists this year but my DD didn't. In fact when she went to see Santa he asked her what she wanted for Christmas and she said " I have all the toys I need thanks" lol.


She told me she likes anything I choose....so I went out and got her things I wanted her to have that I know are in keeping with her current interests which at the moment are anything pony and horses. Guidelines are pink or girly colours, sparkly, pretty and horsey themed. So she is getting playmobile unicorns and pegasus, barbies with ponies, equestria girl dolls, my little pony toys and lots of craft stuff. I also noticed she has outgrown all her dress up clothes so I got her some new ones. She loves to build so I got her some pink geomags. She doesn't really have a wow present like the boys do but I think she will be happy.


My DS is getting the new Skylander game ...he also has the other two that he hasn't finished. I don't see why that matters ...but my kids love Skylanders ...if your kids are luke warm on it I can see why it would be a consideration.


What about the Disney Infinity game...my kids would love to get that eventually.


Playdough was also at the top of my 4yos list although my other kids love it too.

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Get them just the air hockey table and call it done. I think it would be a lot of fun, and they can play together and with friends.


This year we are getting the boys one thing to share. It is a videocam and they will adore it like nothing else, but that is it. There is no need to buy stuff just to fill up under the tree. If you know they don't need or want anything, then why give in to the pressure to consume more?

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How old are your kids? My just turned nine and we are doing the something you want, something you need etc. they each wanted a stuffed animal (under $20), the boys are getting socks and underwear as their need, dd a journal, ... So nothing overly huge or glamorous but they are thrilled and excited just the same. At first they had a hard time coming up with something they needed and we talked about how that was okay. We didn't need to buy just to buy, and maybe we could buy something instead for someone else. They're at an age where they get it, so if yours are this age or older, I wouldn't worry so much. It's a good time to teach more about giving and restraint, and finding joy in the smaller things. Merry Christmas!


Just adding that I threw away all the toy catalogs that came in this year, and the kids don't watch tv, so they didn't miss any useless junk. :)

I normally love Christmas shopping for the kids and I spend a great deal of mental energy on exactly what to give each of them. It's something I have always enjoyed and I actually look forward to getting them that "perfect" gift, even if it means hours upon hours of scouring websites and shopping malls and TRU sales.


This year, however, I'm just not feeling it. Maybe it's because I have so many kids, but there are so many toys now. Too many. And there is nothing left to give, if that makes sense. There is no big, cool gift that any of the kids want. In fact, if you ask them what they want, one will say Lego, but not a specific set, another says elastics for the Rainbow Loom lol. How's that for a "big" gift- a couple packages of rubber bands. Ha ha ha


I have no idea what to get any of the kids. There is nothing they need. We can't go on a trip as dh can't get time off work and I have no desire to take them on my own.


So what to do? I saw an air hockey table at Costco and thought they would all enjoy that but it's a $400 gamble (or $300 I can't remember) on something that nobody has explicitly said they would like, kwim? Plus it would take up a lot of room. I do think they would love it and use it quite a bit. But....


I thought maybe a WiiU but nobody is really asking for that either and my boys have more screen time than I would like. They do love the Mario games and I know they would be thrilled but they also tend to fight once they get on the video games (and cry and all sorts of ridiculous behaviours).


The only other thing I came up with was the new Skylanders game but they already have the original and Giants and have not yet completed either of those. And again, nobody is asking for it.


I feel at this point dh and I will be spending money just for the sake of spending money and I really don't want to do this. I despise random "stuff" even at Christmastime. I'm not sure what to do. I want to make Christmas special but there are no gifts that anybody wants.


I did offer a weekend away at a GWL but due to activities and such, it would be the end of January before we could go. Hardly a Christmas present and a long time to wait for little kids. Plus, since we dicussed it, it would hardly be a surprise. And the level of excitement over it is... lacklustre at best.


I'm just not picking up that Christmas vibe this year. Can anyone help me out? Commiserate?

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I'm not sure how old your kids are, but I'm getting that there are a few of them. So, that Air Hockey table sounds like an awesome idea. I'd add a few small presents for each kid.


If you are looking for ideas for each kid, try Pinterest. I know people can get bogged down with that site. But, it can be helpful if you're specific. Try searching for gifts for a 12 yo girl who likes horses or something like that.

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