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Dear students who are smarter than your teachers,

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Would you invent a Latin website like Khan Academy? It could have 2 "halves" - one a sequential grammar-based series of youtube videos, and the other a randomized but-still-linked-to-the-lessons "Mastery Challenge" board, :)


I will volunteer my time personally as your test subject.


And when you get done with that, for extra credit, you could add in a few extra languages, too.




One of your humble teachers, seeking to self-educate as we journey this road together

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It's not the video-teaching only, it's those magically-motivating point totals zooming up when I get 5 problems correct in a row! :)


And the little "I need a hint" button . . . it hits that perfect balance of "I THINK I know how to do this, and I want to try" but "I also need an easy / quick way to check if I'm really truly off base."


LOVE it.


So . . . any genius student takers? :)

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